The DialogButton class represents a button of the built-in SpellCheckDialog. Objects of this class can be added or removed to the dialog by modifying the SpellCheckDialog.IgnoreButtons, SpellCheckDialog.ChangeButtons and SpellCheckDialog.OptionButtons dialog button collections.


public sealed class DialogButton
Public NotInheritable Class DialogButton

Introduced: 3.0.


Constructor Description
DialogButton Initializes a new instance of the DialogButton class.


Property Description
Enabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether the DialogButton can respond to user interaction.
FontFamily Gets or sets the font family of the text displayed by the DialogButton.
FontSize Gets or sets the font size of the text displayed by the DialogButton.
FontStyle Gets or sets the font style of the text displayed by the DialogButton.
FontWeight Gets or sets the font weight of the text displayed by the DialogButton.
IsDeleteButton Gets or sets a value specifying the DialogButton text.
IsUndoEditButton Gets or sets a value specifying the DialogButton text.
Text Gets or sets the text displayed by the DialogButton.
Type Gets a value of type ButtonType which is specified for the DialogButton.