Returns an array of MenuItems, which are used to create a custom spell check ContextMenu.

Introduced: 3.0.

GetMenuItems(Object, Object, Int)

public WPF.Proofing.MenuItem[] GetMenuItems(object misspelledWord, object textControl, int maxSuggestions);
Public Function GetMenuItems(misspelledWord As Object, textControl As Object, maxSuggestions As Integer) As WPF.Proofing.MenuItem()

GetMenuItems(Proofing.IncorrectWord, String, Int)

public WPF.Proofing.MenuItem[] GetMenuItems(Proofing.IncorrectWord incorrectWord, string sourceText, int maxSuggestions);
Public Function GetMenuItems(incorrectWord As Proofing.IncorrectWord, sourceText As String, maxSuggestions As Integer) As WPF.Proofing.MenuItem()


Parameter Description
misspelledWord The misspelled word of type TXTextControl.MisspelledWord for that the array of menu items are created.
textControl The control of type TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl that contains the misspelled word.
incorrectWord The misspelled word of type IncorrectWord for that the array of menu items is created.
sourceText The text that contains the misspelled word.
maxSuggestions The maximum number of suggestions that should be created for the incorrect word.

Return Value

The array of type WPF.MenuItem for the specified misspelled word.