TXTextControl.CommentCollection.Count |
Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. |
TXTextControl.CommentCollection.IsSynchronized |
Returns true if the collection is designed to be thread safe, otherwise, it returns false. |
TXTextControl.CommentCollection.Item |
Gets the comment with the specified number from the collection. |
TXTextControl.CommentCollection.SyncRoot |
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. |
TXTextControl.CommentEventArgs.CommentedText |
Gets an object that represents the commented text. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Active |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether the comment is currently active or not. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Comment |
Gets or sets a string which is the comment. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.CreationTime |
Gets the date and time when the comment has been inserted. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.DefaultHighlightColor |
Gets the default highlight color for the commented text. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.HighlightColor |
Gets or sets the highlight color for the commented text. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.HighlightMode |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the commented text is highlighted. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.ID |
Gets or sets a user-defined identifier. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Length |
Gets the number of commented characters. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Number |
Gets the comment's number. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.RepliedComment |
Gets the comment for which this comment is a reply. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Replies |
Gets all replies of this comment or null if there are no replies. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Start |
Gets the index (one-based) of the first commented character. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Text |
Gets the commented text. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.UserName |
Gets the name of the user who has commented the document. |
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.Comments |
Gets a collection of all comments. |