

Class Description
TXTextControl.Table An instance of the Table class represents a table in a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.TableBaseCollection The TableBaseCollection class is the base class for the table collection classes.
TXTextControl.TableCell An instance of the TableCell class represents a single cell of a table in a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.TableCellCollection An instance of the TableCellCollection class contains all cells of a table in a Text Control document represented through TableCell objects.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat An instance of the TableCellFormat class represents the formatting attributes of a table cell.
TXTextControl.TableCollection An instance of the TableCollection class contains all tables of a Text Control document or part of the document represented through objects of the type Table.
TXTextControl.TableColumn An instance of the TableColumn class represents a single column of a table in a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.TableColumnCollection An instance of the TableColumnCollection class contains all columns of a table in a Text Control document represented through objects of the type TableColumn.
TXTextControl.TableEventArgs The TableEventArgs class provides data for the TextControl.TableCreated, TextControl.TableDeleted and TextControl.TableFormatChanged events.
TXTextControl.TablePartCollection The TablePartCollection class is the base class of the TableRowCollection, TableColumnCollection and TableCellCollection classes.
TXTextControl.TableRow An instance of the TableRow class represents a single row of a table in a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.TableRowCollection An instance of the TableRowCollection class contains all rows of a table in a Text Control document represented through objects of the type TableRow.


Event Description
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.TableCreated Occurs after a new table has been created when loading a document which contains a table without an identifier.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.TableDeleted Occurs after a table has been deleted.


Method Description
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnTableCreated Raises the TableCreated event.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnTableDeleted Raises the TableDeleted event.
TXTextControl.Table.MergeCells Merges all selected table cells in this table.
TXTextControl.Table.Select Selects the table or a part of the table.
TXTextControl.Table.Split Splits a table below or above the current input position.
TXTextControl.Table.SplitCells Splits all selected table cells in this table.
TXTextControl.TableBaseCollection.Clear Removes all tables contained in the collection from a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.TableBaseCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.TableBaseCollection.GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
TXTextControl.TableBaseCollection.GetItem Gets a particular table from the collection.
TXTextControl.TableBaseCollection.Remove Removes a particular table from the collection.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Select Selects the table cell.
TXTextControl.TableCellCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.TableCellCollection.GetItem Gets a particular table cell from the collection.
TXTextControl.TableCellCollection.Remove Removes the table cell at the current text input position or all selected table cells when a text selection exists.
TXTextControl.TableCollection.Add Adds a new table at the current text input position.
TXTextControl.TableCollection.GetItem Gets the table at the current input position.
TXTextControl.TableCollection.Remove Removes the table at the current text input position.
TXTextControl.TableColumn.Select Selects the table column.
TXTextControl.TableColumnCollection.Add Adds a new table column at the current text input position.
TXTextControl.TableColumnCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.TableColumnCollection.GetItem Gets a particular table column from the collection.
TXTextControl.TableColumnCollection.Remove Removes the table column at the current text input position or all selected table columns when a text selection exists.
TXTextControl.TablePartCollection.GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
TXTextControl.TableRow.Select Selects the table row.
TXTextControl.TableRowCollection.Add Adds new table rows at the current text input position.
TXTextControl.TableRowCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.TableRowCollection.GetItem Gets a particular table row from the collection.
TXTextControl.TableRowCollection.Remove Removes the selected table rows or the row at the current text input position.


Property Description
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.FormulaReferenceStyle Gets or sets a value determining how references to table cells in formulas are specified.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.IsFormulaCalculationEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether formulas in tables are automatically calculated when the text of an input cell is changed.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.Tables Gets a collection of all tables contained in the document.
TXTextControl.Table.CanMergeCells Checks whether table cells can be merged.
TXTextControl.Table.CanSplit Checks whether this table can be split.
TXTextControl.Table.CanSplitCells Returns true, if the currently selected table cells are merged.
TXTextControl.Table.Cells Gets a collection of all table cells the table consists of.
TXTextControl.Table.Columns Gets a collection of all columns the table consists of.
TXTextControl.Table.ID Gets or sets the table's identifier.
TXTextControl.Table.NestedLevel Gets the nested level for the specified table.
TXTextControl.Table.NestedTables Gets a collection of all tables nested in this table.
TXTextControl.Table.OuterTable Gets a table's outer table.
TXTextControl.Table.OuterMostTable Gets a table's outermost table.
TXTextControl.Table.Rows Gets a collection of all rows the table consists of.
TXTextControl.TableBaseCollection.Count Gets the number of tables contained in the collection.
TXTextControl.TableBaseCollection.IsSynchronized Returns true if the collection is designed to be thread safe, otherwise, it returns false.
TXTextControl.TableBaseCollection.SyncRoot Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection.
TXTextControl.TableCell.CellFormat Gets or sets the formatting attributes of a table cell.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Column Gets the table cell's column number.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Formula Gets or sets the table cell's formula.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Length Gets the number of characters in the table cell.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Name Gets or sets the cell's name.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Position Gets or sets, in twips, the horizontal position of the cell.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Row Gets the table cell's row number.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Text Gets or sets the cell's text.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Start Gets the index (one-based) of the first character in the table cell.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Width Gets or sets, in twips, the width of the cell.
TXTextControl.TableCellCollection.CanRemove Gets a value indicating whether table cells can be removed.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.BackColor Gets or sets the table cell's background color.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.BottomBorderColor Gets or sets the color of the table cell's bottom border.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.BottomBorderWidth Gets or sets, in twips, the width of the table cell's bottom border.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.BottomTextDistance Gets or sets, in twips, the distance between the table cell's bottom border and its text.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.LeftBorderColor Gets or sets the color of the table cell's left border.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.LeftBorderWidth Gets or sets, in twips, the width of the table cell's left border.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.LeftTextDistance Gets or sets, in twips, the distance between the table cell's left border and its text.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.NumberFormat Gets or sets a number format for the table cell.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.RightBorderColor Gets or sets the color of the table cell's right border.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.RightBorderWidth Gets or sets, in twips, the width of the table cell's right border.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.RightTextDistance Gets or sets, in twips, the distance between the table cell's right border and its text.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.TextType Gets or sets the text type of the table cell which determines whether the cell's text is interpreted as a number or as text When the type is Standard, the cell's text is interpreted as text and it is displayed as it is.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.TopBorderColor Gets or sets the color of the table cell's top border.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.TopBorderWidth Gets or sets, in twips, the width of the table cell's top border.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.TopTextDistance Gets or sets, in twips, the distance between the table cell's top border and its text.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.VerticalAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the text in the table cell.
TXTextControl.TableCollection.CanAdd Gets a value indicating whether a new table can be inserted at the current input position.
TXTextControl.TableCollection.GridLines Gets or sets a value indicating wether table grid lines are shown or not.
TXTextControl.TableCollection.SupportedFormulaFunctions Gets a list of all formula functions currently supported.
TXTextControl.TableCollection.SupportedNumberFormats Gets a list of often used number formats for formula results.
TXTextControl.TableColumn.CellFormat Gets or sets the formatting attributes of a table column.
TXTextControl.TableColumn.Column Gets the number of the table column represented through this table column object.
TXTextControl.TableColumn.Position Gets or sets, in twips, the horizontal position of the column.
TXTextControl.TableColumn.Width Gets or sets, in twips, the width of the column.
TXTextControl.TableColumnCollection.CanAdd Gets a value indicating whether a new column can be inserted at the current input position.
TXTextControl.TableColumnCollection.CanRemove Gets a value indicating whether table columns can be removed.
TXTextControl.TableEventArgs.Table Gets an object that represents the table which causes the event.
TXTextControl.TablePartCollection.Count Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
TXTextControl.TablePartCollection.IsSynchronized Returns true if the collection is designed to be thread safe, otherwise, it returns false.
TXTextControl.TablePartCollection.SyncRoot Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection.
TXTextControl.TableRow.AllowPageBreak Gets or sets a value specifying how the table row is formatted at page breaks.
TXTextControl.TableRow.CellFormat Gets or sets the formatting attributes of a table row.
TXTextControl.TableRow.IsHeader Gets or sets a value specifying whether the table row is part of the table's header.
TXTextControl.TableRow.MinimumHeight Gets or sets the minimum height, in twips, of the table row.
TXTextControl.TableRow.Row Gets the number of the table row represented through this table row object.
TXTextControl.TableRowCollection.CanAdd Gets a value indicating whether a new row can be inserted at the current input position.
TXTextControl.TableRowCollection.CanRemove Gets a value indicating whether selected rows can be removed.