The addEventListener function registers event listener functions on the InputFormat object.

<void> InputFormat.addEventListener(<string> eventName, <PropertyChangedCallback> callback)


Parameter Description
eventName A string representing the name of the event to listen for.
Event Description
"allFrameLinesChanged" Is fired when the property 'AllFrameLines' is changed.
"boldChanged" Is fired when the property 'boldChanged' is changed.
"bottomAlignedChanged" Is fired when the property 'BottomAligned' is changed.
"bottomDistanceChanged" Is fired when the property 'BottomDistance' is changed.
"bottomFrameLineChanged" Is fired when the property 'BottomFrameLine' is changed.
"boxFrameChanged" Is fired when the property 'BoxFrame' is changed.
"bulletCharacterChanged" Is fired when the property 'BulletCharacter' is changed.
"bulletedListChanged" Is fired when the property 'BulletedList' is changed.
"centeredChanged" Is fired when the property 'Centered' is changed.
"fontFamilyChanged" Is fired when the property 'FontFamily' is changed.
"fontSizeChanged" Is fired when the property 'FontSize' is changed.
"frameFillColorChanged" Is fired when the property 'FrameFillColor' is changed.
"frameLineColorChanged" Is fired when the property 'FrameLineColor' is changed.
"frameLineWidthChanged" Is fired when the property 'FrameLineWidth' is changed.
"hangingIndentChanged" Is fired when the property 'HangingIndent' is changed.
"innerHorizontalFrameLinesChanged" Is fired when the property 'InnerHorizontalFrameLines' is changed.
"innerVerticalFrameLinesChanged" Is fired when the property 'InnerVerticalFrameLines' is changed.
"italicChanged" Is fired when the property 'Italic' is changed.
"justifiedChanged" Is fired when the property 'Justified' is changed.
"leftAlignedChanged" Is fired when the property 'LeftAligned' is changed.
"leftFrameLineChanged" Is fired when the property 'LeftFrameLine' is changed.
"leftIndentChanged" Is fired when the property 'LeftIndent' is changed.
"leftToRightChanged" Is fired when the property 'LeftToRight' is changed.
"lineSpacingChanged" Is fired when the property 'LineSpacing' is changed.
"numberedListChanged" Is fired when the property 'NumberedList' is changed.
"numberedListFormatChanged" Is fired when the property 'NumberedListFormat' is changed.
"numberFormatChanged" Is fired when the property 'NumberFormat' is changed.
"numberTextTypeChanged" Is fired when the property 'NumberTextType' is changed.
"rightAlignedChanged" Is fired when the property 'RightAligned' is changed.
"rightFrameLineChanged" Is fired when the property 'RightFrameLine' is changed.
"rightIndentChanged" Is fired when the property 'RightIndent' is changed.
"rightToLeftChanged" Is fired when the property 'RightToLeft' is changed.
"standardTextTypeChanged" Is fired when the property 'StandardTextType' is changed.
"strikeoutChanged" Is fired when the property 'Strikeout' is changed.
"structuredListChanged" Is fired when the property 'StructuredList' is changed.
"structuredListFormatChanged" Is fired when the property 'StructuredListFormat' is changed.
"styleNameChanged" Is fired when the property 'StyleName' is changed.
"styleNamesChanged" Is fired when the property 'StyleNames' is changed.
"subscriptChanged" Is fired when the property 'Subscript' is changed.
"superscriptChanged" Is fired when the property 'Superscript' is changed.
"textBackColorChanged" Is fired when the property 'TextBackColor' is changed.
"textColorChanged" Is fired when the property 'TextColor' is changed.
"topAlignedChanged" Is fired when the property 'TopAligned' is changed.
"topDistanceChanged" Is fired when the property 'TopDistance' is changed.
"topFrameLineChanged" Is fired when the property 'TopFrameLine' is changed.
"underlineChanged" Is fired when the property 'Underline' is changed.
"underlineStyleChanged" Is fired when the property 'UnderlineStyle' is changed.
"verticallyCenteredChanged" Is fired when the property 'VerticallyCentered' is changed.
callback The event listener. Depending on the event specified in parameter eventName the event listener function is called with an event argument object which contains the new value of the corresponding property.

Further Reading

Learn more about the Javascript: InputFormat.addEventListener Method in the Text Control Blog: