The InputFormat object represents all formatting attributes at the current text input position. If text is selected and the selection has no common value for a certain attribute, the corresponding property is null.



Introduced: X18.


Method Description
addEventListener The addEventListener function registers event listener functions on the InputFormat object.
getAllFrameLines Gets a value specifying whether all frame lines, including all inner frame lines, are set for the selected text.
getBold Gets a value specifying whether text is bold at the current input position.
getBottomAligned Gets a value specifying whether text is bottom aligned at the current input position.
getBottomDistance Gets bottom's paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position.
getBoxFrame Gets a value specifying whether there is a complete frame around the text.
getBulletCharacter Gets the bullet character at the current input position.
getBulletedList Gets a value specifying whether there is a bulleted list at the current input position.
getCentered Gets a value specifying whether text is centered at the current input position.
getFontFamily Gets the font family at the current input position.
getFontSize Gets the font's size, in points, at the current input position.
getFrameFillColor Gets the color used to display the frame fill color at the current input position.
getFrameLineColor Gets the color used to display the color of frame lines at the current text input position.
getFrameLineWidth Gets the line width, in twips, of the paragraph's or table's frame at the current input position.
getHangingIndent Gets the hanging indent, in twips, at the current input position.
getInnerHorizontalFrameLines Gets a value specifying whether all inner horizontal frame lines are set for the selected text.
getInnerVerticalFrameLines Gets a value specifying whether all inner vertical frame lines are set for the selected text.
getItalic Gets a value specifying whether the text is italic at the current input position.
getJustified Gets a value specifying whether text is justified at the current input position.
getLeftAligned Gets a value specifying whether text is left aligned at the current input position.
getLeftFrameLine Gets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the left side of the text.
getLeftIndent Gets the left indent, in twips, at the current input position.
getLeftToRight Gets a value specifying whether the writung direction is left-to-right at the current input position.
getLinespacing Gets the line spacing, in percent, at the current input position.
getNumberFormats Gets an array of all supported number formats for numbered and structured lists.
getNumberedList Gets a value specifying whether there is a numbered list at the current input position.
getNumberedListFormat Gets the number format for a numbered list at the current input position.
getRightAligned Gets a value specifying whether text is right aligned at the current input position.
getRightFrameLine Gets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the right side of the text.
getRightIndent Gets the right indent, in twips, at the current input position.
getRightToLeft Gets a value specifying whether the writing direction is right-to-left at the current input position.
getStrikeout Gets a value specifying whether the text is strikeout at the current input position.
getStructureLevel Gets the structure level of all selected paragraphs.
getStructuredList Gets a value specifying whether there is a structured list at the current input position.
getStructuredListFormat Gets the number format for a structured list at the current input position.
getStyleName Gets the formatting style name at the current input position.
getStyleNames Returns an array of the names of all formatting styles, the document contains.
getSubscript Gets a value specifying whether text is subscript at the current input position.
getSuperscript Gets a value specifying whether text is superscript at the current input position.
getSupportedFontFamilies Returns an array of strings specifying all supported fonts.
getSupportedFontSizes Gets an array of strings specifying all possible font sizes for the font at the text input position.
getSupportedUnderlineStyles Gets an array of all supported underline styles.
getTextBackColor Gets the color used to display the text's background color at the current input position.
getTextColor Gets the color used to display the text at the current input position.
getTopAligned Gets a value specifying whether text is top aligned at the current input position.
getTopDistance Gets a top paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position.
getTopFrameLine Gets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the top of the text.
getUnderline Gets a value specifying whether text is underlined at the current input position.
getUnderlineStyle Gets a value specifying the style at the current input position.
getVerticallyCentered Gets a value specifying whether text is vertically centered at the current text input position.
removeEventListener The removeListener function removes the specified event listener from the InputFormat object.
setAllFrameLines Sets a value specifying whether all frame lines, including all inner frame lines, are set for the selected text.
setBold Sets a value specifying whether text is bold at the current input position.
setBottomAligned Sets a value specifying whether text is bottom aligned at the current input position.
setBottomDistance Sets a bottom paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position.
setBoxFrame Sets a value specifying whether there is a complete frame around the text.
setBulletCharacter Sets the bullet character at the current input position.
setBulletedList Sets a value specifying whether there is a bulleted list at the current input position.
setCentered Sets a value specifying whether text is centered at the current input position.
setFontFamily Sets the font family at the current input position.
setFontSize Sets the font's size, in points, at the current input position.
setFrameFillColor Sets the color used to display the frame fill color at the current input position.
setFrameLineColor Sets the color used to display the color of frame lines at the current text input position.
setFrameLineWidth Sets the line width, in twips, of the paragraph's or table's frame at the current input position.
setHangingIndent Sets the hanging indent, in twips, at the current input position.
setInnerHorizontalFrameLines Sets a value specifying whether all inner horizontal frame lines are set for the selected text.
setInnerVerticalFrameLines Sets a value specifying whether all inner vertical frame lines are set for the selected text.
setItalic Sets a value specifying whether the text is italic at the current input position.
setJustified Sets a value specifying whether text is justified at the current input position.
setLeftAligned Sets a value specifying whether text is left aligned at the current input position.
setLeftFrameLine Sets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the left side of the text.
setLeftIndent Sets the left indent, in twips, at the current input position.
setLeftToRight Sets a value specifying whether the writung direction is left-to-right at the current input position.
setLinespacing Sets the line spacing, in percent, at the current input position.
setNumberedList Sets a value specifying whether there is a numbered list at the current input position.
setNumberedListFormat Sets the number format for a numbered list at the current input position.
setRightAligned Sets a value specifying whether text is right aligned at the current input position.
setRightFrameLine Sets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the right side of the text.
setRightIndent Sets the right indent, in twips, at the current input position.
setRightToLeft Sets a value specifying whether the writing direction is right-to-left at the current input position.
setStrikeout Sets a value specifying whether the text is strikeout at the current input position.
setStructureLevel Sets the structure level of all selected paragraphs.
setStructuredList Sets a value specifying whether there is a structured list at the current input position.
setStructuredListFormat Sets the number format for a structured list at the current input position.
setStyleName Sets the formatting style name at the current input position.
setSubscript Sets a value specifying whether text is subscript at the current input position.
setSuperscript Sets a value specifying whether text is superscript at the current input position.
setTextBackColor Sets the color used to display the text background color at the current input position.
setTextColor Sets the color used to display the text at the current input position as a CSS color string.
setTopAligned Sets a value specifying whether text is top aligned at the current input position.
setTopDistance Sets a top paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position.
setTopFrameLine Sets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the top of the text.
setUnderline Sets a value specifying whether text is underlined at the current input position.
setUnderlineStyle Sets a value specifying the style at the current input position.
setVerticallyCentered Sets a value specifying whether text is vertically centered at the current text input position.

Further Reading

Learn more about the Javascript: InputFormat Object in the Text Control Blog: