Represents a text field in a document. A text field is a marked piece of text that has properties like text or a name.



Introduced: X18.


Method Description
getBounds Gets the bounding rectangle of a text field.
getContainsInputPosition Returns true, if the Textfield contains the current text input position.
getDeleteable Gets whether a text field can be deleted by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
getDoubledInputPosition Sets whether a text field has a doubled input position in front of its first character and behind its last character.
getEditable Gets whether the text of a text field can be changed by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
getFormattingBounds Gets the formatting rectangle of a text field.
getHighlightColor Gets the highlight color for the text field.
getHighlightMode Gets a value indicating when the text field is highlighted.
getID Gets an identifier for a text field.
getIsSpellCheckingEnabled Gets whether a text field's text is checked on misspelled words.
getLength Gets the number of characters in a text field.
getName Relates a user-defined name to a text field.
getStart Gets the first character position (one-based) of a text field.
getText Gets the text which is contained within a text field.
scrollTo Sets the current input position to the beginning of a text field and scrolls it into the visible part of the document.
setDeleteable Sets whether a text field can be deleted by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
setDoubledInputPosition Gets whether a text field has a doubled input position in front of its first character and behind its last character.
setEditable Sets whether the text of a text field can be changed by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
setHighlightColor Sets the highlight color for the text field.
setHighlightMode Sets a value indicating when the text field is highlighted.
setID Sets an identifier for the text field.
setIsSpellCheckingEnabled Gets whether a text field's text is checked on misspelled words.
setName Sets the name of a text field.
setText Sets the text which is contained within a text field.

Further Reading

Learn more about the Javascript: TextField Object in the Text Control Blog: