Gets or sets the format used, if a chart's image is exported. This is the number of the filter in the string returned through the ImageCollection.ExportFilters property, beginning with number one. A value of zero indicates that no export format has currently be specified for the chart. In this case the chart's image is saved in Windows Bitmap format. The technical article Loading and Saving Images lists the currently possible values for this property.


public int ExportFilterIndex { get; set; }
Public Property ExportFilterIndex() As Integer


The following snippet shows how to use the TXTextControl.DataVisualization.ChartFrame.ExportFilterIndex property. Here, it is set to 0 - which indicates that now export format has been specified. Please remember that in this case the chart´s image is saved in the Windows Bitmap format.

System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart myChart = new System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart();
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.ChartFrame chartFrame = new TXTextControl.DataVisualization.ChartFrame(myChart);

chartFrame.Name = "points";
chartFrame.ExportCompressionQuality = 100; 
chartFrame.ExportFileName = ""; 
chartFrame.ExportFilterIndex = 0; // here, the ExportFilterIndex property is set
chartFrame.ExportResolution = 0; 
System.Drawing.Rectangle myChartFrameBounds = chartFrame.Bounds;  
System.ComponentModel.Component ThisIsMyChart = chartFrame.Chart; 
chartFrame.ID = 0; 
chartFrame.Alignment = 
chartFrame.InsertionMode = 
chartFrame.Moveable = true;
chartFrame.SaveMode = TXTextControl.ImageSaveMode.Auto; 
System.Drawing.Size myFrameSize = chartFrame.Size;
chartFrame.Sizeable = true;
chartFrame.TextDistances = new int[] { -1, -1, -1, -1 }; 
int myTextPosition = chartFrame.TextPosition;

textControl1.Charts.Add(chartFrame, -1);
Dim myChart As System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart = New System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart()
Dim chartFrame As TXTextControl.DataVisualization.ChartFrame = New TXTextControl.DataVisualization.ChartFrame(myChart)

chartFrame.Name = "points"
chartFrame.ExportCompressionQuality = 100
chartFrame.ExportFileName = "" 
chartFrame.ExportFilterIndex = 0 ' here, the ExportFilterIndex property is set
chartFrame.ExportResolution = 0
Dim myChartFrameBounds As System.Drawing.Rectangle = chartFrame.Bounds
Dim ThisIsMyChart As System.ComponentModel.Component = chartFrame.Chart
chartFrame.ID = 0
chartFrame.Alignment = CSharpImpl.__Assign(chartFrame.InsertionMode, CSharpImpl.__Assign(chartFrame.Moveable, True))
chartFrame.SaveMode = TXTextControl.ImageSaveMode.Auto
Dim myFrameSize As System.Drawing.Size = chartFrame.Size
chartFrame.Sizeable = True
chartFrame.TextDistances = New Integer() {-1, -1, -1, -1}
Dim myTextPosition As Integer = chartFrame.TextPosition

TextControl1.Charts.Add(chartFrame, -1)