The FieldMergedEventArgs class provides data for the FieldMerged event.


public class FieldMergedEventArgs: EventArgs
Public Class FieldMergedEventArgs
  Inherits EventArgs

Introduced: 15.0.


Property Description
Cancel Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current merge process should be canceled.
DataRow Gets the data row which is used to supply the current field with merge content.
MailMergeFieldAdapter Gets or sets a MailMergeFieldAdapter that contains the already merged field.
MergeBlockName If the merge field is part of a merge block, this property returns the name of the block.
Merged Gets a bool value that indicates whether the current field has been merged successfully or not.
MergedField Gets or sets a byte array that contains the complete data of the merged field.
NestingDepth If the merge field is part of a merge block, this property returns the one-based nesting depth of the block.
SubTextPartID Gets the ID of the subtext part the field is part of.
SubTextPartNumber Gets the 1-based number of the subtext part the field is part of.
TableCell If the merge field is inside of a table, this property returns the containing table cell as a TXTextControl.TableCell instance or null otherwise.