Specifies data to be omitted when the document is saved.

Introduced: X16.


public OmittedContent OmittedContent { get; set; }
Public Property OmittedContent() As OmittedContent


Member Description
None Nothing is omitted.
EditableRegions Editable regions are omitted. Only the region marker are omitted, the text and formatting attributes belonging to the editable region are saved.
SubTextParts Subtextparts are omitted. Only the subtextpart is omitted, the text and formatting attributes belonging to the subtextpart are saved.
Sections Section data is omitted.
TablesOfContents Tables of contents are omitted. Only the data is omitted, the text and formatting attributes are saved.
TextFields All kind of text fields are omitted.
TrackedChanges Tracked changes are omitted. Only the markup is omitted, the text and formatting attributes belonging to the tracked change are saved.