An object of the Section class represents a section of a document. Sections are numbered from the beginning to the end of the document beginning with 1. A document has at least one section. A section is a part of the document that specifies the page size, the page margins and the headers and footers. A section object can be obtained from the section collection available through the TextControl.Sections property.


public class Section
Public Class Section

Introduced: 14.0.


The following example shows how to use the SectionClass to insert a new section with a different header and page orientation than the previous one.

textControl1.Sections[2].Format.Landscape = true;
textControl1.Sections[2].HeadersAndFooters.GetItem(TXTextControl.HeaderFooterType.Header).ConnectedToPrevious = false;
TXTextControl.Selection mySelection = new TXTextControl.Selection(0, -1);
mySelection.Text = "New Section";
textControl1.Sections[2].HeadersAndFooters.GetItem(TXTextControl.HeaderFooterType.Header).Selection = mySelection;
TextControl1.Sections(2).Format.Landscape = True
TextControl1.Sections(2).HeadersAndFooters.GetItem(TXTextControl.HeaderFooterType.Header).ConnectedToPrevious = False
Dim MySelection = New TXTextControl.Selection(0, -1)
MySelection.Text = "New Section"
TextControl1.Sections(2).HeadersAndFooters.GetItem(TXTextControl.HeaderFooterType.Header).Selection = MySelection


Method Description
Select Selects the section.


Property Description
Format Gets or sets the section's formatting attributes.
HeadersAndFooters Gets a collection of all headers and footers of the section.
Length Gets the number of characters in the section.
Number Gets the section's number.
Start Gets the number (one-based) of the first character in the section.