The DrawComboboxEventArgs class contains information necessary to draw a combobox so that an end-user can select an item for a SelectionFormField. This class is used with the ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.DrawCombobox event.


public class DrawComboboxEventArgs: EventArgs
Public Class DrawComboboxEventArgs
  Inherits EventArgs

Introduced: X18.


Property Description
Bold Returns true, when the font of the combobox should be bold.
FontName Returns the name of the font that should be used to display the items of the combobox.
FontSize Returns the pointsize (EM size), in pixels, of the combobox's font.
Italic Returns true, when the font of the combobox should be italic.
Location Gets the location of the combobox's text, in pixels.
SelectionFormField Gets the SelectionFormField for which the combobox is displayed.
Size Gets the size of the combobox's text, in pixels.