New Classes, Properties, Methods and Events

In TX Text Control 17.0 the following new classes, properties, methods and events have been added:


Class Description
TXTextControl.DigitalSignature An instance of the DigitalSignature class represents an X.509 certificate which can be used to digitally sign a PDF or PDF/A document.
TXTextControl.PageBorder An instance of the PageBorder class represents the attributes of a border, which is drawn in the margin area of a page.
TXTextControl.Table An instance of the Table class represents a table in a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.TableCellCollection An instance of the TableCellCollection class contains all cells of a table in a Text Control document represented through TableCell objects.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat An instance of the TableCellFormat class represents the formatting attributes of a table cell.
TXTextControl.TableColumn An instance of the TableColumn class represents a single column of a table in a Text Control document.


Property Description
TXTextControl.PageBorder.BottomDistance Gets or sets the distance, in twips, of the bottom border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText property.
TXTextControl.PageBorder.BottomLineColor Gets or sets the color of the bottom border line.
TXTextControl.PageBorder.BottomLineWidth Gets or sets the width of the bottom border line.
TXTextControl.PageBorder.FirstPageOnly Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page border is drawn only on the first page of the section.
TXTextControl.PageBorder.LeftDistance Gets or sets the distance, in twips, of the left border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText property.
TXTextControl.PageBorder.LeftLineColor Gets or sets the color of the left border line.
TXTextControl.PageBorder.LeftLineWidth Gets or sets the width of the left border line.
TXTextControl.PageBorder.MeasureFromText Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page border's distances are measured from the text.
TXTextControl.PageBorder.OmitFirstPage Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page border is not drawn on the first page of the section.
TXTextControl.PageBorder.RightDistance Gets or sets the distance, in twips, of the right border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText property.
TXTextControl.PageBorder.RightLineColor Gets or sets the color of the right border line.
TXTextControl.PageBorder.RightLineWidth Gets or sets the width of the right border line.
TXTextControl.PageBorder.SurroundFooter Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page border surrounds the section's footer.
TXTextControl.PageBorder.SurroundHeader Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page border surrounds the section's header.
TXTextControl.PageBorder.TopDistance Gets or sets the distance, in twips, of the top border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText property.
TXTextControl.PageBorder.TopLineColor Gets or sets the color of the top border line.
TXTextControl.PageBorder.TopLineWidth Gets or sets the width of the top border line.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.DigitalSignature Specifies a DigitalSignature object, which defines an X.509 certificate.
TXTextControl.SectionFormat.PageBorder Gets or sets the attributes of a section's page border.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.SpellChecker Specifies the spell checking component to be used with a ServerTextControl.
TXTextControl.Table.CanMergeCells Checks whether table cells can be merged.
TXTextControl.Table.CanSplitCells Returns true, if the currently selected table cells are merged.
TXTextControl.Table.Cells Gets a collection of all table cells the table consists of.
TXTextControl.Table.Columns Gets a collection of all columns the table consists of.
TXTextControl.Table.ID Gets or sets the table's identifier.
TXTextControl.Table.Rows Gets a collection of all rows the table consists of.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Name Gets or sets the cell's name.
TXTextControl.TableCellCollection.CanRemove Gets a value indicating whether table cells can be removed.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.BackColor Gets or sets the table cell's background color.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.BottomBorderColor Gets or sets the color of the table cell's bottom border.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.BottomBorderWidth Gets or sets, in twips, the width of the table cell's bottom border.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.BottomTextDistance Gets or sets, in twips, the distance between the table cell's bottom border and its text.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.LeftBorderColor Gets or sets the color of the table cell's left border.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.LeftBorderWidth Gets or sets, in twips, the width of the table cell's left border.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.LeftTextDistance Gets or sets, in twips, the distance between the table cell's left border and its text.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.RightBorderColor Gets or sets the color of the table cell's right border.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.RightBorderWidth Gets or sets, in twips, the width of the table cell's right border.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.RightTextDistance Gets or sets, in twips, the distance between the table cell's right border and its text.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.TopBorderColor Gets or sets the color of the table cell's top border.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.TopBorderWidth Gets or sets, in twips, the width of the table cell's top border.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.TopTextDistance Gets or sets, in twips, the distance between the table cell's top border and its text.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.VerticalAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the text in the table cell.
TXTextControl.TableColumn.CellFormat Gets or sets the formatting attributes of a table column.
TXTextControl.TableColumn.Column Gets the number of the table column represented through this table column object.
TXTextControl.TableColumn.Position Gets or sets, in twips, the horizontal position of the column.
TXTextControl.TableColumn.Width Gets or sets, in twips, the width of the column.


Method Description
TXTextControl.Table.MergeCells Merges all selected table cells in this table.
TXTextControl.Table.SplitCells Splits all selected table cells in this table.
TXTextControl.TableCellCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.TableCellCollection.GetItem Gets a particular table cell from the collection.
TXTextControl.TableCellCollection.Remove Removes the table cell at the current text input position or all selected table cells when a text selection exists.
TXTextControl.TableColumn.Select Selects the table column.