Supported Formulas

(Reference: Office Open XML File Formats - ISO/IEC 29500 - 1, Chapter: 18.17.7 Predefined Function Definitions)

Mathematical and Trigonometric

Formula Description
ABS Computes the absolute value of a number.
ACOS Computes the arc cosine of a number in radians.
ACOSH Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number.
ASIN Computes the arc sine of a number in radians.
ASINH Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number.
ATAN2 Computes the arc tangent of an x and an y coordinate.
ATANH Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number.
CEILING Rounds a number up, away from zero, to the nearest multiple of significance.
COMBIN Computes the possible number of groups of size number-chosen that can be formed from number objects.
COS Computes the cosine of a number.
COSH Computes the hyperbolic cosine of a number.
DEGREES Converts an angle in radians into degrees.
ECMA.CEILING Rounds a number up, away from zero, to the nearest multiple of a given significance.
EVEN Rounds a number to the nearest even integer, away from zero.
EXP Computes e^x , where the constant e is the base of the natural logarithm.
FACT Computes the factorial of a number.
FACTDOUBLE Computes the double factorial of a number.
FLOOR Rounds a number down, toward zero, to the nearest multiple of a given significance.
GCD Computes the greatest common divisor of the one or more numbers, designated by the arguments in the argument list.
INT Rounds a number down to an integer.
ISO.CEILING Rounds a number up, to the nearest multiple of a given significance.
LCM Computes the least common multiple of the one or more arguments in the argument list.
LN Computes the natural logarithm of a number.
LO Computes the logarithm of x to the base base.
LOG10 Computes the base-10 logarithm of a number.
MOD Computes the remainder when a number is divided by another number.
MROUND Rounds a number to the nearest multiple of another number, away from zero.
ODD Rounds a number to the nearest odd integer, away from zero.
PI Returns the value π.
POWER Computes a number raised to the power of a second number.
PRODUCT Multiplies the numeric values of the arguments in the argument list.
QUOTIENT Computes the integer portion of the division of two given numbers.
RADIANS Converts an angle in degrees into radians.
RAND Computes an evenly distributed random real number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1.
RANDBETWEEN Computes a random integer number in a given range.
ROUND Rounds a number to a specified number of digits.
ROUNDDOWN Rounds a number down, toward zero, to a specified number of digits.
ROUNDUP Rounds a number up, away from zero, to a specified number of digits.
SIGN Determines the sign of a number.
SIN Computes the sine of a number.
SINH Computes the hyperbolic sine of a number.
SQRT Computes the positive square root of a number.
SQRTPI Computes the positive square root of a number × π.
SUM Adds the numeric values of the arguments in the argument list.
SUMIF Applies selection criteria on the values in one range of cells and sums the values of the cells in a corresponding range.
TAN Computes the tangent of a number.
TANH Computes the hyperbolic tangent of a number.


Formula Description
AVERAGE Computes the arithmetic mean of the numeric values of its arguments.
AREAS Finds the number of areas designated by reference.
MAX Computes the largest of a set of numbers.
MAXA Computes the largest of a set of numbers.
MIN Computes the smallest of a set of numbers.
MINA Computes the smallest of a set of numbers.

Lookup and Reference

Formula Description
ADDRESS Creates a cell address, given the specified row and column numbers.
ROW Finds the number of the row(s) corresponding to a given reference.