Gets or sets a value specifying whether the document is read only. Neither the document's text can be changed nor the document can be formatted. The default setting of this property is true.


public bool ReadOnly { get; set; }
Public Property ReadOnly() As Boolean


The following snippet describes how to use the TXTextControl.DocumentPermissions.AllowFormatting property. Here, it is set to true, which is also the default value.

textControl1.EditMode = TXTextControl.EditMode.ReadAndSelect;
TXTextControl.DocumentPermissions documentPermissions = new TXTextControl.DocumentPermissions();
documentPermissions.AllowCopy = false; 
documentPermissions.AllowFormatting = false; 
documentPermissions.AllowFormattingStyles = false; 
documentPermissions.AllowPrinting = false; 
documentPermissions.ReadOnly = true; // Here, the ReadOnly property is set
TextControl1.EditMode = TXTextControl.EditMode.ReadAndSelect
Dim documentPermissions As TXTextControl.DocumentPermissions = New TXTextControl.DocumentPermissions()
documentPermissions.AllowCopy = False
documentPermissions.AllowFormatting = False
documentPermissions.AllowFormattingStyles = False
documentPermissions.AllowPrinting = False
documentPermissions.[ReadOnly] = True ' Here, the ReadOnly property is set