Opens the specific field options dialog box.


public DialogResult ShowDialog()
Public Function ShowDialog() As DialogResult


public DialogResult ShowDialog(bool rightToLeft);
Public Function ShowDialog(ByVal rightToLeft As Boolean) As DialogResult


public DialogResult ShowDialog(object owner);
Public Function ShowDialog(ByVal owner As Object) As DialogResult

ShowDialog(Object, Bool)

public DialogResult ShowDialog(object owner, bool rightToLeft);
Public Function ShowDialog(ByVal owner As Object, ByVal rightToLeft As Boolean) As DialogResult


Parameter Description
rightToLeft Sets the dialog layout flow direction. True sets the layout to RTL, false sets the layout to LTR.
owner Sets the dialog's owner window. For WPF dialogs this must be an object of type System.Windows.Window. For Windows Forms dialogs this must be an object implementing the interface System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window (e. g. a Form).