The MergeField class implements the MS Word specific MERGEFIELD field. This field must be used in combination with an ApplicationField that should be modified using this adapter.


public sealed class MergeField : MailMergeFieldAdapter
Public NotInheritable Class MergeField
  Inherits MailMergeFieldAdapter

Introduced: 15.0.


Constructor Description
MergeField Initializes a new instance of the MergeField class.


Field Description
TYPE_NAME Represents the name of the respective field type.
(Inherited from MailMergeFieldAdapter)


Method Description
ShowDialog Opens the specific field options dialog box.
(Inherited from MailMergeFieldAdapter)


Property Description
ApplicationField Gets the adapted ApplicationField of the field.
(Inherited from MailMergeFieldAdapter)
DataSourceCulture Specifies the culture with which numerical and date / time values coming from the data source are parsed.
DateTimeFormat Specifies a string format which is applied to date / time values.
ID Gets the ID of the specific field through its adapter.
(Inherited from MailMergeFieldAdapter)
Length Gets the number of characters in a text field through its adapter.
(Inherited from MailMergeFieldAdapter)
Mapped Specifies whether the field is a mapped field.
MergeCulture Specifies the culture with which numerical and date / time values are formatted when merged into the target document.
Name Gets and sets the name of the field.
NumericFormat Specifies a string format which is applied to numeric values.
PreserveFormatting Specifies whether the field's formatting should be preserved.
(Inherited from MailMergeFieldAdapter)
Start Gets the first character position (one-based) of the field through its adapter.
(Inherited from MailMergeFieldAdapter)
Text Gets and sets the text of the field.
TextAfter Gets and sets the text of the field that is displayed after the field's text.
TextBefore Gets and sets the text of the field that is displayed before the field's text.
TextFormat Gets and sets the text format of the field.
TypeName Gets the field's type name of the specific field through its adapter.
(Inherited from MailMergeFieldAdapter)
VerticalFormatting Specifies whether the field's formatting is vertical.