An instance of the ImageCollection class contains all images in a Text Control document or part of the document represented through objects of the type Image. An instance of this class can be obtained with the TextControl.Images, HeaderFooter.Images or TextFrame.Images property. The ImageCollection class implements the IEnumerable and the ICollection interfaces.


public sealed class ImageCollection: FrameBaseCollection
Public NotInheritable Class ImageCollection
  Inherits FrameBaseCollection


The following example iterates all images and sets the Image.SaveMode to SaveAsFileReference, so that all images will be exported the next time the document is saved. The images, will be saved in a subfolder called "'document name'_Images" of the location where the document has been saved to. The additional properties can be used to set the image's quality, format and maximum resolution.

foreach (TXTextControl.Image myImage in textControl1.Images) 
myImage.SaveMode = TXTextControl.ImageSaveMode.SaveAsFileReference;
myImage.ExportCompressionQuality = 100; //Export with maximum quality 
myImage.ExportFilterIndex = 4; //Export as PNG format
myImage.ExportMaxResolution = 96; //Export with 96 DPI max 
For Each MyImage As TXTextControl.Image In TextControl1.Images

MyImage.SaveMode = TXTextControl.ImageSaveMode.SaveAsFileReference
MyImage.ExportCompressionQuality = 100 'Export with maximum quality 
MyImage.ExportFilterIndex = 3 'Export as PNG
MyImage.ExportMaxResolution = 96 'Export with 96 DPI max 



Method Description
Add Inserts a new image in a Text Control document.
Clear Removes all objects from the collection and from the document.
(Inherited from FrameBaseCollection)
CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
(Inherited from FrameBaseCollection)
GetItem Gets a particular image from the collection.
Remove Removes an image from a Text Control document.


Property Description
Count Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
(Inherited from FrameBaseCollection)
ExportFilters Gets all available filters for exporting images.
ImportFilters Gets all available filters for importing images.
IsSynchronized Returns true if the collection is designed to be thread safe, otherwise, it returns false.
(Inherited from FrameBaseCollection)
SyncRoot Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection.
(Inherited from FrameBaseCollection)