Gets or sets the maximum resolution in dots per inch in which the chart's image is saved. If this property's value is zero, which is the default value, Text Control uses the resolution value set with the SaveSettings.ImageMaxResolution property.


public int ExportResolution { get; set; }
Public Property ExportResolution() As Integer


The following snippet shows how to use the TXTextControl.DataVisualization.ChartFrame.ExportResolution property. Here, it is set to 0 - which is also the default value. In this case, Text Control uses the resolution set with the SaveSettings.ImageMaxResolution property.

System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart myChart = new System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart();
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.ChartFrame chartFrame = new TXTextControl.DataVisualization.ChartFrame(myChart);

chartFrame.Name = "points";
chartFrame.ExportCompressionQuality = 100; 
chartFrame.ExportFileName = ""; 
chartFrame.ExportFilterIndex = 0; 
chartFrame.ExportResolution = 0; // here, the ExportResolution property is set
System.Drawing.Rectangle myChartFrameBounds = chartFrame.Bounds;  
System.ComponentModel.Component ThisIsMyChart = chartFrame.Chart; 
chartFrame.ID = 0; 
chartFrame.Alignment = 
chartFrame.InsertionMode = 
chartFrame.Moveable = true;
chartFrame.SaveMode = TXTextControl.ImageSaveMode.Auto; 
System.Drawing.Size myFrameSize = chartFrame.Size;
chartFrame.Sizeable = true;
chartFrame.TextDistances = new int[] { -1, -1, -1, -1 }; 
int myTextPosition = chartFrame.TextPosition;

textControl1.Charts.Add(chartFrame, -1);
Dim myChart As System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart = New System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart()
Dim chartFrame As TXTextControl.DataVisualization.ChartFrame = New TXTextControl.DataVisualization.ChartFrame(myChart)

chartFrame.Name = "points"
chartFrame.ExportCompressionQuality = 100
chartFrame.ExportFileName = "" 
chartFrame.ExportFilterIndex = 0 
chartFrame.ExportResolution = 0 ' here, the ExportResolution property is set
Dim myChartFrameBounds As System.Drawing.Rectangle = chartFrame.Bounds
Dim ThisIsMyChart As System.ComponentModel.Component = chartFrame.Chart
chartFrame.ID = 0
chartFrame.Alignment = CSharpImpl.__Assign(chartFrame.InsertionMode, CSharpImpl.__Assign(chartFrame.Moveable, True))
chartFrame.SaveMode = TXTextControl.ImageSaveMode.Auto
Dim myFrameSize As System.Drawing.Size = chartFrame.Size
chartFrame.Sizeable = True
chartFrame.TextDistances = New Integer() {-1, -1, -1, -1}
Dim myTextPosition As Integer = chartFrame.TextPosition

TextControl1.Charts.Add(chartFrame, -1)