The DateContentControl implements the MS Word specific date content control field. This field must be used in combination with an ApplicationField that should be modified using this adapter.


public sealed class DateContentControl : ContentControlFieldAdapter
Public NotInheritable Class DateContentControl
  Inherits ContentControlFieldAdapter

Introduced: X11.


Constructor Description
DateContentControl Initializes a new instance of the DateContentControl class.


Field Description
TYPE_NAME Represents the name of the respective field type.
(Inherited from ContentControlFieldAdapter)


Method Description
ShowDialog Opens the specific field options dialog box.
(Inherited from ContentControlFieldAdapter)


Property Description
ApplicationField Gets the adapted ApplicationField of the field.
(Inherited from ContentControlFieldAdapter)
Calendar Gets or sets the calendar type of the content control field.
ContentDeletable Specifies whether the content of the content control field should be deletable or not.
(Inherited from ContentControlFieldAdapter)
ContentEditable Specifies whether the content of the content control field should be editable or not.
(Inherited from ContentControlFieldAdapter)
Date Gets or sets the date of the content control field.
DateFormat Gets or sets the date format of the content control field.
ID Gets the ID of the specific field through its adapter.
(Inherited from ContentControlFieldAdapter)
Id Gets or sets the content control's id.
(Inherited from ContentControlFieldAdapter)
LanguageID Gets or sets the language ID of the content control field.
Length Gets the number of characters in a text field through its adapter.
(Inherited from ContentControlFieldAdapter)
Placeholder Gets or sets the placeholder field part of the content control field.
(Inherited from ContentControlFieldAdapter)
Start Gets the first character position (one-based) of the field through its adapter.
(Inherited from ContentControlFieldAdapter)
StoreMappedDataAs Gets or sets the translation that shall be performed on the displayed date in a date picker structured document tag.
Tag Gets or sets the content control's tag.
(Inherited from ContentControlFieldAdapter)
Title Gets or sets the content control's title.
(Inherited from ContentControlFieldAdapter)
Type Gets or sets the type of the content control field.
(Inherited from ContentControlFieldAdapter)
TypeName Gets the field's type name of the specific field through its adapter.
(Inherited from ContentControlFieldAdapter)