Each ButtonBarItem represents an item in a WPF.ButtonBar. The corresponding string of a ButtonBarItem is the same as the item's Name property. The string can be used with the FrameworkElement.FindName method to get the item and manipulate, move or delete it.


Member Description
TXITEM_StyleName Identifies the StyleName combobox.
TXITEM_FontFamily Identifies the FontFamily combobox.
TXITEM_FontSize Identifies the FontSize combobox.
TXITEM_ZoomFactor Identifies the ZoomFactor combobox.
TXITEM_Bold Identifies the Bold button.
TXITEM_Italic Identifies the Italic button.
TXITEM_Underline Identifies the Underline button.
TXITEM_Strikeout Identifies the Strikeout button.
TXITEM_Subscript Identifies the Subscript button.
TXITEM_Superscript Identifies the Superscript button.
TXITEM_IncreaseFont Identifies the IncreaseFont button.
TXITEM_DecreaseFont Identifies the DecreaseFont button.
TXITEM_LeftAligned Identifies the LeftAligned button.
TXITEM_Centered Identifies the Centered button.
TXITEM_RightAligned Identifies the RightAligned button.
TXITEM_Justified Identifies the Justified button.
TXITEM_DecreaseIndent Identifies the DecreaseIndent button.
TXITEM_IncreaseIndent Identifies the IncreaseIndent button.
TXITEM_LeftToRight Identifies the LeftToRight button.
TXITEM_RightToLeft Identifies the RightToLeft button.
TXITEM_BulletedList Identifies the BulletedList button.
TXITEM_NumberedList Identifies the NumberedList button.
TXITEM_StructuredList Identifies the StructuredList button.
TXITEM_ControlChars Identifies the ControlChars button.