The DeleteBookmarksDialog class implements a dialog box which shows all targets in the current document. The user can jump to a target or can delete one or more targets. Each item of the dialog box has a name, available through its Name property, which corresponds with a member of the WPF.DeleteBookmarksDialog.DialogItem enumeration. The FrameworkElement.FindName method can be used to get a certain item and manipulate, move or delete it. The WPF.DeleteBookmarksDialog is a modal dialog box which must be shown with the WPF.DeleteBookmarksDialog.ShowDialog method.


public class DeleteBookmarksDialog : System.Windows.Window
Public Class DeleteBookmarksDialog
  Inherits System.Windows.Window

Introduced: X12.


Enter an introductory text for your TXTextControl.WPF.DeleteBookmarksDialog Class example here, or leave blank, if there is nothing to say.

TXTextControl.WPF.DeleteBookmarksDialog dlg = new TXTextControl.WPF.DeleteBookmarksDialog(textControl1);
Dim dlg As New TXTextControl.WPF.DeleteBookmarksDialog(textControl1)


Constructor Description
DeleteBookmarksDialog Creates a DeleteBookmarksDialog object for the specified WPF.TextControl.


Enumeration Description
DialogItem Each DialogItem represents an item in a WPF.DeleteBookmarksDialog dialog box.