The class WPF.LogarithmicConverter converts a numeric value from a linear scale to a logarithmic scale. It can be used to provide better usability when mapping a zoom factor to a slider, for example. The range of values of the linear as well as the logarithmic scale have to be defined with the given "Minimum"- and "Maximum"-properties. Provides a possibility to define an input value which should be mapped to the center of the output range of values. The class can be used in XAML as a static resource to automatically convert bound property values.


[ValueConversion(typeof(double), typeof(double))]
[ValueConversion(typeof(double), typeof(int))]
[ValueConversion(typeof(int), typeof(double))]
[ValueConversion(typeof(int), typeof(int))]
public class LogarithmicConverter : IValueConverter
Public Class LogarithmicConverter
  Implements IValueConverter

Introduced: 16.0.


The following XAML example shows how to bind the TextControl.ZoomFactor property to a slider using the LogarithmicConverter mapping a zoom range from 10 to 400 percent to a value range from 0 to 100.

        OutputMaximum="100" />
    Value="{Binding ElementName=textControl1, Path=ZoomFactor, Converter={StaticResource logConv}}" />


Method Description
Convert Converts an integer or a double precision floating point value to an integer or a double precision floating point value.
ConvertBack Converts an integer or a double precision floating point value to an integer or a double precision floating point value.


Property Description
InputCenter Sets or gets the numeric value of the source value range which will be mapped to the center of the target value range.
InputMaximum Sets or gets the upper bound of the source value range.
InputMinimum Sets or gets the lower bound of the source value range.
OutputMaximum Sets or gets the upper bound of the target value range.
OutputMinimum Sets or gets the lower bound of the target value range.