Each FileMenuItem represents the identifier for a file menu item. The string conversion of each FileMenuItem can be passed as an identifier to static ResourceProvider methods to receive bitmaps or strings that are associated with the corresponding file menu item.


Member Description
TXITEM_New Represents the TXITEM_New file menu item. The string conversion of that identifier can be passed to the appropriate ResourceProvider method to get the corresponding LargeIcon, SmallIcon, Text, ToolTipTitle, ToolTipDescription and KeyTip resources.
TXITEM_Open Represents the TXITEM_Open file menu item. The string conversion of that identifier can be passed to the appropriate ResourceProvider method to get the corresponding LargeIcon, SmallIcon, Text, ToolTipTitle, ToolTipDescription and KeyTip resources.
TXITEM_Save Represents the TXITEM_Save file menu item. The string conversion of that identifier can be passed to the appropriate ResourceProvider method to get the corresponding LargeIcon, SmallIcon, Text, ToolTipTitle, ToolTipDescription and KeyTip resources.
TXITEM_SaveAs Represents the TXITEM_SaveAs file menu item. The string conversion of that identifier can be passed to the appropriate ResourceProvider method to get the corresponding LargeIcon, SmallIcon, Text, ToolTipTitle, ToolTipDescription and KeyTip resources.
TXITEM_Print Represents the TXITEM_Print file menu item. The string conversion of that identifier can be passed to the appropriate ResourceProvider method to get the corresponding LargeIcon, SmallIcon, Text, ToolTipTitle, ToolTipDescription and KeyTip resources.
TXITEM_PrintQuick Represents the TXITEM_PrintQuick file menu item. The string conversion of that identifier can be passed to the appropriate ResourceProvider method to get the corresponding LargeIcon, SmallIcon, Text, ToolTipTitle, ToolTipDescription and KeyTip resources.
TXITEM_PrintPreview Represents the TXITEM_PrintPreview file menu item. The string conversion of that identifier can be passed to the appropriate ResourceProvider method to get the corresponding LargeIcon, SmallIcon, Text, ToolTipTitle, ToolTipDescription and KeyTip resources.
TXITEM_Options Represents the TXITEM_Options file menu item. The string conversion of that identifier can be passed to the appropriate ResourceProvider method to get the corresponding LargeIcon, SmallIcon, Text, ToolTipTitle, ToolTipDescription and KeyTip resources.
TXITEM_UserAdministration Represents the TXITEM_UserAdministration file menu item. The string conversion of that identifier can be passed to the appropriate ResourceProvider method to get the corresponding LargeIcon, SmallIcon, Text, ToolTipTitle, ToolTipDescription and KeyTip resources.
TXITEM_GrantUserAccess Represents the TXITEM_GrantUserAccess file menu item. The string conversion of that identifier can be passed to the appropriate ResourceProvider method to get the corresponding LargeIcon, SmallIcon, Text, ToolTipTitle, ToolTipDescription and KeyTip resources.
TXITEM_About Represents the TXITEM_About file menu item. The string conversion of that identifier can be passed to the appropriate ResourceProvider method to get the corresponding LargeIcon, SmallIcon, Text, ToolTipTitle, ToolTipDescription and KeyTip resources.
TXITEM_Exit Represents the TXITEM_Exit file menu item. The string conversion of that identifier can be passed to the appropriate ResourceProvider method to get the corresponding LargeIcon, SmallIcon, Text, ToolTipTitle, ToolTipDescription and KeyTip resources.
TXITEM_DocumentSettings Represents the TXITEM_DocumentSettings file menu item. The string conversion of that identifier can be passed to the appropriate ResourceProvider method to get the corresponding LargeIcon, SmallIcon, Text, ToolTipTitle, ToolTipDescription and KeyTip resources.