Invokes the built-in dialog box for setting attributes of images. This dialog box is only shown, if an image is currently selected. The ImageCollection.GetItem method can be used to test whether an image is selected or not.


public DialogResult ImageAttributesDialog();
Public Function ImageAttributesDialog() As DialogResult


public DialogResult ImageAttributesDialog(int activeTab);
Public Function ImageAttributesDialog(activeTab as Integer) As DialogResult


Parameter Description
activeTab Specifies the index of the tab, zero-based, that is displayed when the tabbed dialog box is opened. If this parameter is 0, the dialog box shows the tab for setting text wrapping and layout attributes, if this parameter is 1, the dialog box shows the tab for setting size and distances and if it is 2, the dialog shows the tab for setting an image's saving attributes.

Return Value

If the dialog has been left with the Cancel button the return value is DialogResult.Cancel. Otherwise, it is DialogResult.OK.