Prints a Text Control document or a part of a document.

Print(String, Bool)

public void Print(string docName, bool useLastPrinterSettings);
Public Sub Print(ByVal DocName As String, ByVal UseLastPrinterSettings As Boolean)

Print(String, System.Windows.Controls.PageRange, Int, System.Printing.Collation)

public void Print(string docName, System.Windows.Controls.PageRange pageRange, int copyCount, System.Printing.Collation collation);
Public Sub Print(ByVal DocName As String, ByVal pageRange As System.Windows.Controls.PageRange, ByVal copyCount As Integer, ByVal collation As System.Printing.Collation)

Print(String, String, System.Windows.Controls.PageRange, Int, System.Printing.Collation)

public void Print(string docName, string printerName, System.Windows.Controls.PageRange pageRange, int copyCount, System.Printing.Collation collation);
Public Sub Print(ByVal DocName As String, ByVal PrinterName As String, ByVal pageRange As System.Windows.Controls.PageRange, ByVal copyCount As Integer, ByVal collation As System.Printing.Collation)


Parameter Description
docName Specifies the document's name.
useLastPrinterSettings If this parameter is set to true, the dialog box is initialized with the user settings of the previous call.
pageRange Specifies a System.Windows.Controls.PageRange structure specifying the range of pages to print.
copyCount Specifies the number of copies to print.
collation Specifies a System.Printing.Collation member specifying whether the printer collates output.
printerName Specifies the name of the printer to which the output is sent.