Invokes the built-in tabbed dialog box for setting section attributes. These are page settings such as margins and size, all settings concerning headers and footers, page columns and page borders.


public DialogResult SectionFormatDialog();
Public Function SectionFormatDialog() As DialogResult


public DialogResult SectionFormatDialog(int activeTab);
Public Function SectionFormatDialog(ByVal activeTab As Integer) As DialogResult


Parameter Description
activeTab Specifies the index of the tab, zero-based, that is displayed when the tabbed dialog box is opened. The following values are possible:
Event Description
0 The dialog box shows the tab for setting page margins, page size and orientation.
1 The dialog box shows the tab for specifying headers and footers.
2 The dialog box shows the tab for setting the number of page columns and its attributes.
3 The dialog box shows the tab for specifying page borders.

Return Value

If the dialog is left with the Cancel button, the return value is DialogResult.Cancel. Otherwise, it is DialogResult.OK.