An object of the WPF.TextControlDocument class represents a document and is part of the template of a WPF.TextControl. It is a System.Windows.Controls.Canvas element and its size is exactly the size of the document. The document is contained in a System.Windows.Controls.ScrollViewer which is responsible for displaying the document's visible part.


public class TextControlDocument : System.Windows.Controls.Canvas
Public Class TextControlDocument
  Inherits System.Windows.Controls.Canvas

Introduced: X12.


To obtain the TextControlDocument object in a WPF.TextControl the following code can be used.

TXTextControl.WPF.TextControlDocument document =
textControl1.Template.FindName("TXPART_Document", textControl1) as TXTextControl.WPF.TextControlDocument;
Dim document As TXTextControl.WPF.TextControlDocument =
TryCast(textControl1.Template.FindName("TXPART_Document", textControl1), TXTextControl.WPF.TextControlDocument)