Each DialogItem represents an item in a WPF.TrackedChangesDialog dialog box. The corresponding string of a DialogItem is the same as the item's Name property. The string can be used with the FrameworkElement.FindName method to get the item and manipulate, move or delete it.


Member Description
TXITEM_TrackedChangesCount Identifies the tracked changes count label.
TXITEM_TrackedChangesRefresh Identifies the refresh tracked changes button.
TXITEM_TrackedChangesViewer Identifies the tracked changes viewer.
TXITEM_AcceptTrackedChange Identifies the accept tracked change button.
TXITEM_AcceptAllTrackedChanges Identifies the accept all tracked changes button.
TXITEM_RejectTrackedChange Identifies the reject tracked change button.
TXITEM_RejectAllTrackedChanges Identifies the reject all tracked changes button.
TXITEM_Close Identifies the close button.