The SpellCheckDialog class provides a method to modify and show the built-in spell check dialog.


public sealed class SpellCheckDialog
Public NotInheritable Class SpellCheckDialog

Introduced: 3.0.


Method Description
Show Invokes the built-in dialog box for checking incorrect or misspelled (TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl.MisspelledWords) words.


Property Description
AcceptButton Gets or sets the dialog button that is used as the SpellCheckDialog's accept button.
ChangeButtons Gets a collection of all dialog buttons that are located to the right of the SpellCheckDialog's suggestion list.
ChangeInAllTextParts Gets or sets a value indicating whether the SpellCheckDialog change operation is applied in all text parts (TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl.TextParts).
CloseOnFinished Gets or sets a value specifying whether the SpellCheckDialog is closed on completing the spell checking.
FontFamily Gets or sets the font family for the text displayed by the SpellCheckDialog labels, the preview, suggestion list, suggestion dictionary combo box and the cancel button.
FontSize Gets or sets the font size for the text displayed by the SpellCheckDialog labels, the preview, suggestion list, suggestion dictionary combo box and the cancel button.
FontStyle Gets or sets the font style for the text displayed by the SpellCheckDialog labels, the preview, suggestion list, suggestion dictionary combo box and the cancel button.
FontWeight Gets or sets the font weight for the text displayed by the SpellCheckDialog labels, the preview, suggestion list, suggestion dictionary combo box and the cancel button.
HideSelection Gets or sets a value indicating whether the selected text in the TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl remains highlighted while the SpellCheckDialog is open.
IgnoreButtons Gets a collection of all dialog buttons that are located to the right of the SpellCheckDialog's preview component.
IgnoreInAllTextParts Gets or sets a value indicating whether the SpellCheckDialog ignore operation should be applied in all text parts (TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl.TextParts).
Location Returns the point that represents the upper-left corner of the SpellCheckDialog window in screen coordinates.
OptionButtons Gets a collection of all dialog buttons that are located below the SpellCheckDialog's suggestion dictionary combo box.
Preview Gets the SpellCheckDialog's Preview instance.
ShowDialogSettings Gets or sets an instance of the ShowDialogSettings class to determine the SpellCheckDialog window's start position and owner.
ShowMessageBoxes Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dialog should invoke built-in message boxes that inform the user that the spell checking is completed or that a chosen word is not found in one of the suggestion dictionaries.
SuggestionDictionaryComboBox Gets the SpellCheckDialog's SuggestionDictionaryComboBox instance.
SuggestionList Gets the SpellCheckDialog's SuggestionList instance.