Document Viewer


Class Description
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController The DocumentController class is a .NET component that can be used to perform the necessary document handling on the server, when using a control such as the DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.FieldAdapterCollection An instance of the FieldAdapterCollection class contains adapters for all application fields of the page it belongs to.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.CheckBoxContentControl The CheckBoxContentControl implements the MS Word specific check box content control field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.ComboBoxContentControl The ComboBoxContentControl implements the MS Word specific combo box content control field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.ContentControlFieldAdapter The abstract ContentControlFieldAdapter class is the base class of all Microsoft Word content control field adapter classes.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DateContentControl The DateContentControl implements the MS Word specific date content control field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DateField The DateField implements the MS Word specific DATEFIELD field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DropDownListContentControl The DropDownListContentControl implements the MS Word specific drop down list content control field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FieldAdapter The abstract FieldAdapter class is the base class of all special DocumentServer field adapters.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormCheckBox The FormText implements the MS Word specific FORMCHECKBOX field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormDropDown The FormDropDown class implements the MS Word specific FORMDROPDOWN field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormFieldAdapter The abstract FormFieldAdapter class is the base class of all special DocumentServer form field adapters.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormText The FormText class implements the MS Word specific FORMTEXT field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IfField The IfField class implements the MS Word specific IF field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IncludeText The IncludeText class implements the MS Word specific INCLUDETEXT field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MailMergeFieldAdapter The abstract MailMergeFieldAdapter class is the base class of all special DocumentServer mail merge field adapters.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MergeField The MergeField class implements the MS Word specific MERGEFIELD field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.NextField The NextField class implements the MS Word specific NEXT field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.NextIfField The NextIfField class implements the MS Word specific NEXTIF field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.PlainTextContentControl The PlainTextContentControl implements the MS Word specific plain text content control field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.RichTextContentControl The RichTextContentControl implements the MS Word specific plain text content control field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer The DocumentViewer class is a .NET component that can be used to display documents in the web browser in ASP.NET projects.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.SaveDocumentEventArgs The SaveDocumentEventArgs class provides data for the DocumentViewer.SaveDocument event.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.SaveFormDataEventArgs The SaveDocumentEventArgs class provides data for the DocumentViewer.SaveFormData event.


Constructor Description
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController Initializes a new instance of the DocumentController class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.CheckBoxContentControl Initializes a new instance of the CheckBoxContentControl class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.ComboBoxContentControl Initializes a new instance of the ComboBoxContentControl class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.ContentControlFieldAdapter Initializes a new instance of the ContentControlFieldAdapter class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DateContentControl Initializes a new instance of the DateContentControl class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DateField Initializes a new instance of the DateField class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DropDownListContentControl Initializes a new instance of the DropDownListContentControl class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FieldAdapter Initializes a new instance of the FieldAdapter class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormCheckBox Initializes a new instance of the FormText class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormDropDown Initializes a new instance of the FormDropDown class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormFieldAdapter Initializes a new instance of the FormFieldAdapter class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormText Initializes a new instance of the FormText class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IfField Initializes a new instance of the IfField class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IncludeText Initializes a new instance of the IncludeText class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MailMergeFieldAdapter Initializes a new instance of the MailMergeFieldAdapter class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MergeField Initializes a new instance of the MergeField class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.NextField Initializes a new instance of the NextField class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.NextIfField Initializes a new instance of the NextIfField class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.PlainTextContentControl Initializes a new instance of the PlainTextContentControl class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.RichTextContentControl Initializes a new instance of the RichTextContentControl class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer Initializes a new instance of the DocumentViewer class.


Event Description
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.SaveDocument Occurs when DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.Save has been called, while specifying the format parameter only.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.SaveFormData Occurs when DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.SaveUserInput has been called.


Field Description
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DocumentServer.Fields.FieldAdapter.TYPE_NAME Represents the name of the respective field type.


Method Description
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.Dispose Frees all resources used by the DocumentController instance.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.MergeField Sets the value of the form field specified through the given adapter to the submitted value.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.GetBlockFieldNames Gets a list of the names of all the application fields which are contained inside the specified merge block.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.GetBlockNames Gets a list of the names of all the merge blocks contained in the document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.GetFieldAdapters Gets a collection of adapters for all application fields in the specified scope.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.GetFieldNames Get field names.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.Load Loads a document from a file that is used for further processing.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.LoadFromMemory Loads a document from memory that is used for further processing.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.Save Saves the document that is currently loaded in the DocumentController to a file.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.SaveToMemory Saves the document that is currently loaded in the DocumentController.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.Twips2Pixels Converts a value in twips to a value in pixels according to a specified resolution.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.FieldAdapterCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at the specified index.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.FieldAdapterCollection.GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate over the collection's items.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.FieldAdapterCollection.IndexOf Gets the index of the specified field adapter in the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FieldAdapter.ShowDialog Opens the specific field options dialog box.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.Dispose Frees all resources used by the DocumentViewer instance.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.LoadDocument Loads a document that is used for further processing.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.LoadDocumentFromMemory Loads a document from a file that is used for further processing.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.Save Initiates saving the currently loaded document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.SaveUserInput Initiates saving the currently loaded form's user input.


Property Description
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.CharCodeChecked Gets or sets the character's code that is used to render checked check boxes.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.CharCodeUnchecked Gets or sets the character's code that is used to render unchecked check boxes.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.CheckBoxFont Gets or sets the font used for rendering check boxes.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.DpiX Gets or sets the horizontal DPI value used for display-related calculations.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.DpiY Gets or sets the vertical DPI value used for display-related calculations.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.Pages Gets a collection of all pages contained in the currently loaded document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.TextComponent Gets or sets the object of type ServerTextControl that is associated with the DocumentController component.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.FieldAdapterCollection.Count Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController.FieldAdapterCollection.Item Gets the DocumentServer.Fields.FieldAdapter instance at the specified index from the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.CheckBoxContentControl.Checked Specifies whether the field is checked or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.ComboBoxContentControl.ListItems Gets or sets the list items of the combo box content control field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.ContentControlFieldAdapter.Title Gets or sets the content control's title.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.ContentControlFieldAdapter.Tag Gets or sets the content control's tag.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.ContentControlFieldAdapter.Id Gets or sets the content control's id.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.ContentControlFieldAdapter.ContentDeletable Specifies whether the content of the content control field should be deletable or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.ContentControlFieldAdapter.ContentEditable Specifies whether the content of the content control field should be editable or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.ContentControlFieldAdapter.Type Gets or sets the type of the content control field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.ContentControlFieldAdapter.Placeholder Gets or sets the placeholder field part of the content control field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DateContentControl.Date Gets or sets the date of the content control field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DateContentControl.DateFormat Gets or sets the date format of the content control field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DateContentControl.LanguageID Gets or sets the language ID of the content control field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DateContentControl.StoreMappedDataAs Gets or sets the translation that shall be performed on the displayed date in a date picker structured document tag.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DateContentControl.Calendar Gets or sets the calendar type of the content control field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DateField.Culture Specifies a CultureInfo instance that supplies culture-specific formatting information which is used when applying the formatting string to the field content.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DateField.Text Gets and sets the displayed text of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DateField.Date Sets the date of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DateField.Format Gets and sets the format of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DateContentControl.ListItems Gets or sets the list items of the content control field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FieldAdapter.ApplicationField Gets the adapted ApplicationField of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FieldAdapter.ID Gets the ID of the specific field through its adapter.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FieldAdapter.TypeName Gets the field's type name of the specific field through its adapter.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FieldAdapter.Start Gets the first character position (one-based) of the field through its adapter.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FieldAdapter.Length Gets the number of characters in a text field through its adapter.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormCheckBox.Size Specifies the maximum length of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormCheckBox.SizeAuto Specifies whether the field is automatically resized or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormCheckBox.Checked Specifies whether the field is checked or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormDropDown.ListEntries Gets and sets the list entries of the drop down field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormFieldAdapter.HelpText Gets and sets the help text of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormFieldAdapter.StatusText Gets and sets the status text of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormFieldAdapter.Enabled Specifies whether the field is enabled or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormFieldAdapter.CalcOnExit Gets or sets the CalcOnExit property of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormFieldAdapter.Name Gets and sets the name of the form field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormFieldAdapter.Text Gets and sets the text of the form field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormFieldAdapter.Font Gets and sets the font of the form field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormFieldAdapter.Bounds Gets and sets the bounds of the form field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormText.MaxLength Gets and sets the maximum length of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormText.Format Gets or sets the TextFormatOptions of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.FormText.Type Gets or sets the type of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IfField.DataSourceCulture Specifies the culture which is used for the relational comparison of numerical values.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IfField.MergeCulture Specifies the culture with which numerical and date / time values are formatted when merged into the target document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IfField.Text Gets and sets the displayed text of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IfField.Operator Gets and sets the operator of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IfField.Expression1 Gets and sets the first expression text that should be compared.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IfField.Expression2 Gets and sets the second expression text that should be compared to Expression1.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IfField.TrueText Gets and sets the text that should be displayed when the comparison is true.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IfField.FalseText Gets and sets the text that should be displayed when the comparison is false.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IfField.FieldValue Gets or sets the field's value of the field that has been specified in Expression1.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IncludeText.Filename Gets and sets the file name of the document that should be inserted.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IncludeText.Bookmark Gets and sets the bookmark switch of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IncludeText.TextFormat Gets and sets the text format of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MailMergeFieldAdapter.PreserveFormatting Specifies whether the field's formatting should be preserved.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MergeField.DataSourceCulture Specifies the culture with which numerical and date / time values coming from the data source are parsed.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MergeField.DateTimeFormat Specifies a string format which is applied to date / time values.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MergeField.Mapped Specifies whether the field is a mapped field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MergeField.Name Gets and sets the name of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MergeField.MergeCulture Specifies the culture with which numerical and date / time values are formatted when merged into the target document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MergeField.NumericFormat Specifies a string format which is applied to numeric values.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MergeField.Text Gets and sets the text of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MergeField.TextAfter Gets and sets the text of the field that is displayed after the field's text.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MergeField.TextBefore Gets and sets the text of the field that is displayed before the field's text.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MergeField.TextFormat Gets and sets the text format of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MergeField.VerticalFormatting Specifies whether the field's formatting is vertical.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.NextIfField.DataSourceCulture Specifies the culture which is used for the relational comparison of numerical values.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.NextIfField.MergeCulture Specifies the culture with which numerical and date / time values are formatted when merged into the target document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.NextIfField.Result Gets the evaluation result of the two field expressions and the specified comparison operator.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.NextIfField.Operator Gets and sets the comparison operator the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.NextIfField.Expression1 Gets and sets the first expression text that should be compared.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.NextIfField.Expression2 Gets and sets the second expression text that should be compared to Expression1.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.NextIfField.FieldValue Gets or sets the field's value of the field that has been specified in Expression1.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.PlainTextContentControl.Text Gets or sets the text of the content control field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.RichTextContentControl.Text Gets or sets the text of the content control field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.DocumentController Gets or sets the DocumentServer.DocumentController object that is associated with the DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer component.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.DocumentPath Gets or sets the path to the document, which will be displayed in the DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.EditMode Gets or sets whether the document viewer renders forms editable, i.e.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.FieldBorderStyle Gets or sets whether and if so how the field borders are rendered, when EditMode is set to Edit.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.PageAnimations Specifies whether CSS transition animations should be used or not when navigating through pages.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.PageAnimationDuration Gets or sets the duration of the page animations in seconds.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.ShowEditButton Specifies whether the edit button is shown or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.RoundedPageCorners Specifies whether rounded document page corners should be used or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.FieldBorderColor Gets or sets the color of the field borders, that is used when FieldBorderStyle is not None.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.Interpolation Gets or sets whether the rendered document is interpolated during the process.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.InterpolationMode Gets or sets the interpolation mode which is used for rendering the document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.PageNumber Gets or sets the page number that the DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer is displaying or should display respectively.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.ToolBar Specifies whether the document viewer's tool bar is displayed or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.TotalPages Gets the total number of pages the loaded document contains.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.ZoomFactor Gets or sets the zoom factor in percent.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.ZoomTo Gets or sets the zoom behavior of the DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.SaveDocumentEventArgs.Document Gets a snapshot of the currently loaded document for further processing.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.SaveDocumentEventArgs.FileFormat Specifies the format of DocumentViewer.SaveDocumentEventArgs.Document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.SaveDocumentEventArgs.FormData Gets a snapshot of the currently loaded form's user input.