Javascript: ClipboardModeChangedEventArgs.clipboardMode |
The clipboard mode. |
Javascript: |
Unique ID string of the aborted transfer. |
Javascript: |
Unique ID string of the completed transfer. |
Javascript: |
The unique transfer ID string. |
Javascript: ClipboardTransferProgressEventArgs.progress |
The progress of the clipboard data transfer in percent. |
Javascript: |
The unique transfer ID string. |
Javascript: DocumentPermissions.allowCopy |
Specifies whether document content can be copied to the clipboard. |
Javascript: DocumentPermissions.allowEditingFormFields |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether form fields can be filled in. |
Javascript: DocumentPermissions.allowFormatting |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether the document can be formatted. |
Javascript: DocumentPermissions.allowFormattingStyles |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether formatting styles can be used to format the document. |
Javascript: DocumentPermissions.allowPrinting |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether the document can be printed. |
Javascript: DocumentPermissions.readOnly |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether the document is read only. |
Javascript: Point.x |
The x-coordinate of the point. |
Javascript: Point.y |
The y-coordinate of the point. |
Javascript: Rectangle.location |
The location of the rectangle. |
Javascript: Rectangle.size |
The size of the rectangle. |
Javascript: RibbonPermissionsTab.allowAdditionalUserNames |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can add user names by the RibbonPermissionsTab's Add Users dialog that are not represented by the registeredUserNames property. |
Javascript: RibbonPermissionsTab.registeredUserNames |
Gets or sets an array of strings that represents those registered user names that can be added by the "Permissions" ribbon tab's Add Users dialog. |
Javascript: Size.height |
The height. |
Javascript: Size.width |
The width. |
Javascript: TextViewLocationChangedEventArgs.location |
The new text view location in twips. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.ApplicationField.parameters |
The ApplicationField's parameters. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.ApplicationField.typeName |
The merge field type ("MERGEFIELD", "DATE", "IF" etc.). |
Javascript: TXTextControl.clipboardMode |
Gets or sets the clipboard mode (client or server). |
Javascript: TXTextControl.Color.a |
The alpha component of the color. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.Color.b |
The blue component of the color. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.Color.g |
The green component of the color. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.Color.r |
The red component of the color. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.DateField.format |
Specifies the format of the field. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.DateField.preserveFormatting |
Specifies whether the field's formatting should be preserved. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.documentPermissions |
The document permission settings. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.IfField.expression1 |
Specifies the first expression text that should be compared. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.IfField.expression2 |
Specifies the second expression text that should be compared to Expression1. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.IfField.falseText |
Specifies the text that should be displayed when the comparison is false. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.IfField.operator |
Specifies the comparison operator. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.IfField.preserveFormatting |
Specifies whether the field's formatting should be preserved. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.IfField.trueText |
Specifies the text that should be displayed when the comparison is true. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.images |
Gets a collection of all images contained in the text part with the input focus. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.IncludeTextField.bookmark |
Specifies the bookmark switch of the field. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.IncludeTextField.fileName |
Specifies the file name of the document that should be inserted. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.IncludeTextField.preserveFormatting |
Specifies whether the field's formatting should be preserved. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.IncludeTextField.textFormat |
Specifies the text format of the field. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.MergeField.dateTimeFormat |
Specifies a string format which is applied to date / time values. |
Javascript: |
Specifies the name of the field. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.MergeField.numericFormat |
Specifies a string format which is applied to numeric values. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.MergeField.preserveFormatting |
Specifies whether the field's formatting should be preserved. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.MergeField.text |
Specifies the text of the field. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.MergeField.textAfter |
Specifies the text of the field that is displayed after the field's text. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.MergeField.textBefore |
Specifies the text of the field that is displayed before the field's text. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.MergeField.textFormat |
Specifies the text format of the field. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.NextField.preserveFormatting |
Specifies whether the field's formatting should be preserved. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.NextIfField.expression1 |
Specifies the first expression text that should be compared. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.NextIfField.expression2 |
Specifies the second expression text that should be compared to Expression1. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.NextIfField.operator |
Specifies the comparison operator. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.NextIfField.preserveFormatting |
Specifies whether the field's formatting should be preserved. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.ribbonPermissionsTab |
Returns the "Permissions" ribbon tab object. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.bounds |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.containsInputPosition |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.deleteable |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.doubledInputPosition |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.editable |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.isSpellCheckingEnabled |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.length |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.showActivated |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.start |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.text |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.type |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.textFrames |
Gets a collection of all text frames in the document. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.zoomFactor |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: UserDictionaryInfo.isEditable |
Indicates whether the user dictionary is editable or not. |
Javascript: UserDictionaryInfo.isGetSuggestionsEnabled |
Indicates whether suggestions are created using this dictionary or not. |
Javascript: UserDictionaryInfo.isSelectAsDefault |
Indicates whether the dictionary is selected as the default dictionary by the Language property. |
Javascript: UserDictionaryInfo.isSpellCheckingEnabled |
Indicates whether spell checking of this dictionary is enabled or not. |
Javascript: UserDictionaryInfo.language |
The user dictionary's language in the format languagecode2-country/regioncode2. |
Javascript: UserDictionaryInfo.length |
The number of words the user dictionary contains. |
Javascript: |
The user dictionary's name. |
Javascript: ZoomFactorChangedEventArgs.zoomFactor |
The new zoom factor in percent. |
TXTextControl.DocumentPermissions.AllowCopy |
Specifies whether document content can be copied to the clipboard. |
TXTextControl.DocumentPermissions.AllowFormatting |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether the document can be formatted. |
TXTextControl.DocumentPermissions.AllowFormattingStyles |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether formatting styles can be used to format the document. |
TXTextControl.DocumentPermissions.AllowPrinting |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether the document can be printed. |
TXTextControl.DocumentPermissions.ReadOnly |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether the document is read only. |
TXTextControl.EditableRegion.DefaultHighlightColor |
Gets the default highlight color of an editable region. |
TXTextControl.EditableRegion.HighlightColor |
Gets or sets the highlight color for the editable region. |
TXTextControl.EditableRegion.HighlightMode |
Gets or sets a value indicating when the editable region is highlighted. |
TXTextControl.EditableRegion.ID |
Gets or sets the editable region's identifier. |
TXTextControl.EditableRegion.Length |
Gets the number of characters which belong to the editable region. |
TXTextControl.EditableRegion.Number |
Gets the editable region's number. |
TXTextControl.EditableRegion.Start |
Gets the index (one-based) of the first character which belongs to the editable region. |
TXTextControl.EditableRegion.Text |
Gets the editable region's text. |
TXTextControl.EditableRegion.UserName |
Gets or sets the name of the user who can edit the region. |
TXTextControl.EditableRegionCollection.Count |
Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. |
TXTextControl.EditableRegionCollection.IsSynchronized |
Returns true if the collection is designed to be thread safe, otherwise, it returns false. |
TXTextControl.EditableRegionCollection.Item |
Gets the editable region with the specified number from the collection. |
TXTextControl.EditableRegionCollection.SyncRoot |
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. |
TXTextControl.EditableRegionEventArgs.EditableRegion |
Gets an object that represents the editable region which causes the event. |
TXTextControl.FrameBase.Bounds |
Gets the frame's bounding rectangle relative to the upper left corner of the document. |
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.EditableRegions |
Gets a collection of all editable regions in the header or footer. |
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.EditableRegions |
Gets a collection of all editable regions in the text part. |
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.EditableRegions |
Gets a collection of all editable regions contained in the document. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.CanCharacterFormat |
Informs whether the currently selected text can be formatted with character formatting attributes. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.CanDocumentFormat |
Informs whether the document can be formatted with page and section formatting attributes. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.CanEdit |
Informs whether the document's text and/or formatting attributes can be changed. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.CanParagraphFormat |
Informs whether the currently selected text can be formatted with paragraph formatting attributes. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.CanPrint |
Informs whether the document can be printed. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.CanStyleFormat |
Informs whether the document can be formatted with formatting styles. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.CanTableFormat |
Informs whether the currently selected text can be formatted with table formatting attributes. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.DocumentPermissions |
Gets a DocumentPermissions object which provides properties determining how a document can be edited and formatted when the EditMode property is set to EditMode.ReadAndSelect. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.PermanentControlChars |
Gets or sets a value indicating which control characters are shown permanently. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.SelectObjects |
Gets or sets a value controlling the selection of objects which are inserted behind the text. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.UserNames |
Gets or sets a list of names specifying users who have access to editable regions. |
TXTextControl.TextFrame.EditableRegions |
Gets a collection of all editable regions in the text frame. |
TXTextControl.Web.TextControl.UserNames |
Gets or sets a list of names specifying users who have access to editable regions. |