Gets or sets the border style of the button bar.


public ButtonBarBorderStyle BorderStyle { get; set; }
Public Property BorderStyle() As ButtonBarBorderStyle


Member Description
ColorScheme The button bar has no border and a light to dark variation in background color. The colors depend on the color scheme currently set through the system or on the colors set with the DisplayColors property.
Fixed3D The button bar has a border with a single line and a 3D visual effect.
FixedSingle The button bar has a border with a single line.
Flat The button bar has no border.
Simple3D The button bar has a no border but a 3D visual effect.


The BorderStyle property gets or sets the border style of the button bar. Here, the BorderStyle is set to 'ColorScheme' - as well as the ButtonStyle property - so that user defined colors can be used.

TXTextControl.ButtonBar buttonBar = new TXTextControl.ButtonBar();
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors colors= new TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors();
buttonBar.BorderStyle = TXTextControl.ButtonBarBorderStyle.ColorScheme;
buttonBar.ButtonStyle = TXTextControl.ButtonStyle.ColorScheme;
colors.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
buttonBar.DisplayColors = colors;
Dim buttonBar As TXTextControl.ButtonBar = New TXTextControl.ButtonBar()
Dim colors As TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors = New TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors()
buttonBar.BorderStyle = TXTextControl.ButtonBarBorderStyle.ColorScheme
buttonBar.ButtonStyle = TXTextControl.ButtonStyle.ColorScheme
colors.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White
buttonBar.DisplayColors = colors