Gets or sets an array of buttons the button bar consists of. The maximum size of the array is 31 buttons.


public Button[] ButtonPositions { get; set; }
Public Property ButtonPositions() As Button()


Member Description
AlignmentLeftButton Specifies a button for setting a left aligned paragraph.
AlignmentRightButton Specifies a button for setting a right aligned paragraph.
AlignmentCenteredButton Specifies a button for setting a centered paragraph.
AlignmentJustifiedButton Specifies a button for setting a justified paragraph.
ControlCharsButton Specifies a button for showing or hiding control characters.
DecreaseIndentButton Specifies a button for decreasing a paragraph's indent.
FontNameComboBox Specifies a combobox containing all fonts of the current formatting device.
FontSizeComboBox Specifies a combobox containing all sizes of the current font.
FontBoldButton Specifies a button for setting the font bold attribute.
FontItalicButton Specifies a button for setting the font italic attribute.
FontUnderlineButton Specifies a button for setting the font underline attribute.
GrowFontSizeButton Specifies a button for growing the font size.
IncreaseIndentButton Specifies a button for increasing a paragraph's indent.
LeftToRightButton Specifies a button to set a paragraph's text direction from left to right.
ListBulletedButton Specifies a button for setting a bulleted list.
ListNumberedButton Specifies a button for setting a numbered list.
ListStructuredButton Specifies a button for setting a structured numbered list.
RightToLeftButton Specifies a button to set a paragraph's text direction from right to left.
ShrinkFontSizeButton Specifies a button for shrinking the font size.
StrikeOutButton Specifies a button for setting the font strike out attribute.
StyleComboBox Specifies a combobox containing the document's formatting styles.
SubscriptButton Specifies a button for setting the baseline of selected text to subscript.
SuperscriptButton Specifies a button for setting the baseline of selected text to superscript.
TabLeftButton Specifies a button for selecting a left aligned tab.
TabRightButton Specifies a button for selecting a right aligned tab.
TabCenteredButton Specifies a button for selecting a centered tab.
TabDecimalButton Specifies a button for selecting a decimal tab.
XMLAddElementComboBox Specifies a combobox for inserting XML elements.
XMLRemoveElementComboBox Specifies a combobox for deleting XML elements.
ZoomComboBox Specifies a combobox for setting the current zoom factor.


In this example, the ButtonBar´s 'ButtonPositions' property is used to define the buttons of which the ButtonBar consists of.

TXTextControl.ButtonBar buttonBar1 = new TXTextControl.ButtonBar();
buttonBar1.ReadOnly = false;
buttonBar1.ButtonPositions = new TXTextControl.Button[]{
buttonBar1.ButtonSeparators = new bool[] {true};
Dim buttonBar1 As TXTextControl.ButtonBar = New TXTextControl.ButtonBar()
buttonBar1.[ReadOnly] = False
buttonBar1.ButtonPositions = New TXTextControl.Button() {TXTextControl.Button.FontBoldButton, TXTextControl.Button.FontItalicButton}
buttonBar1.ButtonSeparators = New Boolean() {True}