Gets or sets the file name of an image used, if a Text Control document is saved. An empty string indicates that no export filename has currently be specified for the image. In this case either the original or a constructed filename is used. A filename is constructed in the following form: <document_filename>_<number>.<extension>


public string ExportFileName { get; set; }
Public Property ExportFileName() As String


In this example the 'ExportFileName' property is set to an empty string. This means, a constructed filename is used. Remember, a constructed filename is constructed in the form: _..

TXTextControl.Image myImage = new TXTextControl.Image();

myImage.Sizeable = false;
myImage.HorizontalScaling = 75;
myImage.VerticalScaling = 75;
myImage.ExportCompressionQuality = 100;
myImage.ExportFileName = ""; // in this line the 'ExportFileName' is set to a constructed filename.

textControl1.Images.Add(myImage, -1);
Dim myImage As TXTextControl.Image = New TXTextControl.Image()

myImage.Sizeable = False
myImage.HorizontalScaling = 75
myImage.VerticalScaling = 75
myImage.ExportCompressionQuality = 100
myImage.ExportFileName = "" ' in this line the 'ExportFileName' is set to a constructed filename.

textControl1.Images.Add(myImage, -1)