Determines a certain text format. The enumeration contains the following values:


Member Description
AdobePDF Specifies Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). How a PDF document is loaded depends on the LoadSettings.PDFImportSettings property. Only a complete document can be saved with this format.
AdobePDFA Specifies Adobe Portable Document Format Archive (PDF/A). This format can only be used in saving operations and only a complete document can be saved with this format.
AllFormats Specifies whether an 'All Formats' item is added to the Load dialog. Selecting that item displayes all files that can be chosen by the dialog.
CascadingStylesheet Specifies CSS format (Cascading Style Sheet). This format can only be used in saving operations.
HTMLFormat Specifies HTML format (Hypertext Markup Language).
InternalFormat Specifies the Text Control format. Text is stored in ANSI format.
InternalUnicodeFormat Specifies the Text Control format. Text is stored in Unicode format.
MSWord Specifies Microsoft Word format (.DOC version).
PlainAnsiText Specifies text in Windows ANSI format (an end of a paragraph is marked with the control characters 13 and 10).
PlainText Specifies text in Windows Unicode format (an end of a paragraph is marked with the control characters 13 and 10).
RichTextFormat Specifies RTF format (Rich Text Format).
SpreadsheetML Specifies Microsoft Excel format (Office Open XML version).
WordprocessingML Specifies Microsoft Word format (Office Open XML version).
XMLFormat Specifies XML format (Extensible Markup Language).

See Also

TextControl.Load Method, WPF.TextControl.Load Method, ServerTextControl.Load Method, TextControl.Save Method, WPF.TextControl.Save Method, ServerTextControl.Save Method.