WPF Programming


Class Description
TXTextControl.WPF.BooleanConverter The BooleanConverter class provides a way to convert a value to a boolean value.
TXTextControl.WPF.ColorConverter The WPF.ColorConverter class provides a way to convert a System.Drawing.Color value to System.Windows.Media.Color value.
TXTextControl.WPF.LogarithmicConverter The class WPF.LogarithmicConverter converts a numeric value from a linear scale to a logarithmic scale.
TXTextControl.WPF.MeasureConverter The MeasureConverter class provides a way to convert a measure in twips (twentieth of a point) to a value in another measuring unit.


Method Description
TXTextControl.WPF.BooleanConverter.Convert Converts a value to a boolean.
TXTextControl.WPF.BooleanConverter.ConvertBack Converts a boolean to a value of the type specified through the targetType parameter.
TXTextControl.WPF.ColorConverter.Convert Converts a System.Drawing.Color value to System.Windows.Media.Color value.
TXTextControl.WPF.ColorConverter.ConvertBack Converts a System.Windows.Media.Color to a System.Drawing.Color value.
TXTextControl.WPF.LogarithmicConverter.Convert Converts an integer or a double precision floating point value to an integer or a double precision floating point value.
TXTextControl.WPF.LogarithmicConverter.ConvertBack Converts an integer or a double precision floating point value to an integer or a double precision floating point value.
TXTextControl.WPF.MeasureConverter.Convert Converts a value from twips to another meaasuring unit.
TXTextControl.WPF.MeasureConverter.ConvertBack Converts a value from another measuring unit to twips.


Property Description
TXTextControl.WPF.LogarithmicConverter.InputMinimum Sets or gets the lower bound of the source value range.
TXTextControl.WPF.LogarithmicConverter.InputCenter Sets or gets the numeric value of the source value range which will be mapped to the center of the target value range.
TXTextControl.WPF.LogarithmicConverter.InputMaximum Sets or gets the upper bound of the source value range.
TXTextControl.WPF.LogarithmicConverter.OutputMinimum Sets or gets the lower bound of the target value range.
TXTextControl.WPF.LogarithmicConverter.OutputMaximum Sets or gets the upper bound of the target value range.
TXTextControl.WPF.MeasureConverter.Decimals Gets or sets the number of decimals for the converted value.
TXTextControl.WPF.MeasureConverter.Unit Gets or sets the measuring unit for the conversion.
TXTextControl.WPF.MeasureConverter.ShowAllDecimals Gets or sets a value specifying whether all decimals set with the Decimals property are shown, when the result is a string.