The Sidebar class represents a container that gives quick access to a System.Windows.FrameworkElement which is either user-defined or a predefined TextControl feature interface. It must be placed inside another UIElement, but can also be displayed as a dialog. A Sidebar is inherited from the System.Windows.Controls.Control class. The following describes only the properties, methods and events defined through the Sidebar class. For a list of properties, methods and events inherited from the System.Windows.Controls.Control class see the .NET Framework reference.


public class Sidebar : System.Windows.Controls.Control
Public Class Sidebar
  Inherits System.Windows.Controls.Control

Introduced: X16.


Constructor Description
Sidebar Initializes a new instance of the Sidebar class.


Enumeration Description
AboutItem Each AboutItem represents an item in a predefined About control.
CommentsItem Each CommentsItem represents an item in a predefined Comments control.
ConditionalInstructionsItem Each ConditionalInstructionsItem represents an item in a predefined ConditionalInstructions control.
DocumentSettingsItem Each DocumentSettingsItem represents an item in a predefined Document Settings control.
FieldNavigatorItem Each FieldNavigatorItem represents an item in a predefined FieldNavigator control.
FindAndReplaceItem Each FieldNavigatorItem represents an item in a predefined Find or Replace control.
GotoItem Each GotoItem represents an item in a predefined Goto control.
SidebarContentLayout Specifies the requested layout that has to be intialized and rendered as sidebar content.
SidebarDialogStyle Specifies the requested border and title bar layout of the sidebar dialog.
StylesItem Each StylesItem represents an item in a predefined Styles control.
TrackedChangesItem Each TrackedChangesItem represents an item in a predefined TrackedChanges control.


Property Description
Content Gets or sets an object of type System.Windows.FrameworkElement that represents the content of the Sidebar.
ContentLayout Determines the content layout that has to be intialized and rendered for the Sidebar.
DialogLocation Gets or sets the location of the dialog where the Sidebar is placed, if the Sidebar.IsPinned property is set to false.
DialogSize Gets or sets the size of the dialog where the Sidebar is placed, if the Sidebar.IsPinned property is set to false.
DialogStyle Gets or sets the requested border and title bar layout of the sidebar dialog.
IsPinned Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Sidebar is rendered inside another control (property value is set to true) or displayed as dialog.
IsShown Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Sidebar is shown.
IsSizable Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Sidebar can be sized with the mouse.
ShowCloseButton Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Sidebar's close button is shown.
ShowPinButton Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Sidebar's pin button is shown.
ShowTitle Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Sidebar's title is shown.
Text Gets or sets the text that is displayed in the title bar of the Sidebar.
TextControl Gets or sets the TextControl that is used for the predefined TextControl feature layouts.
TitleFontFamily Gets or sets the font family of the title bar's text.
TitleFontSize Gets or sets the font size of the title bar's text.
TitleForeground Gets or sets the brush of the title bar's text.

Further Reading

Learn more about the TXTextControl.WPF.Sidebar Class in the Text Control Blog: