The TextViewGenerator class is a special ServerTextControl, which can be used to visualize the control's text contents through a generated image. It manages a ServerVisualization.UserInput and a ServerVisualization.View object. These objects can be used to inform the generator about user input and to get a generated view depending on the input. A TextViewGenerator object can be connected with a StatusBarViewGenerator and with a RulerBarViewGenerator object to show formatting attributes and status information at the curent text input position.


public class TextViewGenerator : ServerTextControl
Public Class TextViewGenerator
  Inherits ServerTextControl

Introduced: X11.


Enumeration Description
DialogBoxKind Determines a built-in dialog box.


Event Description
BarcodeDeselected Occurs when a barcode has been deselected.
BarcodeSelected Occurs when a barcode has been selected.
CannotTrackChange Determines how to handle a change of the document that cannot be added to the list of tracked changes.
CaretStateChanged Occurs when the state of the caret (size, position, visibility) has been changed.
Changed Indicates that the contents of a document have been changed.
CharFormatChanged Occurs when the character formatting attributes either of the selected characters or the current text input position have been changed.
ChartDeselected Occurs when a chart has been deselected.
ChartSelected Occurs when a chart has been selected.
CommentChanged Occurs when the text of a comment has been altered.
CommentStateChanged Occurs when the state of a comment alters from active to inactive or vice versa.
CommentedTextEntered Occurs when the current input position has been moved to a position that belongs to a commented piece of text.
CommentedTextLeft Occurs when the current input position has left a commented piece of text.
DocumentLinkClicked Occurs when a text field has been clicked on that represents a link to a target in the document.
DocumentSizeChanged Occurs when the size of the document has been changed.
DrawCombobox Occurs when a combobox for a SelectionFormField must be drawn.
DrawDateControl Occurs when a date control for a DateFormField must be drawn.
DrawShape Occurs when additional user-interaction parts must be drawn.
DrawingDeselected Occurs when a drawing has been deselected.
DrawingSelected Occurs when a drawing has been selected.
EditableRegionEntered Occurs when the current input position has been moved to a position that belongs to an editable region.
EditableRegionLeft Occurs when the current input position has left an editable region.
FootnoteReferenceMarkEntered Occurs when the current input position has been moved to the position of a footnote reference mark.
FootnoteReferenceMarkLeft Occurs when the current input position has left the position of a footnote reference mark.
FootnoteSectionActivated Occurs when the footnote section of a document's page gets the current text input position from another part of the document.
FootnoteSectionDeactivated Occurs when the footnote section of a document's page has lost the current text input position.
FormFieldCheckChanged Occurs when the checkmark of a CheckFormField has been changed from checked to unchecked or vice versa.
FormFieldDateChanged Occurs when the date of a DateFormField has been changed.
FormFieldSelectionChanged Occurs when the selected item of a SelectionFormField has been changed.
FormFieldSettingsChanged Occurs when the name, the id and/or formatting attributes of a CheckFormField, TextFormField, SelectionFormField or DateFormField have been changed.
FormFieldTextChanged Occurs when the text of a TextFormField has been changed.
FormattingStyleChanged Occurs after formatting attributes of one or more formatting styles have been changed.
FormattingStyleListChanged Occurs after one or more formatting styles have been added or removed or if the name of an existing style has been changed.
FrameDeselected Occurs when a frame (image, text frame, chart, barcode or drawing) has been deselected.
FrameMoved Occurs when a frame (image, text frame, chart, barcode or drawing) has been moved.
FrameSelected Occurs when a frame (image, text frame, chart, barcode or drawing) has been selected.
FrameSized Occurs when a frame (image, text frame, chart, barcode or drawing) has been sized.
HeaderFooterActivated Occurs when a header or footer gets the current text input position from another part of the document such as a textframe or the main text.
HeaderFooterDeactivated Occurs when a header or footer loses the current text input position and another part of the document such as a textframe or the main text gets it.
HypertextLinkClicked Occurs when a text field has been clicked on that represents the source of a hypertext link.
ImageDeselected Occurs when an image has been deselected.
ImageSelected Occurs when an image has been selected.
InputFormattingStyleChanged Occurs after the text input position has been moved to a text part formatted with another style.
InputParagraphChanged Occurs when the text input position has been moved to another paragraph.
InputPositionChanged Occurs when the text input position has been changed.
MainTextActivated Occurs when the main text of the document gets the current text input position from another part of the document, such as a header, a footer or a textframe.
PageFormatChanged Occurs when the page format settings have been changed.
ParagraphFormatChanged Occurs when the formatting attributes of the selected paragraphs have been changed.
RemoveCombobox Occurs when a combobox for a SelectionFormField must be removed.
RemoveDateControl Occurs when the date control of a DateFormField must be removed.
ShowDialogBox Occurs when a dialog box should be shown.
ShowErrorMessage Occurs when an error message should be shown.
SignatureFieldDeselected Occurs when a signature field has been deselected.
SignatureFieldSelected Occurs when a signature field has been selected.
SubTextPartClicked Occurs when a subtextpart has been clicked on.
SubTextPartDoubleClicked Occurs when a subtextpart has been double-clicked on.
SubTextPartEntered Occurs when the current input position has been moved to a position that belongs to a subtextpart.
SubTextPartLeft Occurs when the current input position has left a subtextpart.
TableOfContentsEntered Occurs when the current input position has been moved to a position that belongs to a table of contents.
TableOfContentsLeft Occurs when the current input position has left a table of contents.
TextContextMenuOpening Occurs when a right mouse click is sent as user input and a context menu should be opened.
TextFieldClicked Occurs when a text field has been clicked on.
TextFieldEntered Occurs when the current input position has been moved to a position that belongs to a text field.
TextFieldLeft Occurs when the current input position has left a text field.
TextFrameActivated Occurs when a text frame gets the current text input position from another part of the document such as a header, a footer or the main text.
TextFrameDeactivated Occurs when a text frame loses the current text input position and another part of the document such as a header, a footer or the main text gets it.
TextFrameDeselected Occurs when a text frame has been deselected.
TextFrameSelected Occurs when a text frame has been selected.
TrackedChangeChanged Occurs when the text of a tracked change has been altered.
TrackedChangeStateChanged Occurs when the state of a tracked change alters from active to inactive or vice versa.


Method Description
BeginUndoAction Begins a user-defined undo operation.
EndUndoAction Ends a user-defined undo operation.
GetDialogBox Returns a view generator for the specified built-in dialog box.
OnBarcodeDeselected Raises the BarcodeDeselected event.
OnBarcodeSelected Raises the BarcodeSelected event.
OnCannotTrackChange Raises the CannotTrackChange event.
OnCaretStateChanged Raises the CaretStateChanged event.
OnChanged Raises the Changed event.
OnCharFormatChanged Raises the CharFormatChanged event.
OnChartDeselected Raises the ChartDeselected event.
OnChartSelected Raises the ChartSelected event.
OnCommentChanged Raises the CommentChanged event.
OnCommentStateChanged Raises the CommentStateChanged event.
OnCommentedTextEntered Raises the CommentedTextEntered event.
OnCommentedTextLeft Raises the CommentedTextLeft event.
OnDocumentLinkClicked Raises the DocumentLinkClicked event.
OnDocumentSizeChanged Raises the DocumentSizeChanged event.
OnDrawCombobox Raises the DrawCombobox event.
OnDrawDateControl Raises the DrawDateControl event.
OnDrawShape Raises the DrawShape event.
OnDrawingDeselected Raises the DrawingDeselected event.
OnDrawingSelected Raises the DrawingSelected event.
OnEditableRegionEntered Raises the EditableRegionEntered event.
OnEditableRegionLeft Raises the EditableRegionLeft event.
OnFootnoteReferenceMarkEntered Raises the FootnoteReferenceMarkEntered event.
OnFootnoteReferenceMarkLeft Raises the FootnoteReferenceMarkLeft event.
OnFootnoteSectionActivated Raises the FootnoteSectionActivated event.
OnFootnoteSectionDeactivated Raises the FootnoteSectionDeactivated event.
OnFormFieldCheckChanged Raises the FormFieldCheckChanged event.
OnFormFieldDateChanged Raises the FormFieldDateChanged event.
OnFormFieldSelectionChanged Raises the FormFieldSelectionChanged event.
OnFormFieldSettingsChanged Raises the FormFieldSettingsChanged event.
OnFormFieldTextChanged Raises the FormFieldTextChanged event.
OnFormattingStyleChanged Raises the FormattingStyleChanged event.
OnFormattingStyleListChanged Raises the FormattingStyleListChanged event.
OnFrameDeselected Raises the FrameDeselected event.
OnFrameMoved Raises the FrameMoved event.
OnFrameSelected Raises the FrameSelected event.
OnFrameSized Raises the FrameSized event.
OnHeaderFooterActivated Raises the HeaderFooterActivated event.
OnHeaderFooterDeactivated Raises the HeaderFooterDeactivated event.
OnHypertextLinkClicked Raises the HypertextLinkClicked event.
OnImageDeselected Raises the ImageDeselected event.
OnImageSelected Raises the ImageSelected event.
OnInputFormattingStyleChanged Raises the InputFormattingStyleChanged event.
OnInputParagraphChanged Raises the InputParagraphChanged event.
OnInputPositionChanged Raises the InputPositionChanged event.
OnMainTextActivated Raises the MainTextActivated event.
OnPageFormatChanged Raises the PageFormatChanged event.
OnParagraphFormatChanged Raises the ParagraphFormatChanged event.
OnRemoveCombobox Raises the RemoveCombobox event.
OnRemoveDateControl Raises the RemoveDateControl event.
OnSignatureFieldDeselected Raises the SignatureFieldDeselected event.
OnSignatureFieldSelected Raises the SignatureFieldSelected event.
OnSubTextPartClicked Raises the SubTextPartClicked event.
OnSubTextPartDoubleClicked Raises the SubTextPartDoubleClicked event.
OnSubTextPartEntered Raises the SubTextPartEntered event.
OnSubTextPartLeft Raises the SubTextPartLeft event.
OnTableOfContentsEntered Raises the TableOfContentsEntered event.
OnTableOfContentsLeft Raises the TableOfContentsLeft event.
OnTextContextMenuOpening Raises the TextContextMenuOpening event.
OnTextFieldClicked Raises the TextFieldClicked event.
OnTextFieldEntered Raises the TextFieldEntered event.
OnTextFieldLeft Raises the TextFieldLeft event.
OnTextFrameActivated Raises the TextFrameActivated event.
OnTextFrameDeactivated Raises the TextFrameDeactivated event.
OnTextFrameDeselected Raises the TextFrameDeselected event.
OnTextFrameSelected Raises the TextFrameSelected event.
OnTrackedChangeChanged Raises the TrackedChangeChanged event.
OnTrackedChangeStateChanged Raises the TrackedChangeStateChanged event.
Redo Redoes the last TextViewGenerator operation.
Undo Undoes the last edit operation in the TextViewGenerator.
Zoom Zooms the contents of the TextViewGenerator.


Property Description
ActivationState Gets or sets a value indicating the current activation state of the text view generator.
AllowDrag Gets or sets a value indicating whether the view generator can be a source of a Drag&Drop operation.
AllowDrop Gets or sets a value indicating whether the view generator can accept data that the user drags onto it.
AllowUndo Gets or sets a value indicating whether the undo buffer is active or not.
CanCharacterFormat Informs whether the currently selected text can be formatted with character formatting attributes.
CanCopy Informs whether a part of a document has been selected and can be copied to the clipboard.
CanDocumentFormat Informs whether the document can be formatted with page and section formatting attributes.
CanEdit Informs whether the document's text and/or formatting attributes can be changed.
CanEditFormFields Informs whether form fields can be edited.
CanParagraphFormat Informs whether the currently selected text can be formatted with paragraph formatting attributes.
CanPaste Informs whether the clipboard contains a format that can be pasted into a document.
CanPrint Informs whether the document can be printed.
CanRedo Informs whether an operation can be re-done.
CanStyleFormat Informs whether the document can be formatted with formatting styles.
CanTableFormat Informs whether the currently selected text can be formatted with table formatting attributes.
CanUndo Gets a value indicating whether the user can undo the previous operation.
CommentHighlightMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the commented texts in the document are highlighted.
ControlChars Specifies if control characters are visible or not.
DialogUnit Gets or sets a value indicating the measuring unit used for sizes and distances in dialogboxes.
DisplayColors Gets or sets display colors.
DocumentPermissions Gets a DocumentPermissions object which provides properties determining how a document can be edited and formatted when the EditMode property is set to EditMode.ReadAndSelect.
DocumentTargetMarkers Gets or sets a value indicating that markers for hypertext targets are shown or not.
DrawingMarkerLines Specifies whether a marker frame is shown around a drawing to indicate its position and size.
EditMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether the document's text is read-only, can be selected or is editable.
EditableRegionHighlightMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the editable regions in the document are highlighted.
InputFormat Gets an object of the type InputFormat which represents all formatting attributes at the current text input position.
IsFormFieldValidationEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether Conditional Instructions are applied to form fields when the EditMode property is set to EditMode.ReadAndSelect and TextViewGenerator.DocumentPermissions.ReadOnly to true.
IsTrackChangesEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether track changes is active or not.
Location Gets or sets a location, in pixels.
PermanentControlChars Gets or sets a value indicating which control characters are shown permanently.
RedoActionName Gets a string that represents the name of the action that will be performed when a call to the Redo method is made.
Resolution Gets or sets a resolution, in dots per inch (dpi).
RulerBar Specifies the horizontal ruler bar to be used with the TextViewGenerator.
SelectObjects Gets or sets a value controlling the selection of objects which are inserted behind the text.
StatusBar Specifies the status bar to be used with the TextViewGenerator.
TextFrameMarkerLines Specifies whether text frames that have no border line are shown with marker lines.
UndoActionName Gets a string that represents the name of the action that will be performed when a call to the Undo method is made.
UserInput Gets the UserInput object, which can be used to inform the TextViewGenerator about user input.
UserNames Gets or sets a list of names specifying users who have access to editable regions.
VerticalRulerBar Specifies the vertical ruler bar to be used with the TextViewGenerator.
View Gets the View object, which informs about view changes and provides an image of the TextViewGenerator's current state.
ViewMode Gets or sets the mode how a document is displayed.