New Features and Update Notes

TX Text Control 18.0 provides the following new features:


TX Text Control for Windows Forms now supports the insertion of chart controls of the type System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart. This control is part of the .net framework since version 4, but can be added to prior versions. A chart can be positioned like an image or textframe, either geometrically or as a single character. Geometrically its position can either be relative to a paragraph to which it is anchored or relative to the complete document. The new ChartFrame class handles the positioning of the chart in the document. A chart frame is always associated with a chart control which handles the appearance and the data of the chart. All charts in a document are contained in a ChartCollection. The collection can also be used to add charts to or to remove charts from the document. The chart collection can be obtained from a TextControl or ServerTextControl through the Charts property. The TextControl.ChartLayoutDialog method opens a dialog box, which offers layout settings such as positioning, size and text distances. A chart can be saved with the TX Text Control and the RTF format and is reconstructed during a loading process. With other formats the chart image is saved. If a document with charts is loaded on a system where no chart controls are installed, the chart's image is inserted.


Text Control now offers a z-order of all images, text frames and charts which are inserted in the text. All of these objects can be either in front of the text or behind the text and the z-order among these objects can be changed. The new insertion modes AboveTheText and BelowTheText have been added. Depending on these modes either the text overwrites the object or the object overwrites the main text. The ImageCollection.Add, TextFrameCollection.Add and ChartCollection.Add methods and the Image.InsertionMode, TextFrame.InsertionMode and FrameBase.InsertionMode properties support these new modes. The z-order can be changed with the ChangeZOrder method of an Image, TextFrame or DataVisualization.ChartFrame object. With this method the image, text frame or chart can be moved up or down one plane or it can be moved to the topmost or to the bottom most position. Objects inserted inline have always a z-order of zero.

Transparent Text Frames

Text frames can be transparent, so that images and other text frames behind a transparent text frame are visible. Transparency can be set as a value from 0 to 255 with the TextFrame.Transparency property. Zero means opaque and 255 means completely transparent.

Frame Collection

A common collection containing all images, text frames and charts of a document is now available. This FrameCollection can be obtained with the TextControl.Frames, WPF.TextControl.Frames or ServerTextControl.Frames property. It can be used to alter common attributes or to get the currently selected item. The objects in the collection are of the type Image, TextFrame and DataVisualization.ChartFrame.

Text Parts

Two new TextPartCollection.GetItem methods have been implemented. The first retrieves the offset of the text part from the top left corner of the TextControl and the second searches for a text part at a certain gemetric location.

Spell Checking

Two new properties have been implemented for the MisspelledWord class. The MisspelledWord.IsIgnored property marks the misspelled word as ignored. An ignored misspelled word remains in the collection of misspelled words, but it is not underlined in the text with a red zigzag line. The MisspelledWord.IsDuplicate property informs whether the word is a duplicate word. A duplicate word is not misspelled, but it has the same text as the word in front of it. The new SpellCheckContextMenu property of the WPF.TextControl can be used to define a context menu, when the end-user right-clicks a misspelled word. Either a built-in default menu or a user-defined menu can be specified.


TX Text Control supports now the EMF image format (Windows Enhanced Metafile). The EMF and WMF image formats are handled internally without an image filter. The WMF image filter is no longer necessary.

New Status Bar Design

The TX Text Control StatusBar and WPF.StatusBar offers a new background style with a vertical color gradient and separator lines between the display parts. Furthermore a track bar has been added to set the zooming factor of a Text Control. All colors depend either on the Windows themes or can be user-defined with the StatusBar.DisplayColors and WPF.StatusBar.DisplayColors properties. The new VerticalColorScheme style can be set with the StatusBar.BorderStyle property.

MisspelledWordCollection.GetItem Method

The coordinates to use with the location parameter have been changed from twips to pixels.

Image.InsertionMode Property

The ImageInsertionMode enumeration has been extended with the AboveTheText and BelowTheText settings.

TextFrame.InsertionMode Property

The TextFrameInsertionMode enumeration has been extended with the AboveTheText and BelowTheText settings.