The IFormattedText interface contains properties and methods common to all text parts in a TX Text Control document. A TX Text Control document consists of the document's main text and additional pieces of text like text frames, headers and footers and footnote sections. A single text part has lines, paragraphs, characters and a selection which can be used to assign character and paragraph formatting attributes to a piece of text. Additionally a text part can contain tables, images, text fields, hypertext links and misspelled words. The following classes implement this interface: TextControl, ServerTextControl, WPF.TextControl, TextFrame, HeaderFooter, MainText, FootnoteSection and FootnoteText.


public interface IFormattedText
Public Interface IFormattedText

Introduced: 16.0.


The following examples shows how to loop through all text parts to get the first line of each part.

foreach (object obj in textControl1.TextParts) 
       Console.WriteLine("First Line: " + ((IFormattedText)
For Each obj As Object In textControl1.TextParts
    Console.WriteLine("First Line: " & (CType(obj, IFormattedText)).Lines(1).Text)



Method Description
Find Finds a text string in the text part.
GetTextFields Returns a collection containing text fields of the specified types.


Property Description
ApplicationFields Gets a collection of all Microsoft Word or Heiler HighEdit fields that have been created or imported from a Microsoft Word or RTF document.
Barcodes Gets a collection of all barcodes in the text part.
Comments Gets a collection of all comments in the text part.
DocumentLinks Gets a collection of all links in the text part which point to targets in the same document.
DocumentTargets Gets a collection of all targets in the text part.
Drawings Gets a collection of all drawings in the text part.
EditableRegions Gets a collection of all editable regions in the text part.
FormFields Gets a collection of all form fields in the text part.
Frames Gets a collection of all images, textframes, charts, barcodes and drawings in the text part.
HypertextLinks Gets a collection of all hypertext links in the text part.
Images Gets a collection of all images in the text part.
Lines Gets a collection of all lines the text in the text part consists of.
MisspelledWords Gets a collection of all misspelled words in the text part.
Paragraphs Gets a collection of all paragraphs the text in the text part consists of.
Selection Gets or sets the current selection in the text part.
SubTextParts Gets a collection of all subtextparts in the text part.
Tables Gets a collection of all tables in the text part.
TablesOfContents Gets a collection of all tables of contents.
TextChars Gets a collection of all characters the text in the text part consists of.
TextFields Gets a collection of all standard text fields in the text part.
TrackedChanges Gets a collection of all tracked changes made in the text part.

Further Reading

Learn more about the TXTextControl.IFormattedText Interface in the Text Control Blog: