New Classes, Properties, Methods and Events

In TX Text Control 28.0 for Windows Forms the following new classes, properties, methods and events have been added:


Property Description
TXTextControl.ApplicationFieldCollection.Item Gets the field with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.CheckFormField.Checked Gets or set a value indicating whether the checkbox is in the checked state.
TXTextControl.CheckFormField.CheckedCharacter Gets or sets the character which is used to display the checkbox in the checked state.
TXTextControl.CheckFormField.SupportedCheckedCharacters Gets possible characters which can be used to display the checkbox in the checked state.
TXTextControl.CheckFormField.SupportedUncheckedCharacters Gets possible characters which can be used to display the checkbox in the unchecked state.
TXTextControl.CheckFormField.UncheckedCharacter Gets or sets the character which is used to display the checkbox in the unchecked state.
TXTextControl.CheckFormFieldEventArgs.CheckFormField Gets an object representing the CheckFormField that causes the event.
TXTextControl.Condition.ComparisonOperator Gets the operator that is used to compare the condition's form field value with the specified comparison value.
TXTextControl.Condition.ComparisonValue Gets the value that is compared with the condition's form field value.
TXTextControl.Condition.ComparisonValueType Gets a value of type ComparisonValueTypes that determines how the condition's comparison value is interpreted.
TXTextControl.Condition.FormField Gets the FormField whose property value is to be compared with the condition's comparison value.
TXTextControl.Condition.LogicalConnective Gets or sets a value of type Condition.LogicalConnectives that describes how the condition is related to the previous condition inside the corresponding ConditionalInstruction.Conditions array.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstruction.Conditions Gets or sets an array of conditions, that represent the requirements that has to be fulfilled to execute the specified instructions.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstruction.Instructions Gets or sets an array of instructions that are executed when the specified conditions are fulfilled.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstruction.Name Gets or sets a name of the conditional instruction.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.ConditionalInstructionNames Gets the names of all ConditionalInstruction elements that are listed inside the collection.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.Count Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
TXTextControl.DateFormField.Date Gets or sets the DateFormField's date.
TXTextControl.DateFormField.DateFormat Gets or sets the date's format.
TXTextControl.DateFormField.EmptyWidth Gets or sets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the DateFormField, when a date is not set.
TXTextControl.DateFormField.IsDateControlVisible Gets or sets a value indicating wheather a date control is shown below the DateFormField so that the user can select a date.
TXTextControl.DateFormField.SupportedDateFormats Gets an array of format picture strings which can be used to format the date.
TXTextControl.DateFormFieldEventArgs.DateFormField Gets an object representing the DateFormField that causes the event.
TXTextControl.DocumentLinkCollection.Item Gets the field with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentPermissions.AllowEditingFormFields Specifies whether form fields can be edited.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection.Item Gets the field with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetEventArgs.DocumentTarget Gets an object that represents the document target which causes the event.
TXTextControl.FormField.Enabled Gets or set a value indicating whether the form field is enabled.
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.ConditionalInstructions Gets a collection of all conditional instructions that references to the form fields of the collection.
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.Item Gets the form field with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.FormFields Gets a collection of all form fields contained in a header or footer.
TXTextControl.HypertextLinkCollection.Item Gets the field with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.FormFields Gets a collection of all form fields in the text part.
TXTextControl.Instruction.ElseInstructionValue Gets the value that is set by the specified action when the defined requirements of the ConditionalInstruction.Conditions array are not fulfilled and the Instruction.IsElseInstructionEnabled property is set to true.
TXTextControl.Instruction.FormField Gets the FormField to which the specified action is executed.
TXTextControl.Instruction.InstructionType Gets the type of action to execute.
TXTextControl.Instruction.InstructionValue Gets the value that is set by the specified action when the defined requirements of the ConditionalInstruction.Conditions array are fulfilled.
TXTextControl.Instruction.IsElseInstructionEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Instruction allows to execute else instructions.
TXTextControl.Instruction.IsFormFieldChangeInstruction Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Instruction listens to value changes of the related conditions' form fields.
TXTextControl.Instruction.IsInitialInstruction Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Instruction is handled when the document is initialized as a form.
TXTextControl.PageNumberFieldCollection.Item Gets the field with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.SelectionFormField.EmptyWidth Gets or sets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the SelectionFormField, when there is no selected item.
TXTextControl.SelectionFormField.IsDropDownArrowVisible Gets or sets a value indicating wheather a dropdown arrow is shown so that the user can select an item.
TXTextControl.SelectionFormField.Items Gets or sets a list of items for the SelectionFormField.
TXTextControl.SelectionFormField.SelectedIndex Gets or sets the index of the selected item of the SelectionFormField.
TXTextControl.SelectionFormFieldEventArgs.SelectionFormField Gets an object representing the SelectionFormField that causes the event.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.FormFields Gets a collection of all form fields contained in the document.
TXTextControl.TextControl.CanEditFormFields Informs whether form fields can be edited.
TXTextControl.TextControl.Colors.ActiveFormFieldColor Gets or sets the highlight color of a form field containing the current text input position.
TXTextControl.TextControl.Colors.FormFieldColor Gets or sets the highlight color of a form field.
TXTextControl.TextControl.DialogUnit Gets or sets a value indicating the measuring unit used for sizes and distances in dialogboxes.
TXTextControl.TextControl.FormFields Gets a collection of all form fields contained in the document.
TXTextControl.TextControl.IsFormFieldValidationEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether Conditional Instructions are applied to form fields when the EditMode property is set to EditMode.ReadAndSelect and TextControl.DocumentPermissions.ReadOnly to true.
TXTextControl.TextFieldCollection.Item Gets the field with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.TextFormField.EmptyWidth Gets or sets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the form field, when it is empty.
TXTextControl.TextFormFieldEventArgs.TextFormField Gets an object representing the TextFormField that causes the event.
TXTextControl.TextFrame.FormFields Gets a collection of all form fields contained in a text frame.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormFieldsTab.ConditionalInstructionsHorizontalSidebar Gets or sets the horizontal sidebar that is connected to the RibbonFormFieldsTab's TXITEM_ManageConditionalInstructions button and its horizontal sidebar drop down button.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormFieldsTab.ConditionalInstructionsSidebar Gets or sets the vertical sidebar that is connected to the RibbonFormFieldsTab's TXITEM_ManageConditionalInstructions button and its vertical sidebar drop down button.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.EditItemTextBoxEmptyWidth Gets or sets a value, in 1/96 inch, specifying the width of the edit item text box for an item where no text is set.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.SelectWithArrowKeys Gets or sets a value indicating whether an item is set to selected after choosing it by using arrow keys.


Class Description
TXTextControl.CheckFormField The CheckFormField class represents a checkbox in a document.
TXTextControl.CheckFormFieldEventArgs The CheckFormFieldEventArgs class provides data for the TextControl.FormFieldCheckChanged event.
TXTextControl.Condition An object of the Condition class is an element of the ConditionalInstruction class and represents the state of a FormField that has to be fulfilled to execute the instructions of the related ConditionalInstruction object.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstruction An object of the ConditionalInstruction class represents a list of form field related instructions that are executed when specific requirements, represented by an array of conditions, are fulfilled.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection An instance of the ConditionalInstructionCollection class contains all conditional instructions in a Text Control document or part of the document represented through objects of type ConditionalInstruction.
TXTextControl.DateFormField An object of the DateFormField class represents a date field on a form.
TXTextControl.DateFormFieldEventArgs The DateFormFieldEventArgs class provides data for the TextControl.FormFieldDateChanged event.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetEventArgs The DocumentTargetEventArgs class provides data for the DocumentTargetCreated and DocumentTargetDeleted events.
TXTextControl.FormField The FormField class is the base class of all form fields.
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection An instance of the FormFieldCollection class contains all form fields in a Text Control document represented through objects of the types TextFormField, CheckFormField and SelectionFormField.
TXTextControl.Instruction An object of the Instruction class is an element of the ConditionalInstruction class and represents actions that are execute´d when the corresponding conditions are fulfilled.
TXTextControl.SelectionFormField An object of the SelectionFormField class represents a combobox or a drop-down list on a form.
TXTextControl.SelectionFormFieldEventArgs The SelectionFormFieldEventArgs class provides data for the TextControl.FormFieldSelectionChanged event.
TXTextControl.TextFormField An object of the TextFormField class represents a text input field on a form.
TXTextControl.TextFormFieldEventArgs The TextFormFieldEventArgs class provides data for the TextControl.FormFieldTextChanged event.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormFieldsTab The RibbonFormFieldsTab class represents a Windows Forms ribbon tab for inserting and editing form fields.


Method Description
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstruction.Copy Returns a copy of this ConditionalInstruction object.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.Add Inserts an instance of the class ConditionalInstruction to the collection and the document.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.Clear Removes all conditional instructions from the collection and the document.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.GetItem Gets that ConditionalInstruction element from the collection, where the Name property value equals the specified name.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.GetItems Gets those ConditionalInstruction elements from the collection, where at least one Condition or Instruction element references the specified FormField.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.IsValueValid Returns a value indicating whether the value of a specific form field is marked as valid.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.Remove Removes that ConditionalInstruction element from the collection and the document, where the Name property value equals the specified name.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection.GetItems Gets all document targets at the current text input position.
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.Add Inserts the specified form field at the current input position.
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.Clear Removes all form fields from a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.GetItem Gets a particular form field from the collection.
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.Remove Removes the specified form field from a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnDocumentTargetCreated Raises the DocumentTargetCreated event.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnDocumentTargetDeleted Raises the DocumentTargetDeleted event.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnTextFieldCreated Raises the TextFieldCreated event.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnTextFieldDeleted Raises the TextFieldDeleted event.
TXTextControl.TextControl.Colors.ResetActiveFormFieldColor Resets the text control's ActiveFormFieldColor to its default value.
TXTextControl.TextControl.Colors.ResetFormFieldColor Resets the text control's FormFieldColor to its default value.
TXTextControl.TextControl.ConditionalInstructionDialog Opens a dialog box to create or edit a Conditional Instruction.
TXTextControl.TextControl.ManageConditionalInstructionsDialog Opens a dialog box to add, edit or delete Conditional Instructions inside the document.
TXTextControl.TextControl.OnDocumentTargetCreated Raises the DocumentTargetCreated event.
TXTextControl.TextControl.OnDocumentTargetDeleted Raises the DocumentTargetDeleted event.
TXTextControl.TextControl.OnFormFieldCheckChanged Raises the FormFieldCheckChanged event.
TXTextControl.TextControl.OnFormFieldDateChanged Raises the FormFieldDateChanged event.
TXTextControl.TextControl.OnFormFieldSelectionChanged Raises the FormFieldSelectionChanged event.
TXTextControl.TextControl.OnFormFieldTextChanged Raises the FormFieldTextChanged event.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormFieldsTab.FindItem Finds a control that has the provided RibbonFormFieldsTab.RibbonItem identifier.


Event Description
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.DocumentTargetCreated Occurs when a document target has been created.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.DocumentTargetDeleted Occurs when a document target has been deleted.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.TextFieldCreated Occurs when a text field has been created.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.TextFieldDeleted Occurs when a text field has been deleted.
TXTextControl.TextControl.DocumentTargetCreated Occurs when a document target has been created.
TXTextControl.TextControl.DocumentTargetDeleted Occurs when a document target has been deleted.
TXTextControl.TextControl.FormFieldCheckChanged Occurs when the checkmark of a CheckFormField has been changed from checked to unchecked or vice versa.
TXTextControl.TextControl.FormFieldDateChanged Occurs when the date of a DateFormField has been changed.
TXTextControl.TextControl.FormFieldSelectionChanged Occurs when the selected item of a SelectionFormField has been changed.
TXTextControl.TextControl.FormFieldTextChanged Occurs when the text of a TextFormField has been changed.