The WPF.MiniToolbarOpeningEventArgs class provides data for the WPF.TextControl.MiniToolbarOpening event of a WPF.TextControl. This event occurs to handle displaying context sensitive mini toolbars. The MiniToolbarContext property informs for which context the mini-tooolbar will be opened. Depending on that context the pre-defined mini toolbar WPF.TextMiniToolbar or WPF.ObjectMiniToolbar are provided by the MiniToolbar property.


public class MiniToolbarOpeningEventArgs: CancelEventArgs
Public Class MiniToolbarOpeningEventArgs
  Inherits CancelEventArgs

Introduced: X15.


Property Description
HorizontalOffset Gets the horizontal distance between the top-left corner of the screen and the location where the mini-toolbar is displayed.
MiniToolbar Gets or sets the mini toolbar, which will be shown.
MiniToolbarContext Gets the context in the document for which the mini-toolbar will be opened.
VerticalOffset Gets the vertical distance between the top-left corner of the screen and the location where the mini-toolbar is displayed.