New Classes, Properties, Methods and Events

In TX Spell 4.0 the following new classes, properties, methods and events have been added:


Property Description
TXTextControl.Proofing.DictionaryCollection.LoadDictionaryDelayed Gets or sets a value indicating whether a dictionary is loaded on adding to the TXSpell.Dictionaries dictionary collection partially or not.
TXTextControl.Proofing.HyphenationList.HyphenateCapitalizedWords Gets or sets a value indicating whether words in uppercase will be hyphenated.
TXTextControl.Proofing.HyphenationList.IsSelectedAsDefault Gets a value indicating whether the hyphenation list is selected as the default hyphenation list by the HyphenationLanguage property.
TXTextControl.Proofing.HyphenationList.Language Gets or sets the hyphenation list's language.
TXTextControl.Proofing.HyphenationList.MinCharsAtWordBegin Specifies the minimum number of joined characters at the beginning of a hyphenated word.
TXTextControl.Proofing.HyphenationList.MinCharsAtWordEnd Specifies the minimum number of joined characters at the end of a hyphenated word.
TXTextControl.Proofing.HyphenationList.MinSyllablesAfterCompoundHyphenationPoint Specifies the minimum number of syllables behind a compound hyphenation point.
TXTextControl.Proofing.HyphenationList.MinSyllablesBeforeCompoundHyphenationPoint Specifies the minimum number of syllables before a compound hyphenation point.
TXTextControl.Proofing.HyphenationList.Name Gets or sets the hyphenation list's name.
TXTextControl.Proofing.HyphenationList.UseOnlyCompoundHyphenationPoints Gets or sets a value indicating whether words will be only hyphenated at compound junctions.
TXTextControl.Proofing.HyphenationListCollection.Item Gets an object of type HyphenationList from the collection.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpell.AvailableHyphenationLists Gets a list of all available hyphenation lists of the default hyphenation lists folder.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpell.HyphenationLanguage Gets or sets the name of a hyphenation list that is located at the default hyphenation lists folder.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpell.HyphenationLists Gets a collection of all added hyphenation dictionaries.
TXTextControl.WPF.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.AvailableHyphenationLists Gets a list of all available hyphenation lists of the default hyphenation lists folder.
TXTextControl.WPF.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.HyphenationLanguage Gets or sets the name of a hyphenation list that is located at the default hyphenation lists folder.
TXTextControl.WPF.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.HyphenationLists Gets a collection of all added hyphenation dictionaries.


Class Description
TXTextControl.Proofing.HyphenationList The HyphenationList class represents a list of hyphenation rules that gets its content from a Hunspell Open Source hyphenation dictionary.
TXTextControl.Proofing.HyphenationListCollection An instance of the HyphenationListCollection class contains all objects of type HyphenationList that can be used to create hyphenations.


Method Description
TXTextControl.Proofing.HyphenationListCollection.Add Adds objects of the type HyphenationList to the collection.
TXTextControl.Proofing.HyphenationListCollection.GetItem Gets a particular HyphenationList from the collection by using the specified name.
TXTextControl.Proofing.HyphenationListCollection.Remove Removes objects of the type HyphenationList from the collection.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpell.GetHyphenationPoint Returns the next hyphenation point for a specific word right before a defined divide position.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpell.GetHyphenationPoints Returns an array of all hyphenation points for a word.
TXTextControl.WPF.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.GetHyphenationPoint Returns the next hyphenation point for a specific word right before a defined divide position.
TXTextControl.WPF.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.GetHyphenationPoints Returns an array of all hyphenation points for a word.