Javascript: ContextMenuEventArgs.cancel |
Set this to true to suppress the context menu. |
Javascript: ContextMenuEventArgs.items |
Context menu items (see ContextMenuItem). |
Javascript: ContextMenuEventArgs.location |
A binary combination of ContextMenuLocation values. |
Javascript: ContextMenuItem.clickHandler |
Optional. |
Javascript: ContextMenuItem.dropDownIsScrollable |
Optional. |
Javascript: ContextMenuItem.imageUrl |
Optional. |
Javascript: ContextMenuItem.isChecked |
Optional. |
Javascript: ContextMenuItem.isEnabled |
Optional. |
Javascript: ContextMenuItem.items |
Optional. |
Javascript: ContextMenuItem.text |
The menu item text. |
Javascript: ContextMenuItemClickEventArgs.cancel |
Set this to true to prevent the click from being sent to the backend. |
Javascript: ContextMenuItemClickEventArgs.item |
The clicked context menu item. |
Javascript: SignatureField.image |
The signature field's image. |
Javascript: SignatureFieldEventArgs.signatureField |
Information about the signature field. |
Javascript: SignatureFieldInfo.image |
Information about the signature image. |
Javascript: SignatureFieldInfo.signerData |
The signer data. |
Javascript: SignatureImageInfo.exportCompressionQuality |
Export compression quality. |
Javascript: SignatureImageInfo.exportMaxResolution |
Maximum export resolution. |
Javascript: SignerData.address |
The address of a suggested signer. |
Javascript: SignerData.contactInfo |
The contact information of a suggested signer, such as a phone number. |
Javascript: |
The name of a suggested signer. |
Javascript: SignerData.reason |
A reason why the document is signed. |
Javascript: SignerData.title |
The title of a suggested signer. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.signatureFields |
Gets a collection of all signature fields in the document. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataShaping.FilterInstruction.Culture |
Gets or sets the format provider for numerical value comparison. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataShaping.SortingInstruction.Culture |
Gets or sets the format provider for numerical value comparison. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.DataSourceCulture |
Specifies the culture with which numerical and date / time values coming from the data source are parsed. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.MaxMergeResults |
Specifies the Upper merge result count. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.MergeCulture |
Specifies the culture with which numerical and date / time values are formatted when merged into the target document. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeSettings.AsSingleDocument |
Specifies whether to combine the merge result to a single document. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeSettings.RemoveEmptyBlocks |
Specifies whether the content of empty merge blocks should be removed from the template or not. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeSettings.RemoveEmptyFields |
Specifies whether empty fields should be removed from the template or not. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeSettings.RemoveEmptyImages |
Specifies whether images which don't have merge data should be removed from the template or not. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeSettings.RemoveEmptyLines |
Specifies whether text lines which are empty after merging should be removed from the template or not. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeSettings.RemoveTrailingWhitespace |
Specifies whether trailing whitespace should be removed before saving a document. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.DateField.Culture |
Specifies a CultureInfo instance that supplies culture-specific formatting information which is used when applying the formatting string to the field content. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IfField.DataSourceCulture |
Specifies the culture which is used for the relational comparison of numerical values. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.IfField.MergeCulture |
Specifies the culture with which numerical and date / time values are formatted when merged into the target document. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MergeField.DataSourceCulture |
Specifies the culture with which numerical and date / time values coming from the data source are parsed. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.MergeField.MergeCulture |
Specifies the culture with which numerical and date / time values are formatted when merged into the target document. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.NextIfField.DataSourceCulture |
Specifies the culture which is used for the relational comparison of numerical values. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Fields.NextIfField.MergeCulture |
Specifies the culture with which numerical and date / time values are formatted when merged into the target document. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.DataSourceCulture |
Specifies the culture with which numerical and date / time values coming from the data source are parsed. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.DateFieldUtcOffset |
Specifies the UTC offset in minutes to apply to date fields. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.MergeCulture |
Specifies the culture with which numerical and date / time values are formatted when merged into the target document. |
TXTextControl.FormFieldEventArgs.FormField |
Gets an object that represents the form field which causes the event. |
TXTextControl.LoadSaveSettingsBase.DefaultStreamType |
Determines the default StreamType used in the file Open... |
TXTextControl.LoadSaveSettingsBase.DocumentBasePath |
Sets a base path saved in the document that is used to resolve relative file paths. |
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.SignatureFields |
Specifies an array of DigitalSignature objects, each of which defines an X.509 certificate and is associated with a SignatureField in the document. |
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.SignatureFields |
Gets a collection of all signature fields contained in the main text of the document. |
TXTextControl.SignatureField.Image |
Gets or sets a SignatureImage. |
TXTextControl.SignatureField.SignerData |
Gets or sets a suggested signer's name, title and address and a reason why to sign the document. |
TXTextControl.SignatureFieldEventArgs.SignatureField |
Gets an object that represents the image which causes the event. |
TXTextControl.SignatureImage.ExportCompressionQuality |
Sets a value between 1 and 100, which is the quality of a lossy data compression used if this image is saved. |
TXTextControl.SignatureImage.ExportFileName |
Gets or sets the file name used, if a Text Control document is saved. |
TXTextControl.SignatureImage.ExportFilterIndex |
Gets or sets the format used if the image is saved. |
TXTextControl.SignatureImage.ExportMaxResolution |
Gets or sets the maximum resolution in dots per inch used if this image is saved. |
TXTextControl.SignatureImage.FileName |
Gets or sets the corresponding file name and path from which the image has been loaded. |
TXTextControl.SignatureImage.FilterIndex |
Gets or sets the format of the image. |
TXTextControl.SignatureImage.SaveMode |
Determines whether the image is stored through its data or through its file reference. |
TXTextControl.SignerData.Address |
Gets the address of a suggested signer. |
TXTextControl.SignerData.ContactInfo |
Gets contact information of a suggested signer, such as a phone number. |
TXTextControl.SignerData.Name |
Gets the name of a suggested signer. |
TXTextControl.SignerData.Reason |
Gets a reason why the document is signed. |
TXTextControl.SignerData.Title |
Gets the title of a suggested signer. |