TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.TablesOfContents |
Gets a collection of all tables of contents in the document. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContents.DefaultHighlightColor |
Represents the default highlight color. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContents.HasLinks |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether each entry in the table of contents is a DocumentLink with a corresponding DocumentTarget. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContents.HasPageNumbers |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether the table of contents contains page numbers. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContents.HasRightAlignedPageNumbers |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether the page numbers in the table of contents are right-aligned. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContents.HighlightColor |
Gets or sets the highlight color for the table of contents. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContents.HighlightMode |
Gets or sets a value indicating how the text of the table of contents is highlighted. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContents.ID |
Gets or sets an identifier. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContents.Length |
Gets the number of characters which belong to the table of contents. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContents.MaximumStructureLevel |
Gets or sets the maximum structure level for this table of contents. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContents.MinimumStructureLevel |
Gets or sets the minimum structure level for this table of contents. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContents.Name |
Gets or sets a name for the table of contents. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContents.Number |
Gets the number of the table of contents in the text. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContents.Start |
Gets the index (one-based) of the first character which belongs to the table of contents. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContents.Text |
Gets the text of the table of contents. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContents.Title |
Gets or sets a title for the table of contents. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContentsCollection.Count |
Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContentsCollection.IsSynchronized |
Returns true if the collection is designed to be thread safe, otherwise, it returns false. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContentsCollection.Item |
Gets the table of contents with the specified number from the collection. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContentsCollection.SyncRoot |
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. |
TXTextControl.TableOfContentsEventArgs.TableOfContents |
Gets an object that represents the table of contents which causes the event. |
TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl.TablesOfContents |
Gets a collection of all tables of contents in the text part with the input focus. |