New Classes, Properties, Methods and Events

In TX Spell 3.0 the following new classes, properties, methods and events have been added:


Property Description
TXTextControl.Proofing.DialogButton.Enabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether the DialogButton can respond to user interaction.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DialogButton.Font Gets or sets the font of the text displayed by the DialogButton.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DialogButton.IsDeleteButton Gets or sets a value specifying the DialogButton text.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DialogButton.IsUndoEditButton Gets or sets a value specifying the DialogButton text.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DialogButton.Text Gets or sets the text displayed by the DialogButton.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DialogButton.Type Gets a value of type ButtonType that is specified for the DialogButton.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DialogButtonCollection.Item Gets a DialogButton from the collection.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DialogButtonEventArgs.DialogButton Gets the clicked DialogButton.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DialogButtonEventArgs.StateManager Gets the SpellCheckDialogStateManager that provides methods and properties to get or set the next object of type IncorrectWord or TXTextControl.MisspelledWord that is handled by the SpellCheckDialog.
TXTextControl.Proofing.Dictionary.Language Gets or sets the dictionary's language.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DictionaryAddedEventArgs.Dictionary Gets the Dictionary which was added.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DictionaryCollection.HasEditableUserDictionaries Gets a value indicating whether the dictionary collection contains editable user dictionaries.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DictionaryCollection.Item Gets a Dictionary from the collection.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DictionaryRemovedEventArgs.Dictionary Gets the Dictionary which was removed.
TXTextControl.Proofing.IncorrectWordChangingEventArgs.CorrectedText Gets the complete text including the replaced incorrect words with the corrected words.
TXTextControl.Proofing.IncorrectWordChangingEventArgs.CorrectedWord Gets or sets the new word that replaces the text of the incorrect word.
TXTextControl.Proofing.IncorrectWordChangingEventArgs.IncorrectWord Gets the incorrect word that is changed.
TXTextControl.Proofing.IncorrectWordChangingEventArgs.SourceText Gets the complete text without the replaced incorrect words.
TXTextControl.Proofing.IncorrectWordChangingEventArgs.Type Gets the type that defines how the incorrect word is changed.
TXTextControl.Proofing.IncorrectWordChangingEventArgs.WillBeDuplicate Gets a value specifying whether replacing the text of the current incorrect word would result in a conversion to a duplicate incorrect word.
TXTextControl.Proofing.MenuItem.Type Gets the type of the MenuItem.
TXTextControl.Proofing.MenuItemClickedEventArgs.MenuItem Gets the clicked MenuItem.
TXTextControl.Proofing.MisspelledWordChangingEventArgs.CorrectedWord Gets or sets the new word that replaces the text of an object of type TXTextControl.MisspelledWord.
TXTextControl.Proofing.MisspelledWordChangingEventArgs.IFormattedText Gets the object of type TXTextControl.IFormattedText where the object of type TXTextControl.MisspelledWord is changed.
TXTextControl.Proofing.MisspelledWordChangingEventArgs.MisspelledWord Gets the object of type TXTextControl.MisspelledWord that is changed.
TXTextControl.Proofing.MisspelledWordChangingEventArgs.Type Gets the type that defines how the object of type TXTextControl.MisspelledWord is changed.
TXTextControl.Proofing.MisspelledWordChangingEventArgs.WillBeDuplicate Gets a value specifying whether replacing the text of the current misspelled word would result in a conversion to a duplicate misspelled word.
TXTextControl.Proofing.OptionsDialogOpeningEventArgs.Cancel Gets or sets a value indicating whether the event is canceled or not.
TXTextControl.Proofing.Preview.Editable Gets or sets the value specifying whether the SpellCheckDialog preview component is editable or not.
TXTextControl.Proofing.Preview.IncorrectWordColor Gets or sets the color to colorize the current incorrect or misspelled (TXTextControl.MisspelledWord) word inside the SpellCheckDialog preview component.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialog.AcceptButton Gets or sets the dialog button that is used as the SpellCheckDialog's accept button.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialog.ChangeButtons Gets a collection of all dialog buttons that are located to the right of the SpellCheckDialog's suggestions list.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialog.ChangeInAllTextParts Gets or sets a value indicating whether the SpellCheckDialog change operation is applied in all text parts (TXTextControl.TextControl.TextParts).
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialog.CloseOnFinished Gets or sets a value specifying whether the SpellCheckDialog is closed on completing the spell checking.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialog.Font Gets or sets the font for the text displayed by the SpellCheckDialog labels, the preview, suggestion list, suggestion dictionary combo box and the cancel button.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialog.HideSelection Gets or sets a value indicating whether the selected text in the TXTextControl.TextControl remains highlighted while the SpellCheckDialog is open.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialog.IgnoreButtons Gets a collection of all dialog buttons that are located to the right of the SpellCheckDialog's preview component.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialog.IgnoreInAllTextParts Gets or sets a value indicating whether the SpellCheckDialog ignore operation should be applied in all text parts (TXTextControl.TextControl.TextParts).
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialog.OptionButtons Gets a collection of all dialog buttons that are located below the SpellCheckDialog's suggestion dictionary combo box.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialog.Preview Gets the SpellCheckDialog's Preview instance.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialog.ShowMessageBoxes Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dialog should invoke built-in message boxes that informs the user that the spell checking was completed or that a chosen word was not found in one of the suggestion dictionaries.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialog.SuggestionDictionaryComboBox Gets the SpellCheckDialog's SuggestionDictionaryComboBox instance.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialog.SuggestionList Gets the SpellCheckDialog's SuggestionList instance.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialogClosingEventArgs.Cancel Gets or sets a value indicating whether the event is canceled or not.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialogClosingEventArgs.CloseReason Gets a value that indicates the reason of the closing.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialogClosingEventArgs.StateManager Gets the SpellCheckDialogStateManager which provides methods and properties to get or set the next object of type IncorrectWord or TXTextControl.MisspelledWord that is handled by the SpellCheckDialog.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialogOpeningEventArgs.StateManager Gets the SpellCheckDialogStateManager that provides methods and properties to get or set the next object of type IncorrectWord or TXTextControl.MisspelledWord that is handled by the SpellCheckDialog.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialogStateManager.NextIFormattedText Gets the next object of type TXTextControl.IFormattedText that contains the next misspelled word (TXTextControl.MisspelledWord).
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialogStateManager.NextIncorrectWord Gets an object of type IncorrectWord that handled next by the SpellCheckDialog.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialogStateManager.NextMisspelledWord Gets an object of type TXTextControl.MisspelledWord that is handled next by the SpellCheckDialog.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpelledWord.Index Gets the index of the spelled word to the corresponding collection.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpelledWord.Length Gets the length of the spelled word.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpelledWord.Start Gets the starting position of a spelled word.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpelledWord.Text Gets the text of the spelled word.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SuggestionDictionaryComboBox.IsAllItemEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether the SpellCheckDialog's dictionary combo box provides an All item that represents all dictionaries that are IsGetSuggestionsEnabled to create suggestions or not.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SuggestionDictionaryComboBox.IsAllItemSelected Gets or sets a value indicating whether the All item of the SpellCheckDialog's dictionary combobox is selected or not.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SuggestionDictionaryComboBox.SuggestionDictionary Gets or sets the dictionary that is currently selected as a suggestion dictionary.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SuggestionList.IsNoSuggestionsItemEnabled Gets or sets whether a message is displayed inside the SpellCheckDialog's suggestion list that informs the user that no suggestions could be created for the current incorrect word.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SuggestionList.MaxSuggestions Gets or sets the maximum number of suggestions that has to be determined.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpell.AvailableDictionaries Gets a list of all available dictionaries of the default dictionary folder.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpell.Dictionaries Gets a collection of all added and validated dictionaries.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpell.IgnoreCase Gets or sets a value of type IgnoreCaseSettings determining whether the case of a word is ignored or not during spell checking.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpell.IgnoreWord Gets or sets a value of type IgnoreWordSettings determining when a word should not be spell checked.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpell.IncorrectWords Gets a collection of all incorrect words that were detected by the last call of the TXSpell.Check method.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpell.Language Gets or sets the name of a dictionary that is located at the default dictionary folder.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpell.Suggestions Gets a collection of suggestions that were created by the last call of the TXSpell.CreateSuggestions method.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.AvailableDictionaries Gets a list of all available dictionaries in the default dictionary folder.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.Dictionaries Gets a collection of all added and validated dictionaries.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.IgnoreCase Gets or sets a value of type IgnoreCaseSettings determining if and how the case of a word is ignored while spell checking.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.IgnoreWord Gets or sets a value of type IgnoreWordSettings determining when a word should not be spell checked.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.IncorrectWords Gets a collection of all incorrect words that were detected by the last call of the TXSpellChecker.Check method.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.Language Gets or sets the name of a dictionary that is located at the default dictionary folder.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.SpellCheckDialog Gets an object of type SpellCheckDialog that is used to modify and show the built-in SpellCheckDialog.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.Suggestions Gets a collection of suggestions that were created by the last call of the TXSpellChecker.CreateSuggestions method.
TXTextControl.Proofing.UserDictionaryWordAddedEventArgs.AddedWord Gets the word that was added to the UserDictionary.
TXTextControl.Proofing.UserDictionaryWordAddedEventArgs.UserDictionary Gets the UserDictionary where the word was added to.
TXTextControl.Proofing.UserDictionaryWordRemovedEventArgs.RemovedWord Gets the word that was removed from the UserDictionary.
TXTextControl.Proofing.UserDictionaryWordRemovedEventArgs.UserDictionary Gets the UserDictionary the word was removed from.


Class Description
TXTextControl.Proofing.DialogButton The DialogButton class represents a button of the built-in SpellCheckDialog.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DialogButtonCollection An instance of the DialogButtonCollection class contains all objects of type DialogButton that represent the dialog buttons of the built-in SpellCheckDialog.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DialogButtonEventArgs The DialogButtonEventArgs class provides data for the TXSpellChecker.DialogButtonClicked event in TX Spell .NET for Windows Forms.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DictionaryAddedEventArgs The DictionaryAddedEventArgs class provides data for the TXSpellChecker.DictionaryAdded event in TX Spell .NET for Windows Forms and WPF.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DictionaryCollection An instance of the DictionaryCollection class contains all initialized dictionaries represented through objects which are inherited from the abstract class Dictionary.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DictionaryRemovedEventArgs The DictionaryRemovedEventArgs class provides data for the TXSpellChecker.DictionaryRemoved event in TXSpell for Windows Forms and WPF.
TXTextControl.Proofing.IncorrectWordChangingEventArgs The IncorrectWordChangingEventArgs class provides data for the TXSpellChecker.IncorrectWordChanging event in TX Spell .NET for Windows Forms and WPF.
TXTextControl.Proofing.MenuItem The MenuItem class provides the possibility to build a menu strip with the most common TX Spell .NET features.
TXTextControl.Proofing.MenuItemClickedEventArgs The MenuItemClickedEventArgs class provides data for the TXSpellChecker.MenutItemClicked event in TX Spell .NET for Windows Forms.
TXTextControl.Proofing.MisspelledWordChangingEventArgs The MisspelledWordChangingEventArgs class provides data for the TXSpellChecker.MisspelledWordChanging event in TXSpell for Windows Forms and WPF.
TXTextControl.Proofing.OptionsDialogOpeningEventArgs The OptionsDialogOpeningEventArgs class provides data for the TXSpellChecker.OptionsDialogOpening event in TXSpell for Windows Forms.
TXTextControl.Proofing.Preview The Preview class describes and handles attributes of the SpellCheckDialog's preview component.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialog The SpellCheckDialog class provides the possibility to modify and show the built-in spell check dialog.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialogClosingEventArgs The SpellCheckDialogClosingEventArgs class provides data for the TXSpellChecker.SpellCheckDialogClosing event in TX Spell .NET for Windows Forms.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialogOpeningEventArgs The SpellCheckDialogOpeningEventArgs class provides data for the TXSpellChecker.SpellCheckDialogOpening event in TXSpell for Windows Forms.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialogStateManager Provides methods and properties for the StateManager property that provided by the SpellCheckDialogOpeningEventArgs, DialogButtonEventArgs and the SpellCheckDialogClosingEventArgs in TX Spell .NET for Windows.Forms.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpelledWord The abstract class SpelledWord represents a spelled word in a text.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SuggestionDictionaryComboBox The SuggestionDictionaryComboBox class describes and handles attributes of the spell check dialog's suggestion dictionary combo box.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SuggestionList The SuggestionList class describes and handles attributes of the SpellCheckDialog's suggestion list.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpell The TXSpell class provides properties and methods with spell checking features.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker The TXSpellChecker class implements a component with spell checking features.
TXTextControl.Proofing.UserDictionaryWordAddedEventArgs The UserDictionaryWordAddedEventArgs class provides data for the UserDictionaryWordAdded event in TX Spell .NET for Windows Forms and WPF.
TXTextControl.Proofing.UserDictionaryWordRemovedEventArgs The UserDictionaryWordRemovedEventArgs class provides data for the UserDictionaryWordRemoved event in TX Spell .NET Windows Forms and WPF.


Method Description
TXTextControl.Proofing.DialogButtonCollection.Add Adds an object of type DialogButton to the collection.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DialogButtonCollection.AddRange Adds a collection of DialogButtons to the collection.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DialogButtonCollection.Remove Removes an object of type DialogButton from the collection.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DictionaryCollection.Add Adds objects of the type Dictionary to the collection and validates them for spell checking and suggestion operations.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DictionaryCollection.GetItem Gets a particular dictionary from the collection by using the specified name.
TXTextControl.Proofing.DictionaryCollection.Remove Removes objects of the type Dictionary from the collection and invalidate them for spell checking and suggestion operations.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialog.Show Invokes the built-in dialog box for checking incorrect or misspelled (TXTextControl.TextControl.MisspelledWords) words.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialogStateManager.Close Closes the spell check dialog.
TXTextControl.Proofing.SpellCheckDialogStateManager.SetNext Provides a method to set a specific incorrect or misspelled (TXTextControl.MisspelledWord) word, that should be handled next by the SpellCheckDialog.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpell.Check Checks text for spelling errors and fills the IncorrectWordCollection at TXSpell.IncorrectWords with all incorrect words.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpell.Create Initializes the resources of a newly instantiated TXSpell object.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpell.CreateSuggestions Determines suggestions for a specific incorrect word by using selected dictionaries of the DictionaryCollection at TXSpell.Dictionaries and fills the results into the SuggestionCollection at TXSpell.Suggestions.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.Check Checks text for spelling errors and fills the IncorrectWordCollection at TXSpellChecker.IncorrectWords with all incorrect words.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.Create Initializes the resources of a newly instantiated TXSpellChecker object.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.CreateSuggestions Determines suggestions for a specific incorrect word by using selected dictionaries of the DictionaryCollection at TXSpellChecker.Dictionaries and fills the results into the SuggestionCollection at TXSpellChecker.Suggestions.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.GetMenuItems Returns an array of MenuItems, which are used to create a custom spell check ContextMenu.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.OptionsDialog Invokes the built-in dialog box to define spell check, create suggestions, hyphenation and create synonyms settings.


Event Description
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.DialogButtonClicked Occurs when a dialog button of the built-in SpellCheckDialog was clicked.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.DictionaryAdded Occurs when a dictionary was added to the TXSpellChecker.Dictionaries DictionaryCollection.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.DictionaryRemoved Occurs when a dictionary was removed from the TXSpellChecker.Dictionaries DictionaryCollection.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.IncorrectWordChanging Occurs when an object of type IncorrectWord is changing by spell check context menu or spell check dialog operations.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.MenuItemClicked Occurs when a MenuItem is clicked.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.MisspelledWordChanging Occurs when an object of type TXTextControl.MisspelledWord is changing by spell check context menu or spell check dialog operations.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.OptionsDialogOpening Occurs when a the built-in options dialog is invoked by the TXSpellChecker.OptionsDialog method or clicking the Options...
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.SpellCheckDialogClosing Occurs when the built-in spell check dialog is closing.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.SpellCheckDialogOpening Occurs when the built-in spell check dialog is invoked using the SpellCheckDialog.Show method.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.UserDictionaryWordAdded Occurs when a word is added to a user dictionary.
TXTextControl.Proofing.TXSpellChecker.UserDictionaryWordRemoved Occurs when a word is removed from a user dictionary.