Hypertext Links


Class Description
TXTextControl.DocumentLink The DocumentLink class represents a link in a Text Control document that points to a target in the same document.
TXTextControl.DocumentLinkCollection An instance of the DocumentLinkCollection class contains all links in a Text Control document that point to targets in the same document.
TXTextControl.DocumentLinkEventArgs The DocumentLinkEventArgs class provides data for the TextControl.DocumentLinkClicked event.
TXTextControl.DocumentTarget The DocumentTarget class represents a text position in a Text Control document that can be a target of a document link or a bookmark.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection An instance of the DocumentTargetCollection class contains all targets in a Text Control document represented through objects of the type DocumentTarget.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetEventArgs The DocumentTargetEventArgs class provides data for the DocumentTargetCreated and DocumentTargetDeleted events.
TXTextControl.HypertextLink The HypertextLink class represents a hypertext link in a Text Control document that points to a target outside of the document.
TXTextControl.HypertextLinkCollection An instance of the HypertextLinkCollection class contains all hypertext links in a Text Control document represented through objects of the type HypertextLink.
TXTextControl.HypertextLinkEventArgs The HypertextLinkEventArgs class provides data for the TextControl.HypertextLinkClicked event.
TXTextControl.WPF.BookmarkDialog The WPF.BookmarkDialog class implements a dialog box to insert a DocumentTarget at the current input position.
TXTextControl.WPF.DeleteBookmarksDialog The DeleteBookmarksDialog class implements a dialog box which shows all targets in the current document.
TXTextControl.WPF.HyperlinkDialog The WPF.HyperlinkDialog class implements a built-in dialog box for inserting and editing a hyperlink at the current text input position.


Constructor Description
TXTextControl.DocumentLink Initializes a new instance of the DocumentLink class.
TXTextControl.DocumentTarget Creates a new instance of the DocumentTarget class.
TXTextControl.HypertextLink Initializes a new instance of the HypertextLink class.
TXTextControl.WPF.BookmarkDialog Creates a BookmarkDialog object for the specified WPF.TextControl.
TXTextControl.WPF.DeleteBookmarksDialog Creates a DeleteBookmarksDialog object for the specified WPF.TextControl.
TXTextControl.WPF.HyperlinkDialog Creates a HyperlinkDialog object for the specified WPF.TextControl.


Enumeration Description
TXTextControl.WPF.BookmarkDialog.DialogItem Each DialogItem represents an item in a WPF.BookmarkDialog dialog box.
TXTextControl.WPF.DeleteBookmarksDialog.DialogItem Each DialogItem represents an item in a WPF.DeleteBookmarksDialog dialog box.
TXTextControl.WPF.HyperlinkDialog.DialogItem Each DialogItem represents an item in a WPF.HyperlinkDialog dialog box.


Event Description
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.DocumentTargetCreated Occurs when a document target has been created.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.DocumentTargetDeleted Occurs when a document target has been deleted.
TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl.DocumentLinkClicked Occurs when a text field has been clicked on that represents a link to a target in the document.
TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl.DocumentTargetCreated Occurs when a document target has been created.
TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl.DocumentTargetDeleted Occurs when a document target has been deleted.
TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl.HypertextLinkClicked Occurs when a text field has been clicked on that represents the source of a hypertext link.


Method Description
TXTextControl.DocumentLinkCollection.Add Inserts a new document link at the current input position.
TXTextControl.DocumentLinkCollection.Clear Removes all document links from a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.DocumentLinkCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.DocumentLinkCollection.GetItem Gets a particular document link from the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentLinkCollection.Remove Removes a document link from a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.DocumentTarget.ScrollTo Sets the current text input position to the target's position and scrolls it into the visible part of the document.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection.Add Inserts the specified target at the current text input position.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection.Clear Removes all document targets from a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection.GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection.GetItem Gets a particular document target from the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection.GetItems Gets all document targets at the current text input position.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection.Remove Removes the specified target from a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.HypertextLinkCollection.Add Inserts a new hypertext link at the current input position.
TXTextControl.HypertextLinkCollection.Clear Removes all hypertext links from a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.HypertextLinkCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.HypertextLinkCollection.GetItem Gets a particular hypertext link from the collection.
TXTextControl.HypertextLinkCollection.Remove Removes a hypertext link from a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnDocumentTargetCreated Raises the DocumentTargetCreated event.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnDocumentTargetDeleted Raises the DocumentTargetDeleted event.
TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl.OnDocumentLinkClicked Raises the DocumentLinkClicked event.
TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl.OnDocumentTargetCreated Raises the DocumentTargetCreated event.
TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl.OnDocumentTargetDeleted Raises the DocumentTargetDeleted event.
TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl.OnHypertextLinkClicked Raises the HypertextLinkClicked event.


Property Description
TXTextControl.DocumentLink.AutoGenerationType Gets the type of auto-generation.
TXTextControl.DocumentLink.DocumentTarget Gets or sets an object of the type DocumentTarget specifying to where the link points.
TXTextControl.DocumentLinkCollection.Item Gets the field with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentLinkEventArgs.DocumentLink Gets an object that represents the clicked document link.
TXTextControl.DocumentTarget.AutoGenerationType Gets the type of auto-generation.
TXTextControl.DocumentTarget.Bounds Gets the bounding rectangle of a target.
TXTextControl.DocumentTarget.ContainsInputPosition Returns true, if the target's position is the same as the current text input position.
TXTextControl.DocumentTarget.Deleteable Specifies whether the target can be deleted by the end-user while the document is being edited.
TXTextControl.DocumentTarget.ID Gets or sets an identifier for the document target.
TXTextControl.DocumentTarget.Name Relates a user-defined name to a target, that can be any kind of text in addition to the target's TargetName.
TXTextControl.DocumentTarget.Start Gets the character position (one-based) of the target.
TXTextControl.DocumentTarget.TargetName Gets or sets the target name.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection.CanAdd Gets a value indicating whether a new document target can be inserted at the current text input position.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection.Count Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection.IsSynchronized Returns true if the collection is designed to be thread safe, otherwise, it returns false.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection.Item Gets the field with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection.SyncRoot Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetEventArgs.DocumentTarget Gets an object that represents the document target which causes the event.
TXTextControl.HypertextLink.Target Gets or sets a string that specifies the target to where the hypertext link points.
TXTextControl.HypertextLinkCollection.Item Gets the field with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.HypertextLinkEventArgs.HypertextLink Gets an object that represents the clicked hypertext link.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.DocumentLinks Gets a collection of all links that point to targets in the same document.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.DocumentTargets Gets a collection of all targets in the document.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.HypertextLinks Gets a collection of all hypertext links contained in the main text of the document.
TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl.DocumentLinks Gets a collection of all document links contained in the text part with the input focus.
TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl.DocumentTargetMarkers Gets or sets a value indicating that markers for hypertext targets are shown or not.
TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl.DocumentTargets Gets a collection of all targets contained in the text part with the input focus.
TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl.HypertextLinks Gets a collection of all hypertext links contained in the text part with the input focus.