New Classes, Properties, Methods and Events

In TX Text Control 23.0 the following new classes, properties, methods and events have been added:


Property Description
Javascript: DocumentLoadedEventArgs.fileName The file name of the loaded document.
Javascript: FileDroppedEventArgs.cancel Set this property to true to cancel the event.
Javascript: FileDroppedEventArgs.fileName The file name of the dropped file.
Javascript: FileDroppedEventArgs.fileSize The size of the file in bytes.
Javascript: FileDroppedEventArgs.fileType The MIME type of the file.
Javascript: SaveDocumentResult.bytesWritten Specifies the number of bytes written during a save operation.
Javascript: The Document data.
Javascript: SaveDocumentResult.streamType Specifies one of the StreamType values.
Javascript: TextDroppedEventArgs.cancel Set this property to true to cancel the event.
Javascript: TextDroppedEventArgs.text The dropped text.
Javascript: TextDroppedEventArgs.textType The MIME type of the dropped text.
Javascript: TextFieldEventArgs.textField The text field.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.bounds The bounding rectangle of a text field.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.containsInputPosition Returns true if the Textfield contains the current text input position.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.deleteable Specifies whether a text field can be deleted by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.doubledInputPosition Specifies whether a text field has a doubled input position in front of its first character and behind its last character.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.editable Specifies whether the text of a text field can be changed by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.formattingBounds The formatting rectangle of a text field.
Javascript: The identifier of the text field.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.isSpellCheckingEnabled Specifies whether a text field's text is checked on misspelled words.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.length The number of characters in the text field.
Javascript: The text field's name.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.showActivated Specifies whether a text field toggles its background to gray, if the current input position is in the field.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.start The 1-based first character position of the text field.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.text The text field's text content.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.type The field type ("APPLICATIONFIELD" or "TEXTFIELD").
Javascript: TextPastedEventArgs.cancel Set this property to true to cancel the event.
Javascript: TextPastedEventArgs.text The pasted text.
Javascript: TextPastedEventArgs.textType The MIME type of the text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.isLoadingDialogEnabled Gets or sets whether a wait dialog is shown while a document is being loaded.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingEventArgs.DrawingFrame Gets an object that represents the drawing which causes the event.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingFrame.Drawing Gets the drawing control associated with the drawing frame.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingFrame.ExportCompressionQuality Sets a value between 1 and 100, which is the quality of a lossy data compression used, if the drawing's bitmap image is exported.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingFrame.ExportFileName Gets or sets the file name, when the drawing's bitmap image is exported.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingFrame.ExportFilterIndex Gets or sets the format used, if a drawing's bitmap image is exported.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingFrame.ExportResolution Gets or sets the maximum resolution in dots per inch in which the drawing's bitmap image is saved.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingFrame.SaveMode Determines whether the drawing's bitmap image is stored through its binary data or through a file reference.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.IDataRowAdapter.Item The indexer of the IDataRowAdapter interface returns the content of the row's column with the given name.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.IDataRowAdapter.Table Gets the table the data row belongs to as an instance of a class implementing the IDataTableAdapter interface.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.IDataTableAdapter.ChildTableNames Returns the names of the child relations in this table as a string array.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.IDataTableAdapter.ColumnNames Returns the table's column names as a string array.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.IDataTableAdapter.Rows Returns the table's data as an array of objects implementing the IDataRowAdapter interface.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.IDataTableAdapter.TableName Returns the name of the table.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.BlockMergingEventArgs.BlockData Gets the block data as an array of data rows.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.BlockMergingEventArgs.BlockName Gets the name of the merge block the event was fired for.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.BlockMergingEventArgs.ColumnNames Gets the column names of the table supplying the data for the block.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageMergedEventArgs.Merged Gets a boolean value that indicates whether the current image has been merged successfully or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.RemoveEmptyBlocks Specifies whether the content of empty merge blocks should be removed from the template or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.RemoveEmptyImages Specifies whether images which don't have merge data should be removed from the template or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.PageAnimationDuration Gets or sets the duration of the page animations in seconds.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.PageAnimations Specifies whether CSS transition animations should be used or not when navigating through pages.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.RoundedPageCorners Specifies whether rounded document page corners should be used or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Web.DocumentViewer.ShowEditButton Specifies whether the edit button is shown or not.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Selection.CanBringForward Gets value that indicates whether the selected shapes' levels can be increased by one.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Selection.CanBringToFront Gets value that indicates whether the selected shape can be displayed as the uppermost shape of all shapes.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Selection.CanSendBackward Gets value that indicates whether the selected shapes' levels can be decreased by one.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Selection.CanSendToBack Gets value that indicates whether the selected shape can be displayed as the lowest shape of all shapes.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Selection.Shapes Gets or set the selected shapes .
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.Angle Gets or sets the angle of the shape inside the TX Drawing Control.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.AutoSize Gets or sets a value indicating whether the shape is automatically resized with the TX Drawing Control.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.Bounds Gets or sets the bounding rectangle of the shape.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.CanFitToCanvas Gets a value which indicates whether the FitToCanvas method can be used or not.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.Fill.Color Gets or sets the shape's fill color.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.Flip Gets or sets whether and in what form the shape is flipped.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.Index Represents the index of the shape inside control's shape collection.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.IsSelected Gets a value which indicates whether the shape is selected or not.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.Location Gets or sets shape's current location.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.Movable Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the shape is movable or not.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.Outline.Color Gets or sets the shape's line color.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.Outline.Width Gets or sets the shape's line width.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.ShapeFill Gets the shape's fill properties.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.ShapeOutline Gets the shape's outline properties.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.Sizable Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the shape is sizable or not.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.Size Gets or sets the shape's current size.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.Type Gets or sets the shape's type.
TXTextControl.Drawing.ShapeCollection.Item Gets an object of type Shape from the collection.
TXTextControl.Drawing.ShapeEventArgs.Shape Gets an object of type Shape that represents the shape which causes the event.
TXTextControl.FootnoteSection.Charts Gets a collection of all charts contained in the footnote section of a page.
TXTextControl.FootnoteText.Charts Gets a collection of all charts contained in the footnotes' text.
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.Barcodes Gets a collection of all barcodes contained in a header or footer.
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.Charts Gets a collection of all charts contained in a header or footer.
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.DocumentLinks Gets a collection of all links in a header or footer which point to targets in the same document.
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.DocumentTargets Gets a collection of all targets in a header or footer.
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.Drawings Gets a collection of all drawings contained in a header or footer.
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.Frames Gets a collection of all images, textframes, charts, barcodes and drawings in a header or footer.
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.SubTextParts Gets a collection of all subtextparts in the header or footer.
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.Barcodes Gets a collection of all barcodes in the text part.
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.DocumentLinks Gets a collection of all links in the text part which point to targets in the same document.
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.DocumentTargets Gets a collection of all targets in the text part.
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.Drawings Gets a collection of all drawings in the text part.
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.Frames Gets a collection of all images, textframes, charts, barcodes and drawings in the text part.
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.SubTextParts Gets a collection of all subtextparts in the text part.
TXTextControl.ListFormat.BulletCharacter Gets or sets the symbol character for a bulleted list.
TXTextControl.ListFormat.BulletSize Gets or sets the size of the symbol character for a bulleted list.
TXTextControl.ListFormat.CharAfterNumber Obsolete.
TXTextControl.ListFormat.CharBeforeNumber Obsolete.
TXTextControl.ListFormat.FirstNumber Gets or sets the starting number for a numbered list.
TXTextControl.ListFormat.FontName Gets or sets the font used for the bullet character.
TXTextControl.ListFormat.FormatCharacter Gets or sets the formatting character for a bulleted or numbered list.
TXTextControl.ListFormat.HangingIndent Gets or sets the hanging indent of a numbered list.
TXTextControl.ListFormat.LeftIndent Gets or sets the left indent for a numbered list.
TXTextControl.ListFormat.Level Gets or sets the level for a bulleted or numbered list.
TXTextControl.ListFormat.NumberFormat Gets or sets the number format for a numbered list.
TXTextControl.ListFormat.RestartNumbering Gets or sets a value determining whether a new numbered list begins.
TXTextControl.ListFormat.Type Gets or sets the type of the list, bulleted, numbered or none.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.Author Gets the document's author.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.CreationDate Gets the document's creation date.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.CreatorApplication Gets the application, which has created the document.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.DocumentKeywords Gets the document's keywords.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.DocumentSubject Gets the document's subject string.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.LastModificationDate Gets the date the document is last modified.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.LoadSubTextParts DOCX, DOC and RTF Formats only: Specifies whether or not bookmarks which extend over several characters are converted to SubTextParts.
TXTextControl.MainText.Charts Gets a collection of all charts contained in the main text of the document.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.Author Sets the document's author which will be saved in the document.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.BytesWritten Gets the number of bytes written during a save operation.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.CreationDate Sets the document's creation date which will be saved in the document.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.CreatorApplication Sets the application, which has created the document.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.CssFileName HTML only.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.CssSaveMode HTML only.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.DocumentKeywords Sets the document's keywords which will be saved in the document.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.DocumentSubject Sets the document's subject string which will be saved in the document.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.DocumentTitle Sets the document's title that will be saved in the document.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.ImageSavePath Sets a file path that is used to save resources like images when images are saved as file link.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.LastModificationDate Sets the date the document is last modified.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.PageMargins Sets the margins saved for the document's pages.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.PageSize Sets the width and height saved for the document's pages.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.SavedFile Read only.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.SavedStreamType Read only.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.Drawings Gets a collection of all drawings in a document.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.SubTextParts Gets a collection of all subtextparts contained in the document.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.DrawingMarkerLines Specifies whether a marker frame is shown around a drawing to indicate its position and size.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.RedoActionName Gets a string that represents the name of the action that will be performed when a call to the Redo method is made.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.UndoActionName Gets a string that represents the name of the action that will be performed when a call to the Undo method is made.
TXTextControl.SubTextPart.HighlightColor Gets or sets the highlight color for the subtextpart.
TXTextControl.SubTextPart.HighlightMode Gets or sets a value indicating when the subtextpart is highlighted.
TXTextControl.SubTextPart.ID Gets or sets the subtextpart's identifier.
TXTextControl.SubTextPart.Length Gets the number of characters which belong to the subtextpart.
TXTextControl.SubTextPart.Name Gets or sets the name of the subtextpart.
TXTextControl.SubTextPart.NestedLevel Gets the subtextpart's nested level.
TXTextControl.SubTextPart.Number Gets the subtextpart's number.
TXTextControl.SubTextPart.OuterMostSubTextPart Gets a subtextpart's outermost subtextpart.
TXTextControl.SubTextPart.OuterSubTextPart Gets a subtextpart's outer subtextpart.
TXTextControl.SubTextPart.Start Gets the index (one-based) of the first character which belongs to the subtextpart.
TXTextControl.SubTextPart.Text Gets the subtextpart's text.
TXTextControl.SubTextPartCollection.Count Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
TXTextControl.SubTextPartCollection.IsSynchronized Returns true if the collection is designed to be thread safe, otherwise, it returns false.
TXTextControl.SubTextPartCollection.Item Gets the subtextpart with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.SubTextPartCollection.SyncRoot Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection.
TXTextControl.SubTextPartEventArgs.SubTextPart Gets an object that represents the subtextpart which causes the event.
TXTextControl.TextFrame.Barcodes Gets a collection of all barcodes contained in a text frame.
TXTextControl.TextFrame.Charts Gets a collection of all charts contained in a text frame.
TXTextControl.TextFrame.DocumentLinks Gets a collection of all links in a text frame which point to targets in the same document.
TXTextControl.TextFrame.DocumentTargets Gets a collection of all targets in a text frame.
TXTextControl.TextFrame.Drawings Gets a collection of all drawings contained in a text frame.
TXTextControl.TextFrame.Frames Gets a collection of all images, textframes, charts, barcodes and drawings in a text frame.
TXTextControl.TextFrame.SubTextParts Gets a collection of all subtextparts in a text frame.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TexControlSettings.TextFieldsEditable Gets or sets if text fields are editable or not.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.APIRoute Determines the API directory in the MVC project in which to find the WebSocket and print handlers.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.BackColor Specifies or returns the background color of the main text area and the ruler bars.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.ContextMenusEnabled Determines if a right click opens a context menu or not.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.ControlChars Specifies if control characters are visible or not.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.Culture Gets or sets the control's culture.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.DatabaseFileDirectory Determines the directory path where database files are stored on the web server.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.Dock Gets or sets a value how the control is docked to its container or web site.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.DocumentFileDirectory Determines the directory path where document files are stored on the web server.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.DocumentTargetMarkers Specifies if markers for hypertext targets are shown in the editor or not.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.EditMode Specifies or returns a value of type Web.EditMode indicating whether the document's text is read-only, can be selected or is editable.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.FormattingPrinter Gets or sets the name of a printer the text dimensions and capabilities of which are used to format the document.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.Height Gets or sets the height of the control in the browser in percent, pixels or any other valid CSS length unit.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.ImageFileDirectory Determines the directory path where image files are stored on the web server.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.SaveDocumentQuestionDialogEnabled Determines if a confirmation dialog should be shown before discarding unsaved changes.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.ServiceAddress Gets or sets the IP address at which the websocket handler tries to connect to the Service.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.ServicePort Gets or sets the Port at which the websocket handler tries to connect to the Service.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.StaticFilesPath Specifies or returns the path for static files.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.StatusBarColor Specifies or returns the background color of the status bar.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.TableGridLines Determines wether table grid lines are shown in the editor or not.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.TextFrameMarkerLines Specifies whether text frames that have no border line are shown with marker lines.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.UICulture Gets or sets the control's user interface culture.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.Width Gets or sets the width of the control in the browser in percent, pixels or any other valid CSS length unit.
TXTextControl.Web.TextControl.Culture Gets or sets the control's culture.
TXTextControl.Web.TextControl.FormattingPrinter Gets or sets the name of a printer the text dimensions and capabilities of which are used to format the document.
TXTextControl.Web.TextControl.ServiceAddress Gets or sets the IP address at which the websocket handler tries to connect to the Service.
TXTextControl.Web.TextControl.ServicePort Gets or sets the Port at which the websocket handler tries to connect to the Service.
TXTextControl.Web.TextControl.UICulture Gets or sets the control's user interface culture.


Method Description
Javascript: TXTextControl.loadDocument Loads text in a certain format.
Javascript: TXTextControl.loadSelection Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.saveDocument Saves the current document in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
Javascript: TXTextControl.saveSelection Obsolete.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingCollection.Add Inserts a new drawing in a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingCollection.DeactivateItem Deactivates the activated drawing and sets the input focus back to the text part that contains the drawing.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingCollection.GetActivatedItem Returns the currently activated drawing.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingCollection.GetItem Gets a particular drawing from the collection.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingCollection.Remove Removes a drawing from a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingFrame.Activate Activates the drawing so that its contents can be edited.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingFrame.AddUndoUnit Add the current state of the drawing which is connected with this DrawingFrame to the undo stack.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingFrame.Refresh Refreshes the drawing.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.IDataRowAdapter.GetChildRows Returns the data of a child relation with a given name as an array of IDataRowAdapter instances.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.MergeObject Merges a single instance of an arbitrary type into the loaded document template.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Selection.BringForward Increases the selected shapes' levels by one.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Selection.BringToFront Displays the selected shape as the uppermost shape of all shapes.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Selection.IsCommonValueSelected Informs about whether an attribute from the Drawing.Selection.Attribute enumeration has the same value for the complete shapes selection.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Selection.SendBackward Decreases the selected shapes' levels by one.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Selection.SendToBack Displays the selected shape as the lowest shape of all shapes.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.FitToCanvas Expands the shape to the control's canvas size.
TXTextControl.Drawing.ShapeCollection.Add Adds an object of the type Shape to the collection.
TXTextControl.Drawing.ShapeCollection.Insert Inserts an object of the type Shape to the collection at a specified index.
TXTextControl.Drawing.ShapeCollection.Remove Removes an object of the type Shape from the collection.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnDrawingCreated Raises the DrawingCreated event.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnDrawingDeleted Raises the DrawingDeleted event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.BeginUndoAction Begins a user-defined undo operation.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.EndUndoAction Ends a user-defined undo operation.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnDrawingDeselected Raises the DrawingDeselected event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnDrawingSelected Raises the DrawingSelected event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnSubTextPartClicked Raises the SubTextPartClicked event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnSubTextPartDoubleClicked Raises the SubTextPartDoubleClicked event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnSubTextPartEntered Raises the SubTextPartEntered event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnSubTextPartLeft Raises the SubTextPartLeft event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnTextFieldClicked Raises the TextFieldClicked event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnTextFieldEntered Raises the TextFieldEntered event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnTextFieldLeft Raises the TextFieldLeft event.
TXTextControl.SubTextPart.Save Saves the subtextpart's text with the specified format.
TXTextControl.SubTextPart.ScrollTo Sets the current input position to the beginning of a subtextpart and scrolls it into the visible part of the document.
TXTextControl.SubTextPartCollection.Add Adds a new subtextpart to the document.
TXTextControl.SubTextPartCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.SubTextPartCollection.GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
TXTextControl.SubTextPartCollection.GetItem Gets a particular subtextpart from the collection.
TXTextControl.SubTextPartCollection.Remove Removes a subtextpart from the collection including all its nested subtextparts.
TXTextControl.TextCharCollection.Add Adds a character to the document.
TXTextControl.TextCharCollection.Remove Removes a character from a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.TextFrameCollection.GetActivatedItem Returns the currently activated text frame.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.ControlBase.Render Renders the extension's HTML code into the page output.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.ControlsFactory.TextControl Creates a TextControl.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.HtmlHelperExtension.TXTextControl Provides access to helper methods allowing you to render individual TX Text Control ASP.NET MVC extensions.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControl.LoadText Loads text in a certain format.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControl.LoadXMLDatabase Loads an XML database which is used to create table and field name menu items in the mailings ribbon tab.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControl.SetFileDirectory Determines the directory path where the files of a specific file type are stored.
TXTextControl.Web.TextControl.ResetContents Deletes the entire contents of the control.


Class Description
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingCollection An instance of the DrawingCollection class contains all drawings in a document represented through objects of the type DataVisualization.DrawingFrame.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingEventArgs The DrawingEventArgs class provides data for all events that occur with drawings.
TXTextControl.DataVisualization.DrawingFrame An instance of the DrawingFrame class represents a drawing and its layout in a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.BlockMergingEventArgs The BlockMergingEventArgs class provides data for the BlockMerging event.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Selection The Drawing.Selection class represents all selected shapes.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape The Drawing.Shape class represents a shape which can be displayed inside the TX Drawing Control.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.Fill The Drawing.Shape.Fill class determines the fill properties of a shape.
TXTextControl.Drawing.Shape.Outline The Drawing.Shape.Outline class determines the line properties of a shape.
TXTextControl.Drawing.ShapeCollection An instance of the ShapeCollection class contains all displayed shapes represented through objects of type Shape.
TXTextControl.Drawing.ShapeEventArgs The ShapeEventArgs class provides data for all events that occur with shapes.
TXTextControl.ListFormat An instance of the ListFormat class represents the formatting attributes of a bulleted or numbered list.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings The SaveSettings class provides properties for advanced settings and information during save operations.
TXTextControl.SubTextPart A SubTextPart object represents a user-defined part of a TX Text Control document.
TXTextControl.SubTextPartCollection Contains all subtextparts in the main text or another main part of a document.
TXTextControl.SubTextPartEventArgs The SubTextPartEventArgs class provides data for the SubTextPartClicked, SubTextPartCreated, SubTextPartDeleted, SubTextPartDoubleClicked, SubTextPartEntered and SubTextPartLeft events.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.ControlBase The abstract ControlBase class serves as a base class for TX Text Control ASP.NET MVC extensions.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.ControlsFactory The ControlsFactory class contains helper methods to create TX Text Control extensions.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.HtmlHelperExtension The HtmlHelperExtension class extends the standard System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper class with a TX Text Control specific extension method.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControl The TextControl class represents an extension object implementing the Text Control rich text editor functionality.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings The TextControlSettings class contains the TextControl extension settings.


Event Description
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.BlockMerging Occurs when a merge block is about to be merged.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.DrawingCreated Occurs when a new drawing has been created.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.DrawingDeleted Occurs when a drawing has been deleted.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.DrawingDeselected Occurs when a drawing has been deselected.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.DrawingSelected Occurs when a drawing has been selected.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.SubTextPartClicked Occurs when a subtextpart has been clicked on.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.SubTextPartDoubleClicked Occurs when a subtextpart has been double-clicked on.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.SubTextPartEntered Occurs when the current input position has been moved to a position that belongs to a subtextpart.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.SubTextPartLeft Occurs when the current input position has left a subtextpart.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.TextFieldClicked Occurs when a text field has been clicked on.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.TextFieldEntered Occurs when the current input position has been moved to a position that belongs to a text field.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.TextFieldLeft Occurs when the current input position has left a text field.