New Classes, Properties, Methods and Events

In TX Text Control 24.0 for ASP.NET the following new classes, properties, methods and events have been added:


Property Description
Javascript: CultureSettings.culture The control's culture.
Javascript: CultureSettings.uiCulture The control's user interface culture.
Javascript: The link target.
Javascript: InputPositionChangedEventArgs.column The column number of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPositionChangedEventArgs.line The line number of the current text input position.
Javascript: The page number of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPositionChangedEventArgs.section The section number of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPositionChangedEventArgs.textPosition The 0-based text position of the current text input position.
Javascript: Ribbon.selectedTab Gets or sets the currently selected ribbon tab name.
Javascript: The name of the ribbon tab which is now active.
Javascript: SelectionBounds.length The length of the selection in characters.
Javascript: SelectionBounds.start The 0-based start character position of the selection.
Javascript: The subtextpart's identifier.
Javascript: SubTextPartEventArgs.length The length of the SubTextPart in characters.
Javascript: The name of the subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPartEventArgs.nestedLevel The subtextpart's nested level.
Javascript: SubTextPartEventArgs.number The subtextpart's number.
Javascript: SubTextPartEventArgs.start The 1-based position of the first character which belongs to the subtextpart.
Javascript: TextPart.index Obsolete.
Javascript: TextPart.selection Obsolete.
Javascript: TextPart.type Obsolete.
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.annotations Provides functionalities for working with Annotations.
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.forms Provides functionalities for working with forms.
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.trackedChanges Provides functionalities for working with tracked changes.
Javascript: TXTextControl.contextMenusEnabled Gets or sets if a right click into the text area opens a context menu or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.controlChars Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.documentTargetMarkers Gets or sets whether document target markers are visible.
Javascript: TXTextControl.editMode Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.isHyphenationEnabled Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.isLanguageDetectionEnabled Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.isSpellCheckingEnabled Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ribbon Gets the control's ribbon bar object.
Javascript: TXTextControl.saveDocumentQuestionDialogEnabled Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.selection Returns the current selection or sets the selection's position and length.
Javascript: TXTextControl.tableGridLines Gets or sets if table grid lines are visible.
Javascript: TXTextControl.textFieldsEditable Gets or sets if text fields are editable or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.textFrameMarkerLines Gets or sets if text frame marker lines are visible.
Javascript: WebSocketClosedEventArgs.code The close code sent by the server.
Javascript: WebSocketClosedEventArgs.reason The reason the server closed the connection.
Javascript: WebSocketClosedEventArgs.wasClean Indicates whether or not the connection was cleanly closed.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfo.Caption Gets a descriptive or friendly column name.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfo.ColumnName Gets the column name.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfo.DataTableInfo Gets an object of type DataTableInfo which represents the table this column belongs to.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfo.DataType Gets the data type of this table column.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfoCollection.Count Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfoCollection.IsReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read only.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfoCollection.Item Gets the DataColumnInfo instance with the specified 0-based index from the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfo.ChildColumnName Gets the name of the child column which is part of this data relation.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfo.ChildTableName Gets the name of the child table which is part of this data relation.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfo.ParentColumnName Gets the name of the parent column which is part of this data relation.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfo.ParentTableName Gets the name of the parent table which is part of this data relation.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfo.RelationName Gets the data relation name if one was defined.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfoCollection.Count Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfoCollection.IsReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read only.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfoCollection.Item Gets the DataRelationInfo instance with the specified 0-based index from the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.ConnectionString Gets the connection string of the connection selected with the DatabaseConnectionDialog.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.DataProviderName Gets the name of the data provider selected with the DatabaseConnectionDialog.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.DataRelations Gets a DataRelationInfoCollection of DataRelationInfo objects which represent the data relations in the data source.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.DataTables Gets a DataTableInfoCollection of DataTableInfo objects which represent the data tables in the data source.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.IsMergingPossible Gets a value indicating whether all requirements are met and the method Merge can be called.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.MasterDataTableInfo Gets or sets a DataTableInfo object representing the table which is used as a master table when merging data into the document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.PossibleMergeBlockTables Gets a DataTableInfoCollection of DataTableInfo objects representing the tables which can be used as merge blocks using the currently selected master table.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.PossibleMergeFieldColumns Gets a DataColumnInfoCollection of DataColumnInfo objects representing the table columns which can be used as merge fields using the currently selected master table.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfo.ChildRelations Gets a DataRelationInfoCollection representing the parent-child-relationships this table has with other data tables.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfo.ChildTables Gets a DataTableInfoCollection representing the child-tables this table has.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfo.Columns Gets a DataColumnInfoCollection representing the columns of this data table.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfo.TableName Gets the table name.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfoCollection.Count Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfoCollection.IsReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read only.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfoCollection.Item Gets a DataTableInfo instance from the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockInfo.ChildBlocks Gets or sets the list of merge blocks nested inside this merge block.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockInfo.ColumnNames Gets or sets the list of data column names which represent the merge fields this merge block consists of.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockInfo.TableName Gets the table name of this merge block.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockSettings.BlockTemplateType Gets or sets a value of type BlockTemplateType which specifies the type of the inserted repeating block.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockSettings.CreateHeaderRow If this property is true and property BlockTemplateType is set to BlockTemplateType.TableRow, a table header row is automatically generated.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockSettings.FieldDisplayMode Gets or sets a value of type FieldDisplayMode which specifies the content display mode of the inserted fields.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockSettings.HighlightColor Specifies the color the inserted merge block is highlighted with if the input position is inside the block.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.DataRowMergedEventArgs.DataRow Gets the current data row's content.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FieldMergedEventArgs.DataRow Gets the data row which is used to supply the current field with merge content.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FieldMergedEventArgs.MergeBlockName If the merge field is part of a merge block, this property returns the name of the block.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FieldMergedEventArgs.NestingDepth If the merge field is part of a merge block, this property returns the one-based nesting depth of the block.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FieldMergedEventArgs.TableCell If the merge field is inside of a table, this property returns the containing table cell as a TXTextControl.TableCell instance or null otherwise.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageFieldMergedEventArgs.MergeBlockName If the image field is part of a merge block, this property returns the name of the block.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageFieldMergedEventArgs.NestingDepth If the image field is part of a merge block, this property returns the one-based nesting depth of the block.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageFieldMergedEventArgs.TableCell If the image field is inside of a table, this property returns the containing table cell as a TXTextControl.TableCell instance or null otherwise.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageMergedEventArgs.DataRow Gets the data row which is used to supply the current image with merge content.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageMergedEventArgs.MergeBlockName If the image is part of a merge block, this property returns the name of the block.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageMergedEventArgs.NestingDepth If the image is part of a merge block, this property returns the one-based nesting depth of the block.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.MergeBlockNamePrefix A static property returning the internal merge block name prefix "txmb_".
TXTextControl.Drawing.ViewChangedEventArgs.ClipRectangle Gets an object of type System.Drawing.Rectangle that represents the region where the control view is changed by UI editing.
TXTextControl.FilterException.Reason Gets the error which is the cause of this exception.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.BaseStyle Gets the FormattingStyle which is the base style of this style.
TXTextControl.FrameEventArgs.Frame Gets an object that represents the frame which causes the event.
TXTextControl.InputFormat.BottomAligned Gets or sets a value specifying whether text is bottom aligned at the current input position.
TXTextControl.InputFormat.FrameFillColor Gets or sets the color used to display the frame fill color at the current input position.
TXTextControl.InputFormat.FrameLineColor Gets or sets the color used to display the color of frame lines at the current text input position.
TXTextControl.InputFormat.FrameLineWidth Gets or sets the line width, in twips, of the paragraph's or table's frame at the current input position.
TXTextControl.InputFormat.TopAligned Gets or sets a value specifying whether text is top aligned at the current input position.
TXTextControl.InputFormat.VerticallyCentered Gets or sets a value specifying whether text is vertically centered at the current text input position.
TXTextControl.LoadSaveSettingsBase.ReportingMergeBlockFormat Specifies how reporting merge blocks are handled when a document is saved.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.DocumentAccessPermissions Specifies how a document can be accessed after it has been loaded.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.LoadDocumentBackColor Specifies whether or not the document background color is loaded.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.UserDefinedDocumentProperties Gets a dictionary with all user-defined document properties contained in the loaded document.
TXTextControl.PaperSize.Height Gets the height of the paper size, in twips.
TXTextControl.PaperSize.Name Gets the name of the paper size.
TXTextControl.PaperSize.Width Gets the width of the paper size, in twips.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.AbsoluteLineSpacing Gets or sets the line spacing of a paragraph in twips.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.Alignment Gets or sets the horizontal text alignment.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.BackColor Gets or sets the background color of a paragraph.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.BottomDistance Gets or sets the bottom distance, in twips, between this and the next paragraph.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.Frame Gets or sets a frame around the paragraph.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.FrameDistance Gets or sets the distance, in twips, between the text and the paragraph's frame.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.FrameLineColor Gets or sets the color used for the frame lines of a paragraph.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.FrameLineWidth Gets or sets the line width, in twips, of the paragraph's frame.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.FrameStyle Gets or sets the style of the paragraph's frame.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.HangingIndent Gets or sets the distance, in twips, for the hanging indent.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.LeftIndent Gets or sets the distance, in twips, between the left edge of the Text Control and the left edge of the text.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing Specifies the line spacing of a paragraph as a percentage of the font size.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.RightIndent Gets or sets the distance, in twips, between the right edge of a Text Control document and the right edge of the text.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.TabPositions Gets or sets an array containing the absolute tab stop positions, in twips, in a paragraph.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.TabTypes Gets or sets an array containing the tab types in a paragraph.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.TopDistance Gets or sets a top distance, in twips, between this and the previous paragraph.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.SaveDocumentBackColor Specifies whether or not the document background color is saved.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.UserDefinedDocumentProperties Sets a dictionary with all user-defined document properties which will be saved in the document.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.RulerBarViewGenerator.ReadOnly Gets or sets a value determining the ruler bar's read only mode.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.AllowDrag Gets or sets a value indicating whether the view generator can be a source of a Drag&Drop operation.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.AllowDrop Gets or sets a value indicating whether the view generator can accept data that the user drags onto it.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.ViewChangedEventArgs.ClipRectangle Gets the rectangular area, in pixels, which is affected through the changes.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.ViewChangedEventArgs.ScrollDistance Gets the amount the document has been scrolled.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.ViewChangedEventArgs.ScrollOrientation Gets a value which determines whether the change is the result of scrolling, either through setting the view's location in the document or through autoscrolling initiated through the control when the input position leaves the visible part of the document.
TXTextControl.TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentLoadSettings Settings for loading the document via DocumentData or DocumentPath.
TXTextControl.UserDefinedPropertyDictionary.Item Gets a document property from the dictionary.
TXTextControl.UserDefinedPropertyDictionary.Names Gets a collection of all property names the dictionary contains.
TXTextControl.UserDefinedPropertyDictionary.Values Gets a collection of all property values the dictionary contains.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.BasePath Gets or sets the base path where to search for the TextControl controller that provides all asynchronous Http methods called by the DocumentViewer Javascript.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.Dock Gets or sets a value specifying how the control is docked to its container or web site.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.DocumentData Specifies document data to load a document from memory.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.DocumentPath Gets or sets the document path including the file name from where to load the document to view.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.IsSelectionActivated Specifies whether the text selection in documents is active or not.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.ResourceManager Gets or sets the resource manager that can be used to apply custom resources such as translations.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.ShowThumbnailPane Specifies whether the thumbnail view pane is visible.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.SignatureSettings Specifies Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings for document signing processes.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.ToolbarDocked Specifies whether the toolbar is docked or not.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.View Specifies which device specific view is shown.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.CustomSignatureData Specifies whether a custom signature style is used or not.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.CustomSigning Specifies whether the signing process is handled within custom code.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.DefaultSignatureFont The default font for the signature based on a text.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.OwnerName Specifies the name of the document owner.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.RedirectUrlAfterSignature Specifies an Url that is used for a controller-side redirection after a successful signature acquisition process.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.ShowSignatureBar Specifies whether the signature bar is shown on initializing the DocumentViewer.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.SignatureBoxName Obsolete.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.SignerInitials Specifies the initials of the signer that is supposed to sign the document.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.SignerName Specifies the name of the signer that is supposed to sign the document.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.UniqueId Specifies a unique document string that is rendered on the document.


Method Description
Javascript: Ribbon.expand Expands the ribbon bar if it is currently minimized.
Javascript: Ribbon.minimize Minimizes the ribbon bar so that only the tab names stay visible.
Javascript: Selection.changeCapitalization Changes the capitalization of all selected characters depending on the 'capitalizationParameter' parameter.
Javascript: Selection.changeDirection Changes the writing direction of all selected paragraphs.
Javascript: Selection.decreaseIndent Decreases the left indent of all paragraphs contained in the current text selection.
Javascript: Selection.getLength Gets the number of selected characters.
Javascript: Selection.getStart Gets the starting point of selected text.
Javascript: Selection.growFont Increases the font size of each font contained in the current text selection.If no text is selected, this method increases the font size at the text input position.
Javascript: Selection.increaseIndent Increases the left indent of all paragraphs contained in the current text selection.
Javascript: Selection.isCommonListFormatValueSelected Informs about whether an attribute from the ListFormat.Attribute enumeration has the same value for the complete selection.
Javascript: Selection.isCommonPageBorderValueSelected Informs about whether an attribute from the PageBorder.Attribute enumeration has the same value for the complete selection.
Javascript: Selection.isCommonPageMarginsValueSelected Informs about whether an attribute from the PageMargins.Attribute enumeration has the same value for the complete selection.
Javascript: Selection.isCommonPageSizeValueSelected Informs about whether an attribute from the PageSize.Attribute enumeration has the same value for the complete selection.
Javascript: Selection.isCommonPargraphFormatValueSelected Informs about whether an attribute from the ParagraphFormat.Attribute enumeration has the same value for the complete selection.
Javascript: Selection.isCommonSectionFormatValueSelected Informs about whether an attribute from the SectionFormat.Attribute enumeration has the same value for the complete selection.
Javascript: Selection.isCommonSelectionValueSelected Informs about whether an attribute from the Selection.Attribute enumeration has the same value for the complete selection.
Javascript: Selection.load Loads text in a certain format into the current selection.
Javascript: Selection.removeFormatting Resets all character based formatting attributes of the selected text to its default values.
Javascript: Selection.removeInlineStyles Removes all character based styles of the selected text so that all attributes are reset to the attributes of the paragraph style.
Javascript: Saves the current selection in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
Javascript: Selection.setBounds Obsolete.
Javascript: Selection.setFontSize Sets the font's size, in points, of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setLength Sets the number of selected characters.
Javascript: Selection.setStart Sets the starting point of selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setStrikeout Sets the strikeout attribute of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.shrinkFont Decreases the font size of each font contained in the current text selection.
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.cancelSearch Cancels a currently active search process.
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.downloadDocument Downloads the current document as an Adobe PDF document.
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.find Finds a string in the currently loaded document.
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.loadDocument Loads a document from memory into the DocumentViewer.
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.lockZoom Locks the zoom to 100%.
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.nextSearchResult Moves to the next found search result and scrolls the DocumentViewer to that location.
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.printDocument Prints the content of the document using browser printing functionality.
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.scrollToPage Scrolls to the specific page in the currently loaded document.
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.toggleFullScreen Toggles between the browser full screen mode and the normal docked mode of the DocumentViewer.
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.toggleSelection Toggles the line text selection functionality of the DocumentViewer.
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.toggleSidebar Toggles the display of the document thumbnail sidebar of the DocumentViewer.
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.toggleToolbar Toggles the visibility of the undocked toolbar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCultures Returns the culture and the UI culture of the control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getFileDirectory Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getFormattingPrinter Returns the name of the currently selected formatting printer by calling a provided callback function.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getInstalledPrinters Gets the names of the printers installed on the server which are usable by Text Control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getStatusBarColor Returns the background color of the status bar by calling a provided callback function.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getTextParts Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.loadXMLDatabase Loads an XML database which is used to create table and field name menu items in the mailings ribbon tab.
Javascript: TXTextControl.removeFromDom Closes the WebSocket connection gracefully and removes the whole editor from the DOM.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setFileDirectory Sets the directory path where the files of a specific file type are stored on the web server.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setFormattingPrinter Sets the name of a printer the text dimensions and capabilities of which are used to format the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setStatusBarColor Sets the background color of the status bar.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfoCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfoCollection.GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfoCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfoCollection.GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.InsertMergeBlock Inserts a repeating merge block into a TextControl instance, a WPF.TextControl instance or a ServerTextControl instance at the current input position.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.IsMergeBlock Checks if a given SubTextPart is a merge block.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.LoadAssembly Loads an assembly file as a data source.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.LoadDataSet Loads a System.Data.DataSet object as a data source.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.LoadDataSourceConfig Loads an XML string or a file containing "report data source configuration" data.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.LoadDataTable Loads a System.Data.DataTable object as a data source.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.LoadJson Loads a JSON string containing an array of objects or a single object as a data source.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.LoadObjects Loads a collection implementing the interface IEnumerable as a data source and deduces the data tables, column names and data relations from the public properties and used classes of the first contained object using .NET reflection or, in case of the first contained object being a Dictionary with string keys, from the key names and value types.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.LoadSingleObject Loads a single object which is either a Dictionary with string keys or an object of an arbitrary type as a data source.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.LoadXmlFile Loads the contents of an XML file as a data source.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.LoadXmlString Loads XML data, given as a string, as a data source.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.Merge Merges a binary TX internal unicode format document with the currently loaded data source.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.SaveDataSourceConfig Saves an XML string or a file containing "report data source config" data.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfoCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfoCollection.GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.MergeJsonData Merges data given as a JSON string into a document template.
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.GetTextFields Returns a collection containing text fields of the specified types.
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.GetTextFields Returns a collection containing text fields of the specified types.
TXTextControl.PageNumberFieldCollection.GetItem Gets a particular page number field from the collection.
TXTextControl.Selection.RemoveInlineStyles Removes all character based styles of the selected text so that all attributes are reset to the attributes of the paragraph style.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.GetSupportedPaperSizes Gets an array of PaperSize structures specifying the names and the size of all currently supported paper sizes.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.GetTextFields Returns a collection containing text fields of the specified types.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnDocumentLoaded Raises the DocumentLoaded event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnFrameDeselected Raises the FrameDeselected event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnFrameSelected Raises the FrameSelected event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.Zoom Zooms the contents of the TextViewGenerator.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.View.GetUpdateRectangle Returns the coordinates of the smallest rectangle that completely encloses the update region.
TXTextControl.TextFrame.GetTextFields Returns a collection containing text fields of the specified types.
TXTextControl.UserDefinedPropertyDictionary.Add Adds a new property to the dictionary.
TXTextControl.UserDefinedPropertyDictionary.Contains Determines whether the dictionary contains a property with the specified name.
TXTextControl.UserDefinedPropertyDictionary.Remove Removes a document property from the dictionary.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.ControlBase.Render Renders the extension's HTML code into the page output.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.ControlsFactory.DocumentViewer Creates a DocumentViewer.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.HtmlHelperExtension.TXTextControl Provides access to helper methods allowing you to render individual TX Text Control ASP.NET MVC extensions.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControl.LoadDataFromJson Uses data given as a JSON string as a data source.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControl.LoadDataFromModel Loads a collection implementing interface System.Collections.IEnumerable as a data source.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControl.LoadDataSet Loads a database which is used to create table and field name menu items in the mailings ribbon tab from an existing DataSet object.
TXTextControl.Web.TextControl.LoadDataFromJson Uses data given as a JSON string as a data source.
TXTextControl.Web.TextControl.LoadDataFromJsonAsync Uses data given as a JSON string as a data source.
TXTextControl.Web.TextControl.LoadDataFromModel Loads a collection implementing interface System.Collections.IEnumerable as a data source.
TXTextControl.Web.TextControl.LoadDataFromModelAsync Loads a collection implementing interface System.Collections.IEnumerable as a data source.


Class Description
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfo The DataColumnInfo class provides basic information about a table column in a data source.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfoCollection An instance of the DataColumnInfoCollection class contains all data columns of a data table in a data source represented through objects of the type DataColumnInfo.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfo The DataRelationInfo class provides all necessary information about parent-child-relations between data tables.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfoCollection An instance of the DataRelationInfoCollection class contains all data relations in a data source represented through objects of the type DataRelationInfo.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager The DataSourceManager class is designed for handling all existing kinds of data sources which can be used together with the MailMerge class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfo The DataTableInfo class provides basic information about a data table in a data source.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfoCollection An instance of the DataTableInfoCollection class contains all data tables in a data source represented through objects of the type DataTableInfo.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockInfo The MergeBlockInfo class is used to insert a table or paragraph based repeating merge block into a TextControl instance using the DataSourceManager.InsertMergeBlock method.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockSettings The MergeBlockSettings class is used to insert a table or paragraph based repeating merge block into a TextControl instance using the DataSourceManager.InsertMergeBlock method.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Json.InvalidCodePointException Is thrown when calling the method MailMerge.MergeJsonData with a JSON string containing an invalid hexadecimal unicode code point.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Json.InvalidNumberFormatException Is thrown when calling the method MailMerge.MergeJsonData with a JSON string containing a number with an invalid number format.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Json.ParserException Base class of all JSON parser related exceptions which can be thrown when calling method MailMerge.MergeJsonData with an incorrect JSON string.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Json.UnexpectedEndOfInputException Is thrown when calling the method MailMerge.MergeJsonData with an incomplete JSON string.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Json.UnexpectedTokenException Is thrown when calling the method MailMerge.MergeJsonData with a JSON string containing an unexpected character.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Json.UnknownLiteralNameTokenException Is thrown when calling the method MailMerge.MergeJsonData with a JSON string containing an unknown character sequence at a position where one of the strings "true", "false" or "null" are expected.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.Json.UnknownParseErrorException Is thrown when calling the method MailMerge.MergeJsonData and the internal JSON parser encounters an unknown error.
TXTextControl.Drawing.ViewChangedEventArgs The ViewChangedEventArgs class provides data for the TXDrawingControl.ViewChanged event.
TXTextControl.FilterException The FilterException class informs about errors which can occur when a text filter is used to convert a document to or from another format.
TXTextControl.FrameEventArgs The FrameEventArgs class provides data for all events that occur with frames.
TXTextControl.LicenseLevelException A LicenseLevelException is thrown when a feature is not contained in the currently licensed product level.
TXTextControl.PaperSize The PaperSize class is used with the TextControl.GetSupportedPaperSizes and WPF.TextControl.GetSupportedPaperSizes methods, which return the names and the sizes of all currently supported paper sizes.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat An instance of the ParagraphFormat class represents the formatting attributes of a paragraph.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.ViewChangedEventArgs The ViewChangedEventArgs class provides data for the View.Changed event.
TXTextControl.TextEditorException The TextEditorException class informs about errors which can occur during editing text.
TXTextControl.UserDefinedPropertyDictionary An instance of the UserDefinedPropertyDictionary class contains all user-defined document properties contained in a loaded document or which will be saved in a document.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.ControlBase The abstract ControlBase class serves as a base class for TX Text Control ASP.NET MVC DocumentViewer extensions.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.ControlsFactory The ControlsFactory class contains helper methods to create TX Text Control extensions.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewer The DocumentViewer class represents an extension object implementing the TX Text Control DocumentViewer functionality.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings The DocumentViewerSettings class contains the DocumentViewer extension settings.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.HtmlHelperExtension The HtmlHelperExtension class extends the standard System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper class with a TX Text Control specific extension method.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings The SignatureSettings class describes the settings that are required for a document signing process using the DocumentViewer.


Event Description
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.ConnectionStringChanged Is fired when the contents of the ConnectionString property change.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.DataProviderNameChanged Is fired when the contents of the DataProviderName property change.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.DataRelationsChanged Is fired when the contents of the DataRelations property change.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.DataTablesChanged Is fired when the contents of the DataTables property change.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.IsMergingPossibleChanged Is fired when the value of the IsMergingPossible property changes.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.MasterDataTableInfoChanged Is fired when the contents of the MasterDataTableInfo property change.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.PossibleMergeBlockTablesChanged Is fired when the contents of the PossibleMergeBlockTables property change.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.PossibleMergeFieldColumnsChanged Is fired when the contents of the PossibleMergeFieldColumns property change.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.DocumentLoaded Occurs when a new document has been loaded.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.FrameDeselected Occurs when a frame (image, text frame, chart, barcode or drawing) has been deselected.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.FrameSelected Occurs when a frame (image, text frame, chart, barcode or drawing) has been selected.