Javascript: CultureSettings.culture |
The control's culture. |
Javascript: CultureSettings.uiCulture |
The control's user interface culture. |
Javascript: |
The link target. |
Javascript: InputPositionChangedEventArgs.column |
The column number of the current text input position. |
Javascript: InputPositionChangedEventArgs.line |
The line number of the current text input position. |
Javascript: |
The page number of the current text input position. |
Javascript: InputPositionChangedEventArgs.section |
The section number of the current text input position. |
Javascript: InputPositionChangedEventArgs.textPosition |
The 0-based text position of the current text input position. |
Javascript: Ribbon.selectedTab |
Gets or sets the currently selected ribbon tab name. |
Javascript: |
The name of the ribbon tab which is now active. |
Javascript: SelectionBounds.length |
The length of the selection in characters. |
Javascript: SelectionBounds.start |
The 0-based start character position of the selection. |
Javascript: |
The subtextpart's identifier. |
Javascript: SubTextPartEventArgs.length |
The length of the SubTextPart in characters. |
Javascript: |
The name of the subtextpart. |
Javascript: SubTextPartEventArgs.nestedLevel |
The subtextpart's nested level. |
Javascript: SubTextPartEventArgs.number |
The subtextpart's number. |
Javascript: SubTextPartEventArgs.start |
The 1-based position of the first character which belongs to the subtextpart. |
Javascript: TextPart.index |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TextPart.selection |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TextPart.type |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.annotations |
Provides functionalities for working with Annotations. |
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.forms |
Provides functionalities for working with forms. |
Javascript: TXDocumentViewer.trackedChanges |
Provides functionalities for working with tracked changes. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.contextMenusEnabled |
Gets or sets if a right click into the text area opens a context menu or not. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.controlChars |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.documentTargetMarkers |
Gets or sets whether document target markers are visible. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.editMode |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.isHyphenationEnabled |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.isLanguageDetectionEnabled |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.isSpellCheckingEnabled |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.ribbon |
Gets the control's ribbon bar object. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.saveDocumentQuestionDialogEnabled |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.selection |
Returns the current selection or sets the selection's position and length. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.tableGridLines |
Gets or sets if table grid lines are visible. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.textFieldsEditable |
Gets or sets if text fields are editable or not. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.textFrameMarkerLines |
Gets or sets if text frame marker lines are visible. |
Javascript: WebSocketClosedEventArgs.code |
The close code sent by the server. |
Javascript: WebSocketClosedEventArgs.reason |
The reason the server closed the connection. |
Javascript: WebSocketClosedEventArgs.wasClean |
Indicates whether or not the connection was cleanly closed. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfo.Caption |
Gets a descriptive or friendly column name. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfo.ColumnName |
Gets the column name. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfo.DataTableInfo |
Gets an object of type DataTableInfo which represents the table this column belongs to. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfo.DataType |
Gets the data type of this table column. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfoCollection.Count |
Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfoCollection.IsReadOnly |
Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read only. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataColumnInfoCollection.Item |
Gets the DataColumnInfo instance with the specified 0-based index from the collection. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfo.ChildColumnName |
Gets the name of the child column which is part of this data relation. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfo.ChildTableName |
Gets the name of the child table which is part of this data relation. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfo.ParentColumnName |
Gets the name of the parent column which is part of this data relation. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfo.ParentTableName |
Gets the name of the parent table which is part of this data relation. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfo.RelationName |
Gets the data relation name if one was defined. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfoCollection.Count |
Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfoCollection.IsReadOnly |
Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read only. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataRelationInfoCollection.Item |
Gets the DataRelationInfo instance with the specified 0-based index from the collection. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.ConnectionString |
Gets the connection string of the connection selected with the DatabaseConnectionDialog. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.DataProviderName |
Gets the name of the data provider selected with the DatabaseConnectionDialog. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.DataRelations |
Gets a DataRelationInfoCollection of DataRelationInfo objects which represent the data relations in the data source. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.DataTables |
Gets a DataTableInfoCollection of DataTableInfo objects which represent the data tables in the data source. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.IsMergingPossible |
Gets a value indicating whether all requirements are met and the method Merge can be called. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.MasterDataTableInfo |
Gets or sets a DataTableInfo object representing the table which is used as a master table when merging data into the document. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.PossibleMergeBlockTables |
Gets a DataTableInfoCollection of DataTableInfo objects representing the tables which can be used as merge blocks using the currently selected master table. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataSourceManager.PossibleMergeFieldColumns |
Gets a DataColumnInfoCollection of DataColumnInfo objects representing the table columns which can be used as merge fields using the currently selected master table. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfo.ChildRelations |
Gets a DataRelationInfoCollection representing the parent-child-relationships this table has with other data tables. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfo.ChildTables |
Gets a DataTableInfoCollection representing the child-tables this table has. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfo.Columns |
Gets a DataColumnInfoCollection representing the columns of this data table. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfo.TableName |
Gets the table name. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfoCollection.Count |
Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfoCollection.IsReadOnly |
Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read only. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.DataTableInfoCollection.Item |
Gets a DataTableInfo instance from the collection. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockInfo.ChildBlocks |
Gets or sets the list of merge blocks nested inside this merge block. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockInfo.ColumnNames |
Gets or sets the list of data column names which represent the merge fields this merge block consists of. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockInfo.TableName |
Gets the table name of this merge block. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockSettings.BlockTemplateType |
Gets or sets a value of type BlockTemplateType which specifies the type of the inserted repeating block. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockSettings.CreateHeaderRow |
If this property is true and property BlockTemplateType is set to BlockTemplateType.TableRow, a table header row is automatically generated. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockSettings.FieldDisplayMode |
Gets or sets a value of type FieldDisplayMode which specifies the content display mode of the inserted fields. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockSettings.HighlightColor |
Specifies the color the inserted merge block is highlighted with if the input position is inside the block. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.DataRowMergedEventArgs.DataRow |
Gets the current data row's content. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FieldMergedEventArgs.DataRow |
Gets the data row which is used to supply the current field with merge content. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FieldMergedEventArgs.MergeBlockName |
If the merge field is part of a merge block, this property returns the name of the block. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FieldMergedEventArgs.NestingDepth |
If the merge field is part of a merge block, this property returns the one-based nesting depth of the block. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FieldMergedEventArgs.TableCell |
If the merge field is inside of a table, this property returns the containing table cell as a TXTextControl.TableCell instance or null otherwise. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageFieldMergedEventArgs.MergeBlockName |
If the image field is part of a merge block, this property returns the name of the block. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageFieldMergedEventArgs.NestingDepth |
If the image field is part of a merge block, this property returns the one-based nesting depth of the block. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageFieldMergedEventArgs.TableCell |
If the image field is inside of a table, this property returns the containing table cell as a TXTextControl.TableCell instance or null otherwise. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageMergedEventArgs.DataRow |
Gets the data row which is used to supply the current image with merge content. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageMergedEventArgs.MergeBlockName |
If the image is part of a merge block, this property returns the name of the block. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageMergedEventArgs.NestingDepth |
If the image is part of a merge block, this property returns the one-based nesting depth of the block. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.MergeBlockNamePrefix |
A static property returning the internal merge block name prefix "txmb_". |
TXTextControl.Drawing.ViewChangedEventArgs.ClipRectangle |
Gets an object of type System.Drawing.Rectangle that represents the region where the control view is changed by UI editing. |
TXTextControl.FilterException.Reason |
Gets the error which is the cause of this exception. |
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.BaseStyle |
Gets the FormattingStyle which is the base style of this style. |
TXTextControl.FrameEventArgs.Frame |
Gets an object that represents the frame which causes the event. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.BottomAligned |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether text is bottom aligned at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.FrameFillColor |
Gets or sets the color used to display the frame fill color at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.FrameLineColor |
Gets or sets the color used to display the color of frame lines at the current text input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.FrameLineWidth |
Gets or sets the line width, in twips, of the paragraph's or table's frame at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.TopAligned |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether text is top aligned at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.VerticallyCentered |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether text is vertically centered at the current text input position. |
TXTextControl.LoadSaveSettingsBase.ReportingMergeBlockFormat |
Specifies how reporting merge blocks are handled when a document is saved. |
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.DocumentAccessPermissions |
Specifies how a document can be accessed after it has been loaded. |
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.LoadDocumentBackColor |
Specifies whether or not the document background color is loaded. |
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.UserDefinedDocumentProperties |
Gets a dictionary with all user-defined document properties contained in the loaded document. |
TXTextControl.PaperSize.Height |
Gets the height of the paper size, in twips. |
TXTextControl.PaperSize.Name |
Gets the name of the paper size. |
TXTextControl.PaperSize.Width |
Gets the width of the paper size, in twips. |
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.AbsoluteLineSpacing |
Gets or sets the line spacing of a paragraph in twips. |
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.Alignment |
Gets or sets the horizontal text alignment. |
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.BackColor |
Gets or sets the background color of a paragraph. |
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.BottomDistance |
Gets or sets the bottom distance, in twips, between this and the next paragraph. |
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.Frame |
Gets or sets a frame around the paragraph. |
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.FrameDistance |
Gets or sets the distance, in twips, between the text and the paragraph's frame. |
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.FrameLineColor |
Gets or sets the color used for the frame lines of a paragraph. |
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.FrameLineWidth |
Gets or sets the line width, in twips, of the paragraph's frame. |
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.FrameStyle |
Gets or sets the style of the paragraph's frame. |
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.HangingIndent |
Gets or sets the distance, in twips, for the hanging indent. |
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.LeftIndent |
Gets or sets the distance, in twips, between the left edge of the Text Control and the left edge of the text. |
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing |
Specifies the line spacing of a paragraph as a percentage of the font size. |
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.RightIndent |
Gets or sets the distance, in twips, between the right edge of a Text Control document and the right edge of the text. |
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.TabPositions |
Gets or sets an array containing the absolute tab stop positions, in twips, in a paragraph. |
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.TabTypes |
Gets or sets an array containing the tab types in a paragraph. |
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat.TopDistance |
Gets or sets a top distance, in twips, between this and the previous paragraph. |
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.SaveDocumentBackColor |
Specifies whether or not the document background color is saved. |
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.UserDefinedDocumentProperties |
Sets a dictionary with all user-defined document properties which will be saved in the document. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.RulerBarViewGenerator.ReadOnly |
Gets or sets a value determining the ruler bar's read only mode. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.AllowDrag |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the view generator can be a source of a Drag&Drop operation. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.AllowDrop |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the view generator can accept data that the user drags onto it. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.ViewChangedEventArgs.ClipRectangle |
Gets the rectangular area, in pixels, which is affected through the changes. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.ViewChangedEventArgs.ScrollDistance |
Gets the amount the document has been scrolled. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.ViewChangedEventArgs.ScrollOrientation |
Gets a value which determines whether the change is the result of scrolling, either through setting the view's location in the document or through autoscrolling initiated through the control when the input position leaves the visible part of the document. |
TXTextControl.TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentLoadSettings |
Settings for loading the document via DocumentData or DocumentPath. |
TXTextControl.UserDefinedPropertyDictionary.Item |
Gets a document property from the dictionary. |
TXTextControl.UserDefinedPropertyDictionary.Names |
Gets a collection of all property names the dictionary contains. |
TXTextControl.UserDefinedPropertyDictionary.Values |
Gets a collection of all property values the dictionary contains. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.BasePath |
Gets or sets the base path where to search for the TextControl controller that provides all asynchronous Http methods called by the DocumentViewer Javascript. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.Dock |
Gets or sets a value specifying how the control is docked to its container or web site. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.DocumentData |
Specifies document data to load a document from memory. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.DocumentPath |
Gets or sets the document path including the file name from where to load the document to view. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.IsSelectionActivated |
Specifies whether the text selection in documents is active or not. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.ResourceManager |
Gets or sets the resource manager that can be used to apply custom resources such as translations. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.ShowThumbnailPane |
Specifies whether the thumbnail view pane is visible. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.SignatureSettings |
Specifies Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings for document signing processes. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.ToolbarDocked |
Specifies whether the toolbar is docked or not. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.DocumentViewerSettings.View |
Specifies which device specific view is shown. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.CustomSignatureData |
Specifies whether a custom signature style is used or not. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.CustomSigning |
Specifies whether the signing process is handled within custom code. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.DefaultSignatureFont |
The default font for the signature based on a text. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.OwnerName |
Specifies the name of the document owner. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.RedirectUrlAfterSignature |
Specifies an Url that is used for a controller-side redirection after a successful signature acquisition process. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.ShowSignatureBar |
Specifies whether the signature bar is shown on initializing the DocumentViewer. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.SignatureBoxName |
Obsolete. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.SignerInitials |
Specifies the initials of the signer that is supposed to sign the document. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.SignerName |
Specifies the name of the signer that is supposed to sign the document. |
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.DocumentViewer.SignatureSettings.UniqueId |
Specifies a unique document string that is rendered on the document. |